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Episode 29.

Anita pov

I sat inside the car with Alex and we were heading home since I have been discharged already and I am so happy because that place irritates me.

I can’t believe elizabeth plan this, I mean even if she was that desperate why would she want to kill me because of a man.

My parent plan on disowning her as their daughter and I am really scared of that coming to pass.

Alex told me the story of how I almost died and I could not help but give thanks to God because he alone has done that for me.

I sign sadly when my mind drifted to my school, I mean I am supposed to be in university if not for my pregnancy.

It really pains me that I can’t go to school with my baby bump showing, I have read day and night so that I can gain admission but it seems my labour is in vain.

Sweetheart what are you thinking about? He asks looking at me worriedly and I sign sadly.

We wil talk about it when we get home. I said and h nodded and slowly he place my head gently on his shoulder while he patt my head closing his eyes.

I was already feeling sleepy when the car door open and Alex carried me in a bridal style heading inside the house.

I saw the guards sign in relief as they look at me and I could not help but smile, surrounded by people who likes and care about you is something amazing and that is why I am happy.

I look around and saw different types of car packed in the compound making me what was going on but a particular car caught my attention, it seems new as it has no number yet.

He push the sitting room door and we enter but everywhere was dark and I clutch on alex shirt the More.

The light turns on and… Waw the room was decorated.

There was a board decorated written on it bodly was ” welcome back”.

Welcome back home. I heard voices scream and then I look around to see people looking at me with smile and I gasps covering my mouth in tears when I get to realize they were welcoming me.

Alex drops me gently on the floor and then my parents, my in laws, my friends and Alex friends came to hug me while the few people claps.

I don’t know… I don’t know what to say but I am greatful for doing this. I said sincerely and they all smile

I have a gift for you. Alex said and I turn to look at him expecting him to say something because I can’t wait but he just took a key from his pocket shaking it in my front and I scoffs in confusion.

Wait… Is that car.. outside for me. I said when I realized it was a car key and he nodded while I gasps in shock.

You mean you bought a car for me? I asked tears already flowing down my eyes and he laughs before shaking his head.

Waw mr alex is so romantic

I can’t believe he bought a car for his wife

He is just so amazing

I wish I was his wife. These were the comments said and some were even videoing the scenes.

Anita.. calm down… Calm down. I said talking to myself but damnit I was so happy

Oh my God alex thank you so much. I jump on his torso breaking down immediately while he just wrap my hands around my butt.

I love you so much. I said kissing him on the lips not caring people around me.

You wanna check it out? He whispered to my ear and I nodded crying while he handed over the car key to me while I jump in excitement.

I ran outside immediately he handed over the car key to me and the people followed me outside still videoing the scenes.

Am sure this is going to go viral

I gasps in excitement as I look at the beautiful white Glk car before me .

Oh my God. I scream running around the car like a mad person while the crowd just laughed looking at me.

I bursted into tears again before running to hug alexander who was just laughing at my behavior.

Thank you so much. I said sincerely crying silently

Come on anita you deserve more and you should know that this is just the beginning because I am going to spoil you with everything I have.

I ran inside the car and sit on the driver sit before starting the car and it was so cool.

I walk out of the car after trying the car and I just stand crying because I never expected this from alex.

He walks closer to me and held my head up making me look at him.

You don’t have to cry anita because you deserve more than this. He said and I nodded while he kiss me on the lips making the crowd scream In amazement and I hide my face on alex chest feeling shy
I sat on the bed smiling as I go through my phone and the topic on the internet was…

“Our popular business man Alexander huston bought a Glk car for his beloved wife worth 20 million dollars, see photos of the car.”

I click the photo and the picture of my car came bumping on my scream and I giggled when I saw the comments.

Waw the car is so beautiful

Am sure his wife must be feeling so special

He is just full of surprises

He really love his wife so much. I blush as I read the comments

I scroll past it and another caught my attention.

Mrs anita alexander was feeling crazy early today over the car her husband bought for her.

I smile happily and scroll past it but it was still the same topic.

The bathroom door open and Alex walk in with a towel wrap around his waist and water was dripping from his sexy chest to his waist line making me wet.

Damn he is looking so hot

Am I that attractive? He asks with his usual smirk and I rolled my eyes looking away from him.

Alex thank you soooo much. I said smiling and he scoffs opening his wardrobe searching for what to wear.

I told you already some saying that to me. He said and I just smile out tears

After few seconds of quietness I decided to tell him about my university.

Honey I have something to tell you. I said and he turn to look at me before turning back to his wardrobe.

I hope all is well? He asks and I nodded

Okay go on. He demanded and I sign before speaking

Alex I am supposed to be in university now and because of the pregnancy I can’t go anymore. I said and he scoffs putting on his shirt but he didn’t say anything

Alex? I called and he struggles his shoulder before putting on his pants in my presence and I blush as I look at him.

Well you can go after putting to birth. He said and I spring up in excitement jumping on the bed while he just chuckle over my childish behavior.

So what are you studying? He asks coming to sit with me on the bed.

Hmm I am studying law. I said smiling and he open his mouth looking at me like I said something wrong making me scared.

You mean my mum is going to be a lawyer? He said smiling and I nodded shyly

Awnn I can’t wait for you to start solving case. He said looking at me and I blush.

He kept looking at me not even blinking and I became uncomfortable with his stares.

Alex? I called his name but he didn’t reply as he just kept looking into my face making me more uncomfortable.

