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AFRICA MY LOVER by Sadiq_Infinity (Capri Leo) - ANE Story
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Episode 40.

#LISA 🇬🇧

Men…. They really are nothing but brainless dogs who think of nothing except to get their d-cks wet.
For the second time in my life, I was angry at Tobi but pulling that act towards Rebecca, The hunky b-stard didn’t even bother to hide his act, he just did it bluntly and openly in front of him.

So after I left that room, I went straight to our bedroom and laid on my bed and minutes later, Tobi came into the room and tried to sleep with me but I denied him access to my body and kicked him out of the room, That was how i spent the entire night alone.

Hours later the next morning, I woke up feeling a bit awful, My mind was still fixated about what Tobi did last night, I was hoping he’d beg me to forgive him and let him back into the room but he didn’t do any of those things.

Just as I was about to mark as a heartless and unromantic Donkey, I spotted a box of chocolate 🍫 and some flowers 💐 by the side of my bed and to my surprise it was from Tobi. He even left a note on the chocolate box, I took the note and opened it reading what was in it.

” Hey Lisa.. I’m sorry for last night.. I had no intention of hurting your feelings and I promise not to look at another woman besides you ever again.. I hope you forgive me,…. Tobi “.

After reading the letter.. I felt so happy and rolled in the bed giggling with excitement and joy in my heart.. This was Tobi’s first romantic gesture towards me and I hope to see many more of this.
After that, I left the room to check if Tobi was around to let him know that I’ve forgiven him but as I went downstairs, I spotted Aunt Nicole reading a newspaper 📰 and also sipping tea as usual.

Nicole ➡ Ahh.. Lisa you’re awake.

Lisa ➡ Yes.. Good morning.. Have you seen Tobi?

Nicole ➡ Yes… He left for work an hour ago.. Have you seen his apology gift?

Lisa ➡ Yes.. So you told him to buy me chocolates?

Nicole ➡ No. He asked me how to get back to your good graces and I told him.

Lisa ➡ Whatever the case.. I forgive him.. His apology is so romantic. 😍

Nicole ➡ (sighs) You women of this generation are so easily persuaded. All it takes is a couple of sweet delicacies and your heads begin to swell.

Lisa ➡ That’s not true. There’s nothing wrong with….???

Suddenly, a realization popped into my head and last night conversation flashed into my mind.
If I could remember clearly , Tobi had told me and Rebecca the secret of how the painting heist was been executed and also the identity of the mastermind behind the heist.

Rebecca was right about not involving the police into this without any proof but still there’s nothing wrong in having a civilized conversation with Mr. Greg himself, at least I won’t let think I know he’s the criminal mastermind, all I have to do is twist the story around. But before I left for Mr. Greg’s house, I decided to ask Rebecca to lend me something I’m sure she could provide, after all, She’s a reporter 📷.
I left Aunt Nicole’s place and headed to the west wing of the mansion where Rebecca’s room is, as soon as I got there, I knocked on the door and waited for her to open it. Seconds later, the open opened and Rebecca popped her head out looking drowsy, it seems like she’s hasn’t gotten enough sleep.

Rebecca ➡ (Yawns) What do you want, Lisa?

Lisa ➡ There’s something I need from you and I won’t take no for an answer.

Rebecca ➡ What is it you want?….


An hour later, I was on the road to Mr. Greg’s mansion, He rarely stays at home for long but I’m sure he’s at home by this time of the day.
Eventually, I arrived at his Mansion and I was received by his daughter, Mila.

Mila ➡ Lisa.. What a pleasant surprise!! Your presence wasn’t expected.

Lisa ➡ I know.. Is your father in the mansion ?

Mila ➡ Yes, he’s inside , I’ll take you to him.

After that, Mila led me into the mansion, as we passed through the halls ; I noticed the servants in the mansion carrying crates as they head down to the cellar or basement.

Lisa ➡ What’s going on?

Mila ➡ Oh nothing… Father is just moving his antiques to the cellar, You know the heists that have been going on.

Lisa ➡ Yes.. He did a smart thing.

After that, we moved on heading deeper into the mansion, before long we arrived at his place, Mr. Greg was in a mini golf room practicing and honing his golfing skills.
As soon as he noticed our presence, He stopped what he was doing and gave us his full attention.

