ANE Stories

Episode 09.
I was getting ready for another church program that evening when my husband walked in and asked me where I was going to.
I replied that another person invited me to their church program, the theme of the program is “come and carry your own babies”
I brought out the flier and showed him
My husband sighed annoyingly before saying.
“Is more than six different church programs now that you have attended this month alone, Sade. Last two months, you did one week praying and fasting and I can still remember the theme of the program that you attended back then ” no woman shall be barren” last month was a different church “God is sharing babies, don’t miss yours” this month is ” come and carry your own babies” aren’t you tired already, different church invite and yet nothing. Can you please have Faith and trust in God instead?
Ayomide does not understand how much I have trusted, I had faith just like he wanted but two years passed by, three years came and went by, four has arrived and five is already knocking yet no sign.
I have to seek for solution while still trusting God, I can’t fold my arms and do nothing.
People are even begining to talk, my family are rejoicing and saying they warned me not to marry Ayomide.
My friend Titi who got married two years ago is pregnant with second baby.
She has left the country with her family and will be birthing her second baby abroad.
Just within three years of her marriage she is expecting her second child.
My marriage will be five years soon and yet no baby or babies.
At first I thought is just for a short period and I will carry my baby but two years came and three and four arrived, five years is just next month and no cry of a child, not even a small miscarriage.
I hate seeing my monthly flow, I look forward to the time I won’t be able to see it for nine months.
I have visited different church, gone to different hospital, attended different program.
I have done every assignment given, I have fasted dry and walked bare footed seven times around a church premises.
I have prayed with sand, wind, water, fire and stone, I guess those are supposed to be the earth element yet nothing.
I’m not giving up and I won’t back down until I get a solution.
Two different pastors from different churches had told me in the past that my mother is behind my predicament.
They said she swore that nothing good will come out of my marriage. She traveled far to put a stamp on her word. They said I have to be prayerful and not relent so that such curse can be shattered.
The truth is I don’t believe them, the prophecy can come over and over again but I don’t believe that my mother can go to such length to cripple me.
She can’t be the person behind my sadness all this years.
No mother can be that wicked and hurt her own child.
Every mother’s joy is to see their grandkids and such case shouldn’t be different with my mother.
Although, all this years she never called or checked up on me and when I call to know how they’re doing she does not sound excited.
She sometimes ask me to send her money which I do and I sometimes send Without she asking me to.
But I was hoping to get that mother daughter kind of relationship but my mother is not ready for such.
Ayomide was doing well, he has started building his own house from scratch and almost through with it.
he was doing well and I never mentioned it to my family, not to my Mom or sister.
Ayomide knows that my family does not like him, he knows my entire family hate him and he is not moved at all.
He try not to let any of it bother him.
He was taking good care of me, he priorities my happiness and make sure nothing bothers me.
That’s why seeing how much i struggle with getting pregnant he is not happy.
He asked me to have faith but I have had faith for five years already and still on it yet nothing.
Ayo said there is nothing that God can’t do, he said at His own time he will give us a child.
I’m tired of hearing that.
Is It when I grow old with gray hairs, dragging my feet with a walking stick that God will feel is time.
I’m still young and agile yet is not God’s time yet.
Medically we are alright but what exactly is the problem?
I can’t tell and despite the different messages from different church, the one that kept coming is that my mother is the one who tied my womb I refused to hang onto that.
I remember when Folake came to my place two years ago and refused to eat at first and i later found out it was because my mother asked her not to taste anything in my house.
Folake later ate but I never take any of those things she said about mother serious.
My mother maybe shrewd and harden but she can’t possibly be that wicked.
My mother in-law is late.
My Dad died last year.
I only got my mother and I know like every mother she will be worried too but why can’t she show it or call to truly check up on me.
Is been five years already, she can’t possibly be hating Ayo and I after all this years.
I refused to believe that is my mother.
I have already resigned from my job, I was thinking is stress that was causing me not to conceive but is already a year plus that I resigned.
I guess is not really my Job that was the problem.
I have been told to eat different things but to no avail.
Ayo refused to participate in my desperation, he remained steadfast in the Lord.
I still wonder how he can act all calm in such a situation.
I told him that I was going for the program and I went but after a month nothing.
Five years came, I decided to take break and trust God just like Ayo wanted.
I tried it for six months yet nothing again.
I was praying and pleading for God to visit my womb with a miracle but nothing.
Ayo later completed his house and we moved into the big building.
He had another project set out and that is to start building his own school.
God was indeed blessings Ayo but the major blessing we needed was a child but he kept it away from us and Ayo does not feel bothered or maybe he does but he was good at hiding it and comforting me instead.
I cried to God for help but none came.
One day, a in the new house we moved into, we had neighbors living not too far.
One of them was close to me, she had a friend who knows a native doctor, she said this man can make me conceive.
I don’t have to do much, just to bring some items and he will do the work for me. Within a month I will be pregnant.
I was scared because I have never tried such in my life and Ayo must not hear of it. Ayo can’t know about it.
My desperation was pushing me to give it a try since I have tried all possible means yet nothing.
But the godliness in me rejected such idea.
Thinking of it disgusts me yet my desperation was kicking so hard.
I don’t know what to do as I kept thinking about the whole thing.
To Be Continued… . . .