Alex y.. I tried to say something but he cut me off

Hush don’t say a words anita because I might loose it, you are just so different and I found myself falling for you every minute of my life.

Without you by my side I found it difficult to stay. He said and I just look at him in tears

No no don’t cry because your tears are precious to me so don’t waist it. He said and I blush the more

The knock on the door detracted us from our sweetheart and somehow I was annoyed.

Come in. Alex respond and a slim girl putting on the maid uniform walks in bending her head down as she walks.

She walks in fully into the room and stood close to the mirror still bending her head down making alex scoffs.

Why are you here? Alex asks and the girl remain silent and I saw tears drop from her even through she was bending down her head.

Are you dump or what? Alex asks annoyingly and I patt his shoulder telling him to calm down.

Sir..sir.. I have a confession to make. She said raising her head up to look at us

So go on. Alex said and the girl immediately went on her knee

I am sorry sir i was the one that drug you on that day you slept with elizabeth. She said closing her eyes and I gasps in shock.

What did you just say? Alex asks slowly but dangerously moving close to her and I know for sure that this is not going to end well.

Am sorry sir… She threatened to kill my sister If I didn’t do it. She said crying and I felt sad for her.

How dare you. Alex yells and slap her making her fell on the floor

I quickly stood up from the bed and stood by his front blocking him from hurting the poor girl.

Alex that is okay. I said and he calm down a little.

You are fired. He said and the girl gasps in tears

I was expecting him to say that.

Alexander it okay, forget about sacking the poor girl I mean she just confessed what she did and you should know not everybody will do what she did now. I said and he kept quiet

I give the maid a signal to leave and she quickly walk out of the room.

Alex calm down. I said and made him sit on the bed before sitting on his thighs.

Fuck I can’t believe elizabeth would stup so low to send some to drug me to have sex with her. He said angrily and I rolled my eyes

Forget it alex I don’t care about that anymore and one thing I am happy about is I listened to you because this would have ruin our relationship. I said and he look at me

So don’t sack her please. I said giving me puppy eyes and he smiles but suddenly pick up his phone.

Just remain like that. He said and suddenly I felt the camera light on my face

Look see how cute you are. He showed me the picture and I gasps at how pretty I am

I will just use this as my wallpaper. He said operating his phone and I laugh.

I stood at the shower as it fell on my body and I close my eyes as how cool the water is.

I shivers as I felt someone hand wrap me but I became calm when I saw it was alex.

You look hot. He whispered huskily in my ear and I rolled my eyes

He has said that more than I can even count

I taught you just finished bathing a while ago. I tease him

I want to bath with you. He said huskily and I shivers

We both remain silent as the water fall on us and slowly I felt his cupped my br*** into his hand and I close my eyes as I love the feeling.

He turn me around to look at him and slowly he crashed his lips on mine kissing me gently and I reciprocated running my fingers through his hair while he was squeezing squeezing my b*** in his hands.

He broke the kiss and he place his forehead on mine smiling and I did the same wrapping my hands around his neck.

He started tracing his hand all over my body and slowly I felt his hand touches my v*****.

Alex I am just being discharged from the hospital. I tease and he scoffs but didn’t stop

I won’t hurt you. He said and then he kiss me roughly pushing me to the wall as he fi*****d me while I close my eyes and moan.
Alex not again. I said weakly standing up from the bed when I felt him kissing me all over my naked body and he laughs.

Am not going to have sex with you am just kissing you. He said and I rolled my eyes before laying down on the bed.

Well you should wear your clothes because I am being tempted now. He said and I turn to look at him in surprise and he laughs

Alex you are so unbelievably, I never knew you are so spoilt. I said and he chuckle and struggle his shoulder

Now you know. He said and I scoffed in annoyance trying to stand up from the bed but he pulled me back.

Where are you going? He asks wrapping his hand around my naked waist.

Am going to put on clothes. I said trying to stand up but he drag me back

Just sleep like this for tonight, I mean I would want to feel your naked body on my arms. He said starring at my body and I laugh and pushed his head playfully.

What was that for? He asks

You are too spoil. I simply replied

But you like me that way. He said smirking and I just lay on the bed while he laid beside me wrapping his hand around my waist.

Alex. I called tiredly removing his hand when I felt him moving his hand to my v*** na.

Come on anita. He grunted

I taught you said you don’t want to have sex with me so leave me alone else I am going to sleep in another room. I threatened and he left me immediately

Anita am hard already. He whispered and I scoffs

Then find a solution to it. I said and I heard him curse under his breath and I just chuckle closing my eyes.

Elizabeth pov

I scream angrily as I watch the video of how alex bought anita a car and just anyhiw car but a Glk worth millions of dollars.

I can’t believe this

When I and Alex was dating he only bought me a range rover on my birthday but now he bought Glk for anita on returning home.

Anita. I scream with range throwing my phone across the room and he crashed to the floor immediately

I can’t believe all my effort to make sure anita dies is all in vain since Gu-Jan di had been sentence to life imprisonment but I am not going to give up easily.

I am going to kill her with my bare hands and I don’t fucking care if she is my sister because she took away my man and I will take her life for that.

She thinks that I will consider her sister never, I am going to make her life ends in my hands.

I have not gone home since my parent know already that I was part of the plan so I have been staying in a hotel but I will plan from here and when I strike they won’t know what hit them. I taught as I grin evilly…
To Be Continued… . . .

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