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Episode 17.

I sat waiting for the results, it was taking longer than expected.

I need to know what exactly is wrong with me, that will enable me buy the prescribed drugs and go back to open my shop.

Just when I was planning to go and meet them because I was almost out of patient, I saw the lab doctor coming out.

“I was getting scared as I wonder why the malaria test was taking so long..”
I said to the doctor who just smiled and handed me the result
He was about to say something but I unknowingly interrupted while opening the results

I stared at it unbelievably
“Wha…wait, what..? Is it truly what I’m, I mean is this for real..?

I was stuttering as I try to slow down before I get my hopes up.

“Congratulation madam, You’re around five to six weeks pregnant..”

It sounds like a dream when he said it.
I stared at the paper again for a long time.
“Is positive… positive means I’m pregnant? Are you sure of what you’re saying Doc?

“I’m one hundred and one percent madam. You’re positively pregnant..” he said laughing.

I knelt down, right in the hospital and with my hands lifted high I began to praise God

“Jesus.. Jesus.. I’m pregnant, wait… I’m really pregnant for the first time in my long years of waiting. My womb can actually carry a baby? I’m not barren after all. I’m carrying a child of my own. God did it…only him can do this. You’re the Lord, all power belongs to you. I praise your name Jehovah because you can never change. Thank you God… your daughter is grateful. I and my entire household will serve you forever…”

I stood up, wipe off the tears of gratitude that has filled up my face.

I didn’t care who was looking who wasn’t. I took the result, wrapped it up and took to my heels.
I ran out of the hospital with speed.

The people in the hospital will think that I have suddenly gone crazy.

I ran home and Ayomide was actually home.
I was already breathless, because as I got down from the cab, I ran from there into the house.

Ayomide was surprised as I ran inside and fell face down while trying to catch my breath.

He rushed to me, thinking that something was seriously wrong.

I began to sing again, I was singing as different praises kept pouring out from my lips.

I managed to sit up front the ground, Ayomide didn’t understand what was going on.

He kept asking me what was wrong.
I hand the result which was in an envelope over to him.

He opened and looked at it for a while before looking back at me.
I thought he understand when he said, “is positive..”?
I screamed excitedly “yes, is positive. Finally is positive…not negative again.

Ayo looked at me more confused

“Is it the malaria or typhoid that is positive? I don’t really understand anything in this paper except where it’s written positive. What did the doctor say is wrong with you…?

He said looking over the paper again.

“Ayo, I’m pregnant. That’s what the positive means…”

“What…? He screamed quietly, more like in shock

“I’m pregnant Ayo, after almost ten years God finally healed my womb and we’re going to be parents Ayo. I’m actually going to be a Mom…I will give birth to our own child…”

Ayo fell down, he screamed loudly as he began to roll from one end of the sitting room to the other.
He began to praise God in his dialect.
I was at one end thanking God too.

That’s how my pregnancy journey began.

The early month I had several worries because my stomach was not protruding out like I expected, I was not seeing much changes in my body.
I will stare at my stomach hoping for some kind of movement but it just look the same to me.
I was about three months and my stomach was not getting big like I was hoping.

I told Ayo that maybe I should go back and run a pregnancy test again.
I wasn’t feeling pregnant, what if the baby is no more there again. I told Ayo.

Ayo asked me to have faith, that I shouldn’t fright or worry over anything because it was God who choose and said is time to blessed us with a seed of our own. He will always remain in charge. God who plant it there will guide and keep it safe for us.

I decided not to worry much but every breaking day, I don’t fail to look down at my tummy to check if it was getting bigger.

Gradually, my tummy started protruding and I registered for antinnetal too, the normal check up for pregnant women.

I was very happy all through the process and didn’t really care much when my body began to change and the hormones started raging.
Just knowing I was finally going to be a mother, makes me not to care about it again.
I followed everything I was asked to do medically and we also back it up spiritually.
I was too excited and informed my Mom and siblings
My mother didn’t appear over joyous like I expected but she was happy for me.

She jokingly said “finally, Ayomide decided to be a man but not still man enough..” she said it and began to laugh.

She jokingly said it, I try not to take it to heart because I was too happy to even care.

When my delivery date draws near, we have already shop for baby things and even design a small nursery for our little one. I was looking forward to meeting our very own little one.

I was due and that is how contraction started hitting without mercy.
I was in pain, in serious pain but ready to endure anything while looking forward to welcoming my baby.

The doctor checked me and said I was not dilating and the baby was weak and bridged.

I really don’t understand what he meant by those terms, the pain did not go away, instead it increased even more and with each passing contraction comes a harder one and so was the pain too.
I was exhausted after several hours past but nothing changed.

Ayomide there cheering me on and still praying.
I have been on this bed for over eleven hours, my whole strength seems to have left me. The sharp pain hit harder and I began to think of alot of scary things.

Ayomide kept praying beside me

The doctor came in again to check me and he break the news to us that I will have to go through CS, cesarian section, he said i will be operated on to bring out the baby and the sad news is that we may loose the baby due to the heart beat was very slow and the chance of survival is very slim.

He called Ayomide aside and began saying something else to him in that corner, despite how much pain I was going through at that moment I still managed to listen so that I can hear what they’re discussing

The doctor said to him that, that even if the baby survived I may not be able to make, is either the baby go or i but one of us must go for the other to survive.

Ayomide rebuked it immediately. He replied the doctor that he was going home with both his wife and child, none of us will be missing.

He returned back to me and intensify his prayer while I was later wheeled into the theater for the operation just like a lamb for sacrifice.
To Be Continued… . . .

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