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Behind The Fine Face by Moshood Avidiime - ANE Story
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Episode 02.

I got home that night to my wife. As always, she was worried sick, awaiting my arrival. It is not in my behavior to keep late nights, so the few times I’ve had to, always get Rachael overly worried.
After dinner, I told Rachael about the trip I’d embarked on with Samuel. I told her what I think about this man; how very potent I think his craft is and what he (the spiritual father) had asked me to do.

I asked to know when Rachael would be free to come with me.

Yeah! Of course, I know that I could have been able to simply tell Rachael that we shall be embarking on this trip in a fortnight, but I didn’t want to cut across as being imposing.
It was at that moment; Rachael told me that she even had something in related news to tell me. She said that she’d been meaning to talk to me about it.

“Paulina, my friend, introduced me to this man of God. We went to see him five days ago; that day you went over to see Mama and didn’t return until the next day.” Rachael continued, trying all the while to avoid eye contact. “After telling him everything that we’ve been going through and how far we’ve gone to find a remedy for our situation to no avail, the Man of God assured me that he knows exactly what we are going through; what the genesis of our problems is and that he is capable of solving them. He said there are evil forces working together to pull us down and so far, they have been doing just that until now. He said I should thank my stars that I found him; that our search have come to an end.”

I was just about to ask what this “Man of God’s” plan is for us, when Rachael continued…

“… He said that we shall go on a three days fasting and prayer session. He said that the whole day of that third day shall be spent in church, and that a deliverance session shall be held, afterwards.”
Nothing Rachael had said, had any iota of deception in it. If anything, it only appeared to pull me back on the right path, after I’d seemingly almost diverted to being a fetish.
One year passed, after our three days of fasting and prayer sessions with the Man of God, and nothing at all seemed to be getting any better. If at all there were any changes, it was for the worse. But “the ways of the Lord are not the ways of man.” The man of God will always say. “In his appointed time, He shall visit you. He is currently perfecting his blessings upon your family.”
Over the span of four years, I sold every single landed property I owned, including the house Rachael and I were living in, to move into a one-room apartment; a one-room apartment we could barely even afford its house rent, after the first payment.
It was at this point that I called Rachael’s parents and mine for a meeting. I explained to them, even though they already knew the situation with us for formality’s sake and ended my long speech with, “I don’t think I’ll want to continue this marriage with your daughter; my wife, any longer.”
There were a lot of gloomy faces in the room that day, including mine, but then, I knew I had to do what I had to do.

At the time, I was being selfless. I still had never, in my wildest of imaginations, linked Rachael to everything that’d befallen me. I’d only seen myself as a failure; someone who can’t take care of his family and someone undeserving of a woman, such as Rachael.
I cried my eyes out, the day Rachael and her people came over to collect what’s left of her belongings from my house. Little did I know that that day would mark the beginning of better days to come in my life.
Shortly after Rachael left my house; my life, my transformation story began. The speed at which it took off, was unimaginable; unbelievable. It was more like a farmer that’d been trying as best as possible to no avail, to light a match, suddenly lighting one that rose down a neighboring village.
I got double of what I lost in the last four years, in two. All my business partners that had long forgotten I existed; business partners that stopped taking my calls and even blocked me at some point when my calls now seemed to disturb their ears, reached out to me; made donations; donations that ensured I hit the ground, running.
The sudden turnaround in my life got me thinking and wondering if, at all, the tragedy I’d had to endure all those years had anything to do with my marriage.

“Maybe my spirit does not want me to get married.” I thought to myself, one day. “Maybe my situation is always going to be contrary to what the world believes that marriage brings. I have tasted it and instead of opening doors, like I’ve always heard it does, it ended up closing even the ones it met open.”

It was on that note, that I resolved within myself, that I was never going to get married again. “Maybe there is a reason why God never blessed my marriage; our (Rachael and I) marriage with a child, after all.”

Little did I know that my family had their own plans for my marital status.

To be continued…

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