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Episode 10.

Anita pov

We all turn to look at him in shock but he was less bothered about it.

Dad I didn’t not hear you correctly can you please repeat what you just said now. Alexander said

Am sure you heard me well, you are getting married to anita soon because I wouldn’t want to to ruin my reputation. Mr huston said

Dad there is no was I am that slut is not possible, I have a girlfriend and I am not leaving her for anything else In this world. Alexander said

And you should have taught about that when you were having sex with her. Mr huston said and alexander scoffed

Dad I taught you were the only one who could understand me, this bitch right here seduce me into having sex with her. Alex said looking at me with hatered

Alex I don’t care are you think about it but the one thing I won’t allow you to ruin is my reputatio, my name and my identity I have managed to created. Mr huston said

Dad and you think I will just accept that way, dad is not possible and you know that, you are not going to force me right? Alexander said looking at his father hopefully.

If that is whay it take Alex else consider you are no longer my son. Mr huston said and I gasps in shock.

Alexander look at his father in shock and I swear he was hurt badly, it was deeply shown in his eyes.

Dad you know I don’t give a damn about that, I can stand on my own without you being my father, I have my own wealth and I can take care of my self. Alexander said and mr huston walks towards alexander.

Alex think about this because I am not joking about this situation, is either you marry or forget having a family because I will make sure of that. He said and walk away

I could not help but feel sad about this, it all because of me they are having this conflict. I thought

I turn to look at alexander and there he was looking at me with hatered and for some reason I felt like I was not save anymore.

He walked towards me and stood a few meter close to me.

You are just pretending not to like this but deep down in you this is what you wanted, to ruin my relationship, you are nothing but a slut. Alex said pointing at me

Do not insult my daughter in my presence alexander. My dad said calmly

Insult? Does that sound like an insult, I am not insulting her I am only stating the fact. He said looking at me and I think I lost my control

I have had enough of him already

What fact exactly are you stating that I wanted you and my sister relationship to get ruined, do you know how I felt those weeks after that incident happens? I could not sleep knowing fully well that I slept with my sister boyfriend, I betrayed my sister by sleeping with her boyfriend so don’t you dare say that to my face. I said and Alex huffed

Do not try to pretend like a lovely sister you claim to be because I know deep down in you this is what you wanted and that was the reason why you slept with me. He said and I look at him in surprise

Really? I was drunk that night or do you think if I were in my right self I will have sex with you of course not, I look my sister more than I love myself so I will not betray her. I explained trying hard not to cry.

But you did, you did that on my purpose anita, why didn’t you control yourself or were also blind to see that it was me.
Why didn’t you refuse me that night you want to why, because you like me and you are nothing but a cheap slut. He said and I slapped him immediately.

I have enough of him already

Don’t you ever call me a slut again, do you think I planned for this, to get pregnant for my sister boyfriend and what make her get
Elizabeth is my sister and I wouldn’t want her to get hurt, whatever gives her joy gives me joy, whatever makes her smile made me so why would I want her to ruin her relationship with you knowing fully well that makes her happy. I shouted and bursted into tears.

Is okay baby, sit down. My mum said and place me gently on the couch as I cry to my heart content.

He stare at me for some seconds before walking upstairs.

Alexander pov

I sat on the bed and taught about what happens between me and anita some few minutes ago

Was I really wrong?

I picked up my phone from the table and dialed elizabeth number but she was not picking up.

Gosh, elizabeth please pick up already am sorry for hurting you. I said dialing her number again but this was the same.

The door open and my mum walks in, she looks at me for some seconds and sat close to me.

I turn away from my phone and look at her.

She smiles and made me place my head on her shoulder and I felt relax because this is what I needed right now.

You know what you said there was wrong, you have no right to call her names because that girl looks innocent to me. My mom said but I remain silent.

You know I always support you in every decision you make as long they are right but this you are totally wrong, you should marry anita. My mum said I raise my head up to look at her.

