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Episode 38 (Last Episode).

Alexander POV.

I pace up and down trying to calm down but it seems impossible, her scream could be heard through the hospital and one could tell she is in serious pain.

Elizabeth and tracy was also seen sitting down on the chair looking worried but not as me.

I was damn so worried,my wife was in the labor screaming in pain.

A nurse came out of the ward and ran towards me.

Sir please you have to come with me right now she demands your presence. She said and I nodded and rush in with her.

Alex I can’t continue I am so tied. She spoke tiredly immediately I walk in and I walk towards her and held her hands.

Look anita you can do this, you are a strong woman you can push. I said and she shakes her head crying

Ma please don’t close your leg now it is dangerous at this moment now. The doctor said tapping her leg and I frown immediately

How can a male doctor be the one to push my wife, are there not female doctor here.

Well let me just calm down now

Alex I feel so much pain and I feel like I am going to give up. She said crying and my heart skips as I held her hands

Anita you can do this, we have so much plans with our babies remember so all you have to do is push harder. I said wipping the sweat off her face and she nodded and held my hands more tightly.

Mam are you ready? The doctor asks and anita nodded breathing heavily as she grip my hands and I sign.

One, two, three, go. The doctor said widening anita legs and she scream with all her might holding my hands.

Alex. She called and I kiss her forehead

One more push mam and the first is out. He said and anita scream almost immediately and suddenly we heard a cry of a baby.

It was a girl. I taught happily as I look at the baby in a nurse hand.

Alex am so tired. She said shaking her head and I sign and look into her eyes.

Anita you did it you bring out our baby girl but now you need to push hard to bring our baby boy. I said and she smiles

Okay. She said and scream with all of her might and suddenly there was a cry of a baby.

A baby boy this time.

Is she going to be okay? I asks worriedly looking at anita who just past out and he nodded.

She only passed out due to stress and congratulations on your babies. He said smiling and I nodded as the nurse do whatever I don’t know on the babies.

I smile as I look at them, they were so pretty.

Here sir hold her. A nurse said and give me the baby after bathing her and I took her with shaking hands.

Her eyes and hands were close too making her look so adorable.

I place my hand on her hand and she hold me tightly not letting me go and I smile out tears as I look at my baby girl. My princess

I look at my baby boy who they were bathing and years fell down from my eyes. They look so adorable

. . . .

I walk into the ward with my parents and anita parent only to see anita playing with the babies on the bed.

My grand children. Anita mom said and they all rush towards the babies looking at their adorable faces.

I walk towards anita who had a smile in her face and I kiss her gently on the forehead making her smile

You did it. I said and she nodded and hug me and I reciprocated

This is another chapter of our life, we have become a parent at this chapter and we will train them well.

I will spoil them with money that money will no longer have value to them, I will make sure I give them everything they want and everything the don’t because they are the children of a billionaire ALEXANDER HUSTON.

Thank you so much anita for bringing so much joy into my life. I said and she smile and hug me and I reciprocated hugging her tightly to myself

They are so adorable. Tracy said looking at them

The girl took after her mother and the boy took after his father. My dad said and I chuckle

Kelvin. Anita called excitedly as he walks in with my friends and sandra and I rolled my eyes as he hug her.

Pretty. He called smiling and hug her making me scoffs.

Hey that is enough. I said and push him away gently making him chuckle

Always a jealous freak. He said and I huff

You don’t just hug my wife like that, she is married and I alone has the guts to hug her like that. I spoke angrily and they all bursted into laughter making me feel embarrassed

Son don’t you think you are being over protective. My dad said and I rolled my eyes

I don’t think so, if you know the kind of slap I received few hours ago you will realize that I alone has the guts to hug her that way. I said and they all laugh including anita

It was not my fault it was the pain that was driving me crazy. She said

It was like I was going to die. She said and shake her head making me chuckle

And thank God you didn’t die because I don’t know what have been come of me. I said sincerely

Congratulations man. My friends said ad we hug each other

I have a nephew and niece now. Sandra said childishly and we laugh

Are you guys not supposed to be in your honeymoon. Anita asks and Sandra blush

We just came to congratulate you, we will be having our honeymoon in vegas. Kim min-kyu said smiling and sandra blush making everyone laugh.

