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Episode 34.

Anita pov

We got to the police station after my birthday party because I was so eager to see my sister and they made it quick because alex was involved and they respected him.

I and Alex sat down on different chair waiting for elizabeth to come.

Elizabeth walks in with two police men beside her, she was wearing the prisoner uniform and her eyes were filled with tears as she approach me.

Elizabeth. I called happily and hug her and she reciprocated crying on my shoulder, my eyes was filled with tears too because she looks so devastated and unkept.

Thank God she has two months from now.

I made her sit on the chair opposite us and sat back on my sit while Alex just rolled as she look at elizabeth with hatered.

How have you been doing? I asks sadly and she signs.

So much guilt, anita I felt so terrible for hurting you and it kept on hunting me. Elizabeth said crying and Alex just scoffs

Prentending to have changed but the truth be told you will never changed, you are still the same cheap slut that I know. He said angrily and kick his leg under the table making him groan painfully

What was that for? I asked angrily holding his leg as he groan in pain.

You are being rude. I replied and he hiss in pain while elizabeth just chuckle making alex glare at her.

Let him say whatever he wish to say. Elizabeth said sadly trying to wipe her tears away

I deserve everything he just said and I don’t blame him, what do you expect him to say when I tried to kill my own sister because if him?

I lost him because of my cheating habit and then I blame you for it but I have think about it and realized that I was so stupid.

He show me love and honor me with everything he has but instead I repay him by cheating on him even on that same night he slept with you I was with someone else and then I became angry when he had sex with you. She said tears pouring down from her eyes and Alex rolled his eyes looking at her like he was trying to see through her.

You know I have dated six boys but none of them had ever showed me love the way he did. She said and I gasps in surprise

I never knew she dated six boys, Geez.

All they wanted from me was my body and I will stupidly give it to them because I taught that was all about relationships.

And when that happens they treat me like a slut but alex was different, he honoured my body and my body was his pride but I never believe he love me I taught he was like other men who want to sleep with me and dump me.

Truth be told I never loved him but I was desperate in having control over his wealth. She said and Alex just shakes his head.

Anita I tried killing you not because you were with him but because I taught you were a storming block of having his wealth.

That day I came to his office when he mock me and told me Indirectly that I was barren I got angry because truly I have lost it womb. She said crying the more and I and Alex gasps in shock.

What how did that happen? I asks and she clean her tears.

Kelvin was responsible. She said and I open my mouth in surprise.

After I saw you with him inside the kitchen I went to his house and told him our relationship was over but he said he didn’t want the relationship to end and when I tried walking out of his house he dragged me back and forcefully tied me up on his bed.

He took my virginity that day and not only that when I tried to report him he threatened me with a video of my nudes and told me to be his sex slave else he is going to upload the video which is agreed on because I never wanted to be disgrace. She said and I close my eyes in tears imagining what my sister must have gone through.

Every night I will sneak out of the house without you guys knowing and I will go to kelvin house to have sex with him and I got pregnant for him five times which I aborted because he threatened me. She said and I cried the more laying my head on Alex chest as he comfort me.

On the last abortion the doctor said there was a 50 percent chance that I might get pregnant but I never believe those words and made a conclusion that I have lost my womb.

I begged him to stop but kelvin refused and said I was his.

One night after having sex with him he fell asleep and I took his phone and delected the video.

He finds out and ran out of the country before I could even cl the police and since then I have never heard from him.

Why didn’t you tell me about it? I asked crying

Because I was scared, he said that if I tell anyone he was going to upload the video and kill me and no one want to die so I did what he asks of me. She said and Alex sign

I was so annoyed when Alex told me that he hated me and I know it was because of you, I taught that if you have not seduce kelvin that I won’t have been use as a sex slave and so I decided to end your life. She said

But I never seduce him he tried to rape me. I defended and she smile and took my hand in hers

I have believed you anita, I was having that mindset then and not now I am sorry for hurting you. She apologize and I hug her

Elizabeth I have forgiven you before you even asks, I hold nothing against you. I said and she cries at my shoulder

I must have been so foolish to think a beautiful soul like you will ever take my happiness away from me.

You still live me even after I tried to kill you, even when I changed my ways towards you you still forgive me.

Because I know that you were going to come back to your senses that was the reason why I waited, you acted badly towards me no doubt but I know that within you you are still that sweet sister I use to know. I said andshe smile out tears and for the first time we came here I saw alex smiling as she looks at us.

I… I…am sorry for saying those hurtful words to you. Alex said and elizabeth smile

I understand you perfectly well alex and I am grateful I lost you to anita because she only deserve you. She said holding my cheek and I smile.

