ANE Stories

Episode 22.
My file was opened in front of him, he looked at it all over again and back at me.
“You’re very lucky to have survived the first birth, I’m glad that you and your baby made it alive but the risk this time around is too high. You were supposed to wait atleast two years before trying to conceive again. The medical fact here stated that your body will take that period of time to heal up and ready for another pregnancy and that’s if you’re lucky to have another within the two years. Well, this your pregnancy now comes earlier than expected but even at that I’m not ready for the level of risk in it and that’s why we are suggesting CS..”
“But my pelvic size is enough to push out my baby” I told him as I try not to let fear creep in.
“Yes madam, but are you also aware that in the process of trying to push, the already healed surgical incision can break? the suture will become open causing far more damages. The risk is too high. for you and the baby’s health sake you have to do a caesarean sec…”
I interrupted him with a point of finger before he will finish because the labour pain was becoming unbearable and it was as if the baby was coming down by itself.
I can no longer sit or stand
“You’re absolutely right doctor and you have obviously had lots of experience. I appreciate everything but please can I get a hospital bed to relax a little. I think the baby is coming… the baby is coming..”
I screamed loudly as water began to run down from my leg.
The doctor rushed me into the delivery ward.
They asked me if I came with all my delivery things I said I said just few.
They quickly provided everything I needed.
I was in serious discomfort when the director came in again and said.
“Madam, I’m giving you just 30 minutes here before moving you into the theater for the c- section. Virgina birth will put you and the baby in a serious risk. Please relax, the doctor here will guide you on what to do when the time for the operation comes, please call your husband…he needs to be present…”
All the while that the director was talking, I was seriously battling with my discomfort. I began to thank God because in whatever situation I face in my life he is always present. I may not see him but I know he was right there with me and I will never let fear take over me again.
I was even ready to be wheeled into the theater again because I don’t want anything to happen to my baby.
I needed to call Ayomide first so that he can rush down.
He was not even aware that I came to the hospital, I needed to call him immediately.
I asked them to help bring my bag so that I can call my husband. My phone was in my bag.
A standby nurse went to fetch my bag while the doctor checking me up remained with me.
Just as she stepped out to get my bag so that I can call Ayomide, I felt like pooing.
I told the doctor, the woman was in her late forties, she was gentle and very encouraging.
I informed her that I needed to use the toilet first, she said I should poo there on the bed that she will clean it.
How can she say I should excrete on the bed? what kind of thing is that
I seriously needed to poo, I couldn’t even hold it in. It was coming with force.
But the doctor refused me going anywhere.
I couldn’t help it as I began pushing, it was uncontrollable as the contraction kept hitting me none stop.
The doctor checked and with shock in her voice, she asked me to push again because she can feel the head of the baby coming.
Just one last push and my baby boy slide into the doctor’s waiting hands and all of this happened within fifteen minutes.
I felt so free and very happy as I looked upon the face of my son.
“Wow, madam you did it..” the woman said excitedly.
“No, it wasn’t just me. God did it for me doctor”
I said with a joyful heart.
The nurse that went to bring my bag so that I can call Ayomide was surprised to see that I have delivered my baby.
I collected my phone from the bag after the doctor with the nurse cleaned me up.
I called Ayomide that I was in the hospital, he asked me if I was okay, if today was my antenatal. He even said I should try and go home and rest after the antenatal, that I shouldn’t go to shop because it maybe stressful for me.
I was laughing as I told him God has done it again, that I have delivered our son.
He thought i was just joking around and said I shouldn’t worry that very soon it will come to past.
I told him that it has already came to past. he asked with all seriousness if I was kidding, I replied him that I wasn’t kidding, i have given birth and presently at the hospital.
I asked him to speak to the doctor, the doctor who was laughing spoke to him.
She told Ayomide that the delivery was way too easy than they all expected.
She informed Ayomide that I and the baby are doing great and he should drive safely and come down to see for himself.
Ayomide left everything he was doing and immediately drove down to really see for himself.
He was rolling on the ground after confirming that it was true.
Tears of joy poured from his face. I couldn’t hold back mine.
The director on hearing that I have given birth came in smiling.
“You this women, you never stop amazing me. You really took me off guard. I’m glad. There is no complications this time around, no tear at all. Wow.. congratulations…” He said and I couldn’t help but wipe off tears of joy as I thanked him for atleast giving me a chance of thirty minutes.
God did it for me within fifteen minutes and I still can’t get enough of this miracle
God has indeed done it again.
What name can I call this almighty God that is well befitting him.
I’m in aww of his wonder.
To Be Continued… . . .