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Episode 10.

I did not have such mind to proceed with the plan.
I know I really wanted a child but not to the extent of visiting such a place.
If Ayomide hears of such I don’t know how much angry he will be.
I know he will be really mad.

God forbids I should bring trouble to my peaceful home with my own hand.

I know certainly that I wasn’t going to fold my hands and do nothing.

I thought of what those pastor told me about my mother.

I have been seriously thinking about it and is hard to believe that my mother is actually behind my barrenness.

Is over five years, haven’t she be angry enough, haven’t they punished me enough.
Watching or knowing that I wasn’t happy in my marriage is kept giving them joy. How can they even be happy over my sadness.

I knew what I supposed to do but I had double mind doing it.

I have suffered enough and couldn’t just fold my hands again.

I picked up my phone and called my mother.

She first sounded like she does not know is me.
I told her that I was the one.
“Woah, you finally decided to call after all this while, I guess the pain has hooked you badly.. leaving you with no choice or did you call to announce that you have given birth to a baby…?

I was already in tears, the hate and the words hit me hard. How much can she hate Ayo and I and still try to mock us.

“Maami, no I’m not pregnant, no I haven’t conceived for over five years of marriage, no, I haven’t experienced what motherhood feels like and yes it has hooked me badly and I have to run to you because you are my mother, you gave birth to me or was I adopted.. picked from the street? Why will a mother hate her own child so much that she will want to hurt her, wish her bad and even mock her. Ayomide is a good man and has done nothing but care for me but…”

She interrupted immediately while I was still talking

“But what, all this things you are calling to tell me now… I’m not even moved one bit. You disobeyed me Sade. What kind of child will disobey her mother, go against her wish and marry the same man that her mother warned her not to marry. I warned you Sade…I warned you and everyone warned you now look at you now? This is the punishment for disobedience and you haven’t seen anything yet. If you happen to give birth to a child of your own and she grew up and become rebellious, disobedience and went against your every wish, will you be happy…no Sade answer the question… will you be happy?

“No maami, I won’t be happy if my own child disobeys me. I never disobey you maami. I never did, I only wanted everyone to look pass Ayomide’s poor background and person and see the good man that he was. Isn’t it supposed to matter…I mean knowing that your daughter is in safe hands? I know he couldn’t throw money up and down as Bimpe’s husband was doing…I know exactly what you wanted but I only wanted a man that will love and care for me. Not a womanizer, a woman beater or a problematic man. Ayomide is godly, straight forward, hardworking and very down to earth. He loves and cares for me and has never given me reasons to fright…”

She ended the call while I was still talking.
I quickly called back but she didn’t pick up at the first and second time.
I kept calling until she finally answered the call.
“Sade, if you called to sing the praises of your so called husband to my ears then you’re very stupid to disturb my peace. Ayomide this and Ayomide that… why haven’t he pregnant you if he was that good? Why haven’t he prove himself to be man enough by getting you with a child? I thought all this years of marriage supposed to teach you small sense but you still don’t know anything. I was busy when you called and don’t have time for this your stupid whining. You’re obviously not ready to accept the nonsense you did by marrying that good for nothing…”

I know exactly what she wanted to hear and I was already exhausted and tired of all this unnecessary fight.
Tears kept pouring from my eyes while speaking to her. I just want her to give me idea or tell me what to do. I can’t continue like this.

“Aah..Maami, I’m tired… I’m weak and tired of the troubles that has befallen my womanhood. Maami you’re right, you will always be right. I don’t deserve a caring mother like you, maybe I shouldn’t have gone against your good wishes for me to marry Ayomide, I know you are angry and I’m the cause. I’m sorry, forgive me if I unknowingly hurt your feelings or go against your words. Forgive me maami please. Father is gone, I don’t even have mother or father in-law. You’re the only one I have maami and I don’t want to fight anymore, I don’t want our rift to continue…I don’t want to keep wishing for a mother to run to when mine is still very much alive. Please, I’m sorry for disobeying you, going against your wish and marrying Ayomide. I’m very sorry maami, please don’t look past my pain because I know no matter how angry you’re, you’re also not happy with my predicaments. Please… forgive me. I understand better now, I should have waited and marry the well to do man that will make you happy. I’m already married to Ayomide and I can’t change back the hands of time to go in the exact line you wish for me. Let the past remain in the past maami. Let’s bury the hatchet and remove this pain that had clouded our hearts all this years. Please maami… forgive me and forgive Ayomide. We know that we have wronged you.. please..”

She sighed and said. “, If you’re pleading for yourself then do so, stop including that your husband in your plea. Whatever I decided to do it will be because of you not him. I can never be under the same roof with that your Ayomide. I don’t want anything of his or want anything to do with him…”

” No problem ma. You will live long maami. Thank you for letting go and freeing me from this heavy burden on my my chest..” I replied thanking her

She said that she will call me tomorrow to tell me what to do.

I waited so long, is like I was waiting for enternity before tomorrow finally comes.

Since she said that she will call, I can only wait until she do so although I was already running out of patience as day the goes on.

I thought of calling her severally but decided to hold on.
It was towards evening when I couldn’t wait any longer that I picked up my phone and called her.

She said is good as I called because she was about sending them to buy airtime for her to call me.
My mother told me that I should get ready because we will be traveling.

I asked her traveling to where, she mentioned one village. We will go and meet one baba that will prepare water for me to go and bath.
After bathing then it will be all over, I can finally start bearing children.

I agreed, truly it was my mother all this while that have been holding me and since she is coming with the only solution to my problem, I quickly grabbed it.
I told Ayomide but he refused, I pleaded with him to please let me go.

He finally agreed. I packed my things and traveled with my mother, it was not too far from my mother’s village, we journeyed far.
We met the baba that prepared the solution for me.
I used it to bath and after which they said I shouldn’t dry my mother.
The water will dry by itself.

I did everything they asked of me and when everything was over we traveled back to our base.

My mother said is over. That I can go ahead now to conceive.
I should watch out within a month I will be pregnant.
And I should only call her with the good news.
I thanked her and went back to my place.

I told Ayomide how it all went, he did not say anything.

I was overjoyed, I was very happy as I really got engaged with my husband and kept checking and waiting for results.
Shockingly, after two months nothing.

I waited thinking it was too soon.
But after five more months I didn’t get anything I called my mother.

She asked me how many months pregnant I was and hope I have started atennatal, I told her that I haven’t conceived yet.
She was equally surprised and said is a lie.

She later said we need to go back to that baba.
I told Ayomide but he said I wasn’t going anywhere.
I asked him about trying the science method which is the IVF.
He agreed and we decided to go for it.
The money was almost in millions but Ayomide was ready to pay just to make me happy.
My mother on the other hand was calling and asking me not to fail to come so that we can travel again to meet the baba.
To Be Continued… . . .

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