And how is my babies. She said smiling widely as she look at my baby

They are fine. I replied and she nodded and look at alex

Please make sure you take care of my sister while I spent the rest of my life in jail. She said sadly and I scoffs

No elizabeth you are going home in two months time. I said andshe gasps in surprise

She look at me confused trying to understand what I meant making me laugh

Elizabeth you are coming home next two months and Alex did that. I said and elizabeth look at alex before hugging him tightly

Firstly he didn’t hug her back but he wrapped his hand around her waist and hug her tightly to himself making me giggle in excitement.

I am so happy right now

. . . .

I and Alex sat on the car enjoying the cool weather as the driver drive slowly.

It was dark already because we took alot time when we went to visit elizabeth but I liked the weather

We have already left the police station and we were heading home but truth be told I was missing my sister so badly.

I can’t believe kelvin could do this, Id only I was a lawyer I will find him and sue him to court. He ruined my sister life and I will make sure he sees no peace.

I sign and rest my head on the car window when I felt someone hand on my thighs and slowly I turn only to see Alex looking at me with a worried look as tears drop down from my eyes but I was quick enough to wipe it off.

Sweetheart are you okay? He asks and I nodded negatively making him more worried

What is it darling? He ask and move close to me.

My sister has pass through alot and it is hurting me. I said and bursted into tears making me sign as he laid me on his thighs and stroke my hair.

Anita I don’t have words to confront you now but please clean those tears because I can’t bear to see you cry. He said and I tighten my eyes making tears fell down my eyes and it landed on his trouser.

Whatever Elizabeth is passing through is going to be fine because she has you and you will give her that peace of mind. He said and I became calm and raised my head up from his thighs and look up at his face and slowly I take his lips into mine kissing it slowly.

I can’t deny him I want him even through I plan on turning him down after we visited Elizabeth but I have changed my mind I need him.

He grip my hair and took over the kiss kissing me so roughly that I could hardly breathe.

He trace his hand to my breast and full it in his hand making me groan as I ran my hands through his hair but I pushed him away when I saw the driver looking at us through the window.

Alex looks at me confused and I use my eyes telling him that the driver was here making him hiss.

I laugh at him and look out of the window but alex suddenly pulled me to his laps making me laugh.

I laid my head on his and close my eyes enjoying his hands rubbing my thighs in a circle form.

. . . .

We got home and Alex open the door for me immediately dragging me out of the car as we walk inside.

Alex are you okay? I asks teasingly knowing fully well why and suddenly he pick me up and carried me in a bridal style heading.

The guards and maids bows as we walk inside but I just buried my head on his chest feeling too shy to look at them.

We got to our room and he place me gently on the bed before taking off his clothes flinging them to where they damn fit and i laugh teasingly as I look at her.

This is going to be a long night.
I yawn and use my hand in covering my face due to the sun light coming through the window.

I took the duvet off my body and try to stand up but a strong arm pulled me back Making me smile as I turn to look at his handsome face.

I smile as I look at his face admiring the idol sleeping next to me, his lips were pouted cutely making me want to kiss him.

I move slowly to his lips and peek him, I tried to withdraw but I was pulled back by alex and he kiss me aggressively making me yearn for more.

I wrapped my hands around his waist and sat on top of him with my naked body kissing him crazily.

He held my ass in his hands and bite my lower lips gently as he smack my ass.

He broke the kiss and we both smile breathing heavily trying to catch our breath.

I laid on his body and look at his face with a smile while he did the same.

We were both naked without duvet covering us and I love it that way because I love the way alex touches my ass.

He brings his head to my breast and lick my left n****e making me close my eyes in pleasure.

His di** was hard already at it tries to get into my passage and he did and I greb closing my eyes.

This is sure morning sex

I was In the kitchen since I’ve never cooked for my husband so I have decided to take this opportunity to cook for him.

I was slicing the onions when I heard someone crying and almost immediately the door open and sandra walk in with tears in her eyes as she hug me crying on my shoulder.

I hug her back confused but I was really worried.

Sandra what is the matter? I asked worried and distinguish from the hug.

He.. ( hicupps).. he( hiccups) …he( hiccups) she shuttered unable to talk.

I made her sit on the stool and sat beside her and look at he as she cries.

I fetch water into the glass cup and gave it to her and she gulp it all.

Alex was in his room busy with his laptop and I don’t want him to get worried seeing sandra like this.

What happens? I asked again

He.. he… he.. made. She tried to say but burst into tears instead

Sandra just relax and tell me what is going on. I ordered and she nodded

Kim min-kyu… Has sex with his baby mama. She said and I gasps and cover my mouth and pulled her into a hug as she cried.

Oh.. my .. how did you know? I asked
To Be Continued… . .

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