Mum you know that is not possible because I have a girlfriend and I am not leaving her for anything else In this world. I said and she smiles

I know, I know my baby is a man of his words, a man that has wisdom but this you are not thinking wisely, anita is carrying your at least for the sake of that innocent child marry her.
I know you love elizabeth so much, I know you are hurt but you are becoming a father soon, do you want to abodoned you first child because of elizabeth. My mum said and I smirks

Mum it a mistake, it is a just a one night stand that I regretted. I said and my mum chuckle

But I bet you enjoyed that night, do not dinied the fact din that you enjoyed that night. The poor baby needs a fatherly love, for the sake of that baby take this decision and you will never regret it. My mum said and I sign.

Mum I can’t bring myself to accept, it killing me because I cant live without elizabeth, I love her so much and you know that. I said calmly

Think about this son and go give your father your decision and know this I will always support you. She smiles and walk out of my room.

I laid on the bed and sign thinking about what my mum just and I felt like marrying her but I needed elizabeth so much.

Well Is better I tell my friends what is happening maybe they can help me.

I picked up my phone and dialed them in a conference call and they pick up.

Hello buddy, what’s up. Hong baek-hyun said.

Let meet at our usual bar guys, I have something to tell you guys. I said and ended the call

I took my car key from the bed and my phone before walking out of the room, I got downstairs and met them still there, anita was sitting on the couch still crying while her mother was consoling her and I felt really guilty.

Her eyes met with mine and I quickly look away and walk out of the sitting room.
I got to the bar and as usual people were screaming my name but I don’t have much time for that.

I walk inside and saw my friends sitting down round a table and kim min- kyu flirting with a girl and I just huffed.

This is the same boy who has been trying to whoe my sister and here he is flirting with a girl.

Hey guys. I said sitting down on a chair close to um ki- join.

Can I please get a voker. I said to the bartender who nodded.

Hmm seems someone is in a bad mood today. Kim min- kyu said and I eyed him.

So where is the girl you were flirting with? I asked looking at me and he huffed

Alexander do not use this as a opportunity to tell me that I am not fit for your sister. I love your sister so much and you know that. He said

So why are you flirting with a girl, who are trying to deceive? Do you think I will be stupid enough to let my sister date you. I said

Alexander you are just being childish, I have a baby mama does not mean I don’t deserve to be loved. Your sister love me so what are you going to stop her because you think I am not good enough for her. He said

Enough! You guys should not fight right now okay. Hong baek-hyun shouted and I became calm

So what do you call us for? Um ki-joon said

I sign and look at them before speaking.

Well I am expecting a baby soon. I said and they all look at me in shock.

Whoa, this is good news. They exclaimed at the same time except kim min-kyu who seems angry.

It is a good news but also a bad News. I said and they look at me expecting me to say what was wrong. elizabeth sister is the one pregnant for me. I said slowly

Geez. Um ki-joon exclaimed starring at me with surprise while the others just open their mouth in shock.

You mean you were having an affair with both sisters. Kim min-kyu said and I rolled my eyes

No it not that way, that night on my sister party I slept with her that night because I was drunk and now that one night stand had lead to pregnancy. I explained

Geez this is not good at all, what do you plan to do now? Um ki-joon asked

They came to our mansion today and told my father and he is requesting I should marry anita or consider me no longer his son. I said and they all gasps in shock

Well you should marry her because she is carrying your baby or do you plan on leaving your baby. Kim min-kyu said and I huffed

Look at who is talking, don’t you have a baby mama. I said In a mocking tone and he chuckle

I will not say much alex because you are my best friend. He said and I smile and hit his shoulder playfully

And you know am just being protective. I said and he rolled his eyes

Why will your father make such decision? Does he forget you are his only son. Hong baek-hyun said

He claims he don’t want me to ruin his reputation and you know how much I love elizabeth and i can’t betray her by marrying her sister. I said

I have a plan. Hong baek-hyun said and we all turn to look at him.

And what is that. I said getting impatient already

How about you marry her and when she put to birth you can divorce her and marry elizabeth. He said

Whoa! That’s great idea. Kim min-kyu said laughing and I rolled my eyes.

Is this really a good idea, should I marry her and divorce her after she put to birth then what about the baby. I taught as I look at them.
To Be Continued… . . .

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