ANE Stories

Episode 11.
I hugged Ayo tight, I was happy immediately the doctor gave us the good news.
I was extremely happy as I gently massaged my belly.
Ayo was happy seeing me in a better mood.
He was also happy with the assurance in the doctor’s voice.
Another thing I was very happy for is the fact that Ayomide’s money did not go in vain.
It was put into good use and now my hope is back to life.
As we got home that evening from the hospital, I kept imagining what being a mother will feel like for me.
I can’t wait to finally hold my child and now is just a matter of patient and it will become a reality.
I know I was not yet pregnant, I know I’m not even a day pregnant but the doctor’s assurance was all I needed to hear.
He had told us that we have a higher chance of becoming parents soon.
The chance is about a hundred percentage and that was assurance enough.
It was a strong assurance and it makes me very happy.
Ayomide seeing how happy I was, felt relieved and couldn’t help but smile.
Now, my faith is back to life. I have a strong belief that this time around it will work out.
I have never had so much faith like I have now. I’m a mother already, I can feel it.
A million naira going into IVF was worth it after all.
Ayomide tried for me, for being able to part with such huge amount, I can tell for sure that he will support me to the very end
He loves me with no doubt and even with all this years of several trials and disappointment he was still believing in miracle.
I was waiting as the day started running slow than expected.
A week came, a month arrived then another month follows by another.
My strong faith began to fade off gradually as the fifth month came yet nothing.
I can’t believe that after spending so much on IVF and it won’t work.
What happened to the whole assurance from the doctor.
He said it was a hundred and one percent possible.
He said I and my husband were very okay and nothing will stop it from working.
I believe him and I saw in his eyes that he was very sure.
Ayomide was happy, I was very happy and looked forward to getting pregnant and watching out for the day I will hold my child.
But after all said and done the IVF did not work.
The doctor does not seem to have any explanation for it.
He said he can’t even explain why it didn’t work because everything was perfect.
He expected a positive feedback and was very certain about it.
Just as he can’t explain it all, I can’t also tell what exactly went wrong.
Since everything was perfect, nothing supposed to go wrong but again, I didn’t conceive after so much faith.
I called my mother that I was coming over so that we can travel to see the baba again, for the second time.
She agreed and I got ready.
I try to convince Ayomide that it was just a visit and nothing serious.
I took care of my Mom’s expenses and also gave her enough cash as she demanded before we set out for the journey.
This time around it wasn’t a bath that the baba asked for.
He asked my mother to prepare a dish without oil but enough pepper which makes it too spicy that eating it was way too difficult.
But they said I must finish it if I really wanted a baby.
They told me the higher the spiciness the better because it will go straight to set my womb right and put everything internally in place and kill off anything that has been hindering me from conception.
They added other herbs to the soup and I was given another assurance that nothing will make it not to work this time around. Is impossible, so it must work.
Thinking how much I wanted to be a mother I finished the plate of over spicy soup in no time.
My mouth and stomach was on fire.
I started purging seriously, they said I’m passing out all those things that have been blocking my womb.
They said the purg was a clear evidence that the medicine soup works perfectly.
I was very uncomfortable, I sat close to the toilet because I was running in and out every two minutes.
I was later relieved and I traveled back with mother.
After few months again, nothing works.
I was not pregnant. No, the spicy soup that made me purge so much did not work.
I called my mother and she told me she had done her part to release me but it seems whatever that is holding me is far stronger.
Six years turned to seven yet with no child.
I was exhausted, I was truly tired but I refused to sit and fold my hands.
I was angry at God, I was done praying, I was done believing and having faith.
He was the most powerful yet he was allowing mare earthly powers to hinder me from becoming pregnant.
If God does not like me, what of Ayomide that has never for once default. He had never doubted or allowed his faith to weaver.
He has never stop believing. He loves God dearly and despite the whole disappointment he still trust in God.
Why can’t God bless him with seed of his own. Even if is just one, if he decides is one he wants to give us we will still be grateful.. very grateful.
But nothing, seven years later nothing to count on.
No pregnancy, no child and my whole hopes is buried.
I have done so much, way too much. I have cried my eyes out, prayed none stop. Fasted untill I lost so much weight.
I have gone to where I don’t suppose to go.
Had a native bath and eaten spicy food that burnt my mouth, hurt my belly and made me become a close friend to the toilet. I purge until I became too weak and thought I will faint.
Even my whole anus was not spared from the pepper, it hurt so badly.
It funny yet k can’t laugh. I’m indeed tired but I’m nyo going to lay low and fold my arms.
I called that neighbor friend, spoke with her concerning how we will visit the baba that she once spoke to me about.
I was going to go, Ayomide does not have to know because he won’t approve of it.
I’m going to personally do all it takes to conceive.
A child is a child no matter the source he she comes from.
So I thought as I got ready to set out for another journey for just one curse.
To Be Continued… . . .