Waw a honeymoon in vegas that was my dream. Anita said and I smirk

We can still go though. I said playfully and he slap my shoulder.

Always talking nonsense. She said and I frown looking at her

I hope I am safe. She said and I laugh.

I took the two babies in my hands as I look at both eyes, just so adorable.

Their little eyes open and they giggled immediately they saw my face making me smile.

Anita pov

I am so happy right now infact my joy knew no bounds.

I am now a monther of two kids isn’t that wonderful?

I smile as I watch alex carried them in his hands.

Have you thought of a name to give them? My dad asks and I smile while Alex just look at me not knowing what to say.

I already have one, I search throughout last month and I have finally find the one I like. I said and they all looks at me expecting me to say something

Emma and Ethan. I said and they all nodded in agreement smiling

. . . .

We walk into the house holding the babies and I saw the guard and maids bowing down with a smiling faces.

Congratulations man and sir. They all scream and I smile looking at them but suddenly felt bad when I remember how I slapped most of them because of my pregnancy hormones.

Thank you all and I am sorry for what I did to most of you. I said with a sad tone and they all smile

Mam we know it is not your fault. Mara said and I smile

I know you must be wondering who is mara, she is the girl that told us Elizabeth threatened to pour a drugs in alex drink.

The door open and a gi walk in with a boy beside her.

Chae soo-bin. I called happily as she walks inside looking so pretty

I almost forgot about her.

We hug each other smiling and everyone was happy with her.

We have forgiven everyone that has offended us and I am happy with it because those hard moments for us made our love grow.

It had been a hard time no doubt but we concer and put the enemies to shame.

Kylie has been sentence to life imprisonment but Gu-Jan was sentence to death by hanging when they found that she is a murderer and a drug dealer.

I was so surprised when Alex told me, I mean a girl a drug dealer.

No matter how hard they tried we fought and won for our love we had for each other and it will keep on growing.

. . . .

We all sat on the dinner table eating and laughing together and it was such a beautiful sight, to be with your love ones laughing is such a good thing.

Emma and Ethan was inside sleeping peacefully just like every new born babies will do.

I have something to tell you all. Elizabeth said and we all turn to look at her

I am pregnant and kelvin proposed to me. She said ad I suddenly bursted into tears making everyone looks at me.

I am just so happy for my sister, after all we have been through we still win, you fought that and you got pregnant. I said and she hug me tightly almost choking me.

Congratulations elizabeth. Everyone yells and hug her happily and I smile

I look at my other side and saw alex looking at me with a smile and I chuckle while he kiss my cheek

So when are you guys getting married? Alex asks chewing his lips and elizabeth blush.

A month time. She said and we all gasps

So fast? I asks and they nodded

I can’t wait to have her all to myself so that is why I am marrying her in a month time. Kelvin said and we all laugh as we found the words funny.
I pick up the crying baby ethan and started rocking him but he would not stop.

It seems this one is such a cry baby

I sat on the bed and bring out my b***s from my bra and place it in his mouth and he grab my breast sucking it like his life depended on it andi chuckle as I tap him gently.

I pick Emma and place her on my other hand and she giggled as she stare at me.

The door open and Alex walks in looking hot in his sweat pants and singlet.

My families and his was in the sitting room watching TV.

Hey sweetheart. He said and kiss me gently on the lips which I reciprocated immediately.

I broke from the kiss and look down at my babies only to see emma looking at us while etjhan was focus on sucking my boobs making I and Alex laugh.

I stretched emma to him and he gently took it and sat on a chair opposite me and I smile as he rock her.

I gently pull my breast from ethan when I found out he was sleeping but he bursted into cry immediately I pull out andi quickly give him back and he attacks it making me smile as I look at the adorable baby

It seems ethn took over you I mean you are such a cry baby. Alex said and I pout my lips and smile

They look so cute. I said and he nodded looking Emma.

How many kids do you plan on having? I asks and he strugged his shoulder.

I don’t know but I will stop If am sure my waist is weak to perform it’s work. He said and we both bursted into laughter

I love you so much anita more than life itself. He said looking into my eyes and I smile.

And I love you too. I said and we kiss gently.


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