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Episode 37.

Alexander POV.

How dare you? Anita yells and slap a maid who brought drink for her making me gasps in shock.

My wife has become something else during this month, he gets angrily easily, cry at every little thing and then laugh at what is not funny.

Ma. The girl called strembling holding his cheek

Did I tell you to prepare me rice I told you I wanted noodles. Anita said angrily making me place my hand on my forehead

I was here when she told the maid she wanted rice so while is she changing it.

Do you want to loose your job? She asked and the maid kneel down immediately.

Mam I am sorry I will prepare what you want

Did I asks you to speak? What guts do you think you have to come into my eyes and speak when I have not tell you to. She yells and I look at her in surprise

What has come over her I mean she used to be nice or is it because of the pregnancy. Geez.

Honey that’s okay. I said and she scoffs looking at me

We’re you not supposed to be supporting me instead you are supporting this trash, I know you don’t love me anymore because of my swollen stomach and my fat body. She said crying and I sign

Beby that is not what I meant. I tried to say but she walk away instead

Suit yourself. She said as she walk upstairs making me chuckle

I turn to the maid who was already standing up crying and I sign

Am sorry for my wife behavior. I said and she smiles

I know it because of the hormones sir. She said and I nodded and walk upstairs heading to our room.

I pushed the door gently and anita was laying on the bed sobbing.

Gosh this is so fustrating

I move closer to her and laid beside wrapping my hands around her waist but she slapped it off immediately.

Don’t touch me alex and I mean every words of it. She said without looking at me and I turn her around making her look at me.

Anita do not say I don’t love you anymore okay because I found myself loving you always and you still look sexy and beautiful even with that your swollen stomach. I said and she smiles and peck my lips.

I so much love this girl

. . . .

I sat on the bed operating my phone when anita came licking her ice cream and I chuckle as I look at her adorable face.

I bought her six ice cream few minutes ago just like she insisted and I doubt if there is anyone remaining.

Honey. She called licking her ice cream as she sat close to me.

Hmmm. I answer looking at her face

What name do you think we should gives to our babies. She said and I rolled my eyes

I don’t know yet. I replied and she scoffs

What do you mean you don’t know yet or is it that you don’t care about our babies. She said looking angry and I chuckle

How about ji-ah and ji-hua. I said md she scoffs in annoyance

There is no way I am allowing my babies answer any korean names. She said putting ice cream into her mouth and I laugh.

Anita pov

There is no way I am allowing my babies answer those annoying names. Geez it is so annoying.

Come in. Alex said when there was a knock on the door an da guard walk in bowing down.

Sir there Is two men outside and they are looking for you both. He said bowing

Who the hell could that be? Or could it be kelvin and the boy I told him to bring.

You can go now. Alex said and he Walk out of the room.

Who do you think that could be? I asks and he strugged his shoulder.

I don’t know let go find out. He said and took my hand as we both walk to the sitting room.

I have also sent for elizabeth to come and hear whatever he wants to say but I didn’t tell her because I know she is not going to come.

She should be hear soon

We got to the sitting room and saw kelvin sitting close to a boy and that boy looks really familiar

You? I called in surprise and his widened as he looks at me.

Back then when we were in school he was the same boy that was disturbing my sister but she rejected him so how come he is here or could it be he is behind everything.

Anita. He called faking a smile and I scoffs walking towards him and I grab hold of his shirt immediately.

What did you tell my sister back then? Where you the one that tell her that kelvin told to abort the babies when he didn’t. I asks and I saw fear in his eyes.

I don’t know what you are talking about. He said and I smirk just them elizabeth Walk in.

What is going on here? She asks eyeing kelvin

If you don’t tell me now trust me you will spend the rest of your life in prison with just a single call. I threatened and he widened his eyes

Tell me now. I yells

Okay fine I lied against kelvin, he didn’t tell elizabeth to abort the pregnancy infact he was so happy that she was pregnant but I wanted her first so I use her hatered and stupidity to tamed her heart.

She was so stupid that she went to abort the pregnancy and even when kelvin ask her she could not even notice that something was wrong and that is because she is too naive.

I wanted her first I saw her first but she accepted kelvin just like that so I was so angry. He said and elizabeth sat on the couch looking so depressed.

You fool. Kelvin yells and pouch on Alfred immediately.

You made her aborted six pregnancy. He said and ouch him creating a cut on his lips.

m going to kill you today. He yells and got hold of his neck struggling him and Alex quickly raise him up while elizabeth was still crying and I confronted him.

Guards come get this fool out of here. Alex scream and they quickly came and rush him out.

I was so foolish to realize something was going on even after kelvin told me that he didn’t send any guard to tell ne but I was so blind by hatered for him and now because of that you lost your womb.

No don’t day that okay, that is a report from the doctor and not God so keep praying. I said and she bursted into cry and gently kelvjn pulled her into his arms and hug her which she reciprocated immediately.

Please elizabeth forgive me and let me prove to you that I am not the same but you know yesterday please. He begged almost crying and elizabeth look at him.

I have forgiven you. She said after a long silence and they hug each other making me giggle.

