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Episode 21.

I lay there calmly, waiting for whatever the doctors report is going to be.

While lying in the laboratory bed, I can see the doctor working on his system.
He suddenly began to shake his head sadly while still examining me on this computer

I became scared, I waited hoping he will tell me what exactly was wrong but he continued checking something on his computer.

I begin to regret coming for the scan. Maybe I should have remained in the shop, maybe it wasn’t God wanting to clear my doubt or fear by asking me to look for any lab and run a test.
What if the voice I heard wasn’t really from God
Maybe I concluded too fast and now I have landed into more problems.

I’m no longer sure I want to hear whatever bad results the doctor has for me.
I don’t want to go into pregnancy labour in fear, I don’t know the calamity waiting for me, it will be better if I don’t know at all.
What I don’t know can’t possibly hurt me more than it should.

I shut my eyes pleading for the mercies of God, I really thought I heard a voice from God asking me to come for a pelvimetry scan.
Ayomide is not even aware that I came to the lab for scan, all of this was on me.

I have always prayed and read my Bible in the quietness of my shop, when I’m not attending to customers.
I needed God more than anything and was deeply engaged.
I’m already heading to my eight months pregnancy and does not really need anything that will outgrow my faith and build walls of fear. just like whatever the doctor is seeing in my body and shaking his head sadly, that alone is crumbling my faith but I will try not to give room for fear.
This baby in my womb will live and I will be alive to watch my children grow.

I know the chances maybe slim, just like the case of Pelumi my daughter. If not for God’s timing intervention, I don’t know what would have happened.
Despite how scared I was and even lose faith but Ayomide never did.
God in his infinite mercies did not look at my weakness, he showed up on time and brought me and my daughter from the dungeon of death.

I have faith that he will do it over again. Yes, even though I felt weaken with the whole turn of events but I’m not backing down.

I spoke from where I lay to the doctor
“Doc, I don’t need to ask you again how the scan is going because obviously I can tell that all is not well. However it is, please go on and say it. I have heard worst Medica reports before, I’m sure this won’t be any difference..”

The doctor turned to me and said
“, there is nothing bad about your scan madam…”
He looked back to the computer again.

“I saw you shaking your head sadly and I assumed… Doc, I know you want to make me feel good by giving me some kind of hope with the scan report but I can actually take any news you throw at me. I walked in here by myself and ready for anything at all..”

He turned his attention to me and said while pointing at the computer screen.
“See madam, the scan here is very okay. I’m only surprised that you even had a C-section during your first pregnancy because your pelvic size is okay for a baby to come through. You can actually deliver normal with what I’m seeing here. When a CS is required mostly is when the pelvic size is too tight and it will be difficult for a baby to come out. So in other to save the woman from the long labour stress and also saving the baby’s life.. Caesarian section has to be done but in your own case you’re alright and I’m ninety nine percent sure of what I’m saying. Your pelvic size is okay and you can deliver your baby without CS but one has to be careful with the stitches on your first CS because if you stress the muscle around it too much it may reopen again and that will be a very serious issue. Aside that you’re good madam and again your scan results is good too…”

That’s all I needed to hear, my pelvic size is okay and I can give birth by myself without CS. I don’t want to know any other negativity I’m actually encouraged. My faith is fully back to life and my heart is filled with joy.
And I know now that without doubts it was God all along asking me to do the scan because I felt strengthened again and looking forward to bringing forth my baby.
I collected the scan results and went home.

I told Ayomide and he asked me a question “why are you still doubting God? You have seen him do what no man can do yet anytime little challenges comes your way you jump into defeat. So, what if the scan results did not go down well.. your whole faith would have gradually diminished? Trusting God both in good or bad situation makes him draw nearer to you but when you only trust God when the going is good but fear crowd your faith up when the going becomes is bad God will keep his distance. Trust God Sade and I mean fully without having doubt and you will see him do the impossible…”

Ayomide was right, despite how much I trust and love God I still fall out of faith, giving room for fear and doubts to dwell where it does not supposed to.

I asked God to help my unbelieve, I want more of him in my life.

Everyday at the shop I continued studying the word of God. Back at home when I’m not busy with chores I’m studying the word.

I bought some Christian books, read stories online. A particular page became my favorite, Amah’s Heart. I look forward to some of the episodes as I try to engage my mind with anything that talks about the mightiness of God.

My delivery date arrived unexpectedly.

Ayomide drives off to work that morning and I was trying to get ready and go to shop when my labour started.
Without wasting time, I told the elderly woman helping me with Pelumi to look after her while I reach the hospital.

Ayomide would have taken me in his car but since he wasn’t around I had to look for means to get to the hospital.
There was another car that was supposed to be for me but since I hardly drive, I can’t risk it now.

I mostly take a short drop to my shop and I sometimes walk down because the distance is not far from the house.
We all go with one car to church services and Ayomide always drive.

He thought me how to drive before buying the second car but since I hardly use it he drives the two.

Even if I decided to drive I wasn’t in a good condition to do so.
I could have prefer Ayomide or anyone driving me to the hospital but in the absence of none, I will have to either call a cab or use the public transport.

While at the bustop waiting for a quick bus, I saw a cab and entered without wasting time because the pain was coming on and off.

My due date is still in front, is probably nothing serious but I still have to get to the hospital for a check-up.

On getting to the hospital, the labour was becoming constant than before.

Since it was same hospital I used for my first child, the director of the hospital asked the nurses to get my file.

After going through it he told me that I have to go through CS because I was obviously due.
I didn’t panic as I quickly deep hand into my bag and brought out the pelvimetry scan results
I hand it over to him, he checked it before turning over to me to ask who instructed me to go for the pelvic scan.
I replied him that it was God.
He looked at me like I wasn’t serious.

I repeated that no man sent me to do the scan, God lay it in my heart and followed his instructions.

The man said as much as I did very well in going for the pelvimetry scan, I still have to go through CS because the risk of pushing out a baby is very high.

I stare at him in disbelief, this wasn’t in the plan but all I was after now is to have my baby in any available means.
At this time the contraction was hitting me hard.
To Be Continued… . . .

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