Two months later

Oh my Gosh baby girl you look so pretty. I said excitedly as I look at sandra who was sitting down on a chair as the makeup artist makeup her.

Today was her marriage day as I announce and I can’t wait to see my friend and sister in-law get married to her dream man.

Thank you. She replied with a smile

I was putting on simple Gan anda sandals because I was due to birth so I can give birth at anytime so I don’t need to wear heels and my husband won’t even allow that.

He has been so protective of me since I was 7 months that he would even allow me do anything which annoys me, he won’t allow me cook and even climbs the stairs instead he carried me.

He has hired someone to watch over his company till I put to birth, he has hired more maids just because I am pregnant.

I just can’t wait to put to birth so I can see my twins and then go to school but I am so scared of Labor. Well I hope God helps me during that time.

We were at mr huston mansion but alex was with his friends since one of his friends was the one getting married to sandra.

I so much miss him.

My phone rang and I pick it up only to see my husband was calling me and i chuckle.

Am sure he misses me too

Hello. I said immediately I picked the call

Oh it was a video call.

Hello baby I miss you. He said pouting his lips and I chuckle

I just left an hour ago. I said with a smile and he scoffs

And it feels like a month to me wait are you even missing me. He said and I laugh

Of course alex am missing your handsome face. I wink and he smiles

I miss your pretty face, your presence, your nagging and trouble. He says and I laugh

Are you saying I am troublesome now? I asks pouting and he laughs

And I love you that way. He said and I smile

Okay I have to go now and please take care of my babies. He said and I nodded

I love you. I said

And I love you more. He said and blow me a kiss before ending the call and I blush and place the phone on my chest blushing.

I look around just to find few people starring at me with smiles on their faces and I blush and bend ny head down.

I never knew my brother could be this romantic. Sandra said and I laugh

Like kim min-kyu is not romantic. Tracy said and we all laugh

The door open and elizabeth walks in looking so pretty.

Sister. We both scream and hug each other gently because of my baby bump

I so much miss her

She went to american with kelvin two months ago after they reunite and she had been living with him.

Look how beautiful you are even when you are pregnant you still look breathtaking. She said and I laugh and hug her

I can see kelvin had been taking care of you. I said

You can say that again. She said and I laugh again.

Tracy. Elizabeth called and they hug each other tightly making me smile

We have all made peace during those two months and we have all been living with peace.

So where is my brother in law. I said and she blush and showed me her finger and we all gasps.

Oh my goodness baby girl I am so happy for you. I said and hug her

Thank you. She replied smiling

Where is he? I ask so eagerly to see kelvin and she chuckle

I and kelvin has been so close until they travel to america last two months.

Alex was so jealous that he deleted his number but now they are so close and tight now.

He is in the sitting room. She replied and I rush out immediately.

Kelvin. I yells and he turn to look at me with a smile before rushing to hug me carefully though.

Pretty. He said and hug me and I blush, that is the name he has given to me because he said I am so pretty but he adores elizabeth more and I love it.

Look how pretty you are. He said and I chuckle

Elizabeth came downstairs and smile when she saw us.

Where is Alex? She asks looking around and I chuckle

He is with his friends. I said and she nodded.

. . . . .

The crowd claps as sandra walk her father holding her hands and I giggled happily.

I alex, elizabeth infact my families friends, Alex families and his friends we were all sitting down on the same roll as we watch sandra walks in with smile on her face.

I remember my wedding I was not smiling but now I am one of the happiest girl on earth.

What are you thinking about? Alex whisper and I smile and look at him.

I am just thinking about our marriage day , I mean we were not happy but now we are more than happy. I said and he smiles and peck my lips.

Come on alex we are at a wedding party you guys did your already. Tracy said and we all laugh and I hide my face in alex chest.

I do. I heard sandra say and we all claps happily.

Do you kim min-kyu jong take sandra huston as your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health, for richer and for poor, to cherish and to hold till death do us part.

I do. Kim min-kyu said smiling and we all clap

By the power infested in me I now pronounce you as husband and wife you may now kiss your bride. The priest said and min-kyu gently remove the veil from her face and kiss her and we all scream and clap.

Happy married life baby girl. Tracy yells and I shook my head

Crazy girl.

Suddenly I felt some pain in between my legs but I ignore it but it became worst and I Yelp in pain and Alex sharply turn to look at me.

Are you okay? He asks worriedly and I nodded but suddenly I felt water rush down from my legs and the pain became unbearable.

I think the babies is coming. I scream in pain and all attention was on me while Alex just kept looking at me and I slap him on his face making him yell in pain.

The babies are coming. I said sweat all over my face and alex quickly rush and came to me including my families and his.

It is so painful

Alex do something. I said and slap him again as he gently walk me to the car

Damn I felt that one. He said rubbing his check with one hand as he held me with the other.

He gently place me on the car key and rush to the driver sit ready to zoom off.

Elizabeth and tracy enter the car with me living the rest.

Please drive quickly we will be there soon. My mum said and Alex nodded and zoom off immediately.

Alex drive faster. I scream in pain slapping his back on the driver sit and he groan.

Anita calm down. Elizabeth said and tried to held me but damn it was so painful.

God please help me during this delivering.
To Be Continued…. . . 

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