Greg ➡ Lisa Lovette.. It’s been ages.

Lisa ➡ Indeed! How are you doing Mr. Galahad ?

Greg ➡ Very much fine as you can see. Come why don’t we go to the living room to have a cup of coffee ☕️ huh?

Lisa ➡ Water would be fine.

Greg ➡ Okay.. Mila, why don’t you ask the servants to get us a cup of hot coffee ☕️ and water.

Mila ➡ Sure father.

After that, Mr. Greg led me to the living room, while Mila went on his errand, moments later, we arrived at the living room and both took our sit on the lofty fur couch.
Minutes later, a lovely young lady came with a tray of coffee and nice cold water, just as she was about to drop the tray on the center table, she tripped and fell spilling the contents of the tray on the tiled floor.


Lisa ➡ Jesus!

Becky ➡ Oh no… I’m truly sorry.

Greg ➡ YOU CLUMSY B-TCH!!! look at the mess you’ve made. You’re worthless.

Lisa ➡ Calm down sir. She’s didn’t mean it.

Greg ➡ Get out of my sight.. St-pid maid.

The poor lady felt humiliated and walked away with a frown on her face, if I were in her place, I too would reacted the way she did. It was awful of Mr. Greg to humiliate her in that manner, nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes.

Greg ➡ Sorry for this unfortunate accident. I really don’t know who hired that incompetent swine.

Lisa ➡ 😒 it’s alright (B-stard)

Greg ➡ So how’s your father, Lisa?

Lisa ➡ He’s fine.. But we are not on speaking terms.

Greg ➡ So I heard.. So where’s your African lover? I’ve never seen him before.

Lisa ➡ Oh he’s around.. He just doesn’t like socializing with people.

Greg ➡ Is it true that you’re pregnant for him?

Lisa ➡ Yes.

Greg ➡ Congratulations.. But still, your father is saddened by this.

Lisa ➡ I really don’t care. This is what I want.

Greg ➡ Hmm.. You’re quite bold. You’d make a good business woman. So Lisa.. What brings you here?

Lisa ➡ Well, I came here to let you know about something that has been happening in your company.. You see your Electronic frames 🖼 are the hottest thing on the market now and everyone is buying them.

Greg ➡ Exactly.. So what seems to be the problem?

Lisa ➡ From the recent heists that have been happening, I noticed something.. All the victims had something in common and that’s your frame. Despite how safe you claim it is, its not and someone is using it to steal paintings from people.

I watched as Mr. Greg twitch uncomfortably as he adjusted his seat, his gaze on me was direct and mean as if he was some kind of predator waiting for the kill. Right then, I knew he was the culprit.

Greg ➡ So what are you saying?

Lisa ➡ I’m saying that there’s someone in your company sabotaging your product.. You need to find him before he ruins your reputation and business.

Greg ➡ Oh… Yes… Yes.. You’re right… I’ve heard something like this before but I never took it seriously.. But now that you’ve told me, I’ll look into the matter! Have you told anyone about this!?

Lisa ➡ No but I was hoping to notify the police after I leave your place.. I’m sure they will be willing to cooperate and help you find the culprit.

Greg ➡ I’m afraid that won’t be necessary.

Lisa ➡ Why?

Immediately I said that, Mr. Greg brought out a gun from out of nowhere and pointed it at me, Fear got hold of me but I maintained my cool.

Lisa ➡ Sir?? What’s the meaning of this?

Greg ➡ You stupid b-tch! Humiliating your father by getting pregnant for an African pig wasn’t enough for you and now you’re trying to sabotage my plans.. I don’t think so.

Lisa ➡ Plans? What are you talking about?

Greg ➡ My goodness.. You really are a stupid b-tch.. Haven’t you figured it out!? I’m the mastermind behind those heists. I’m the brains behind those operations and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let a stupid where like you spoil my plans.

Lisa ➡ (gasps) Why Mr. Greg?? You’re rich.. Why still from your friends?

Greg ➡ Because I’m greedy! I want more. And once I get your father’s paintings, I’m going to sell them at the highest bidder.. I’ll be richer than I am.

Lisa ➡ Please don’t do this.. A Gentleman such as you shouldn’t be getting involved in petty crimes.

Greg ➡ Shut your mouth you stupid b-tch! I don’t want any advise from you, Sl-t.

Lisa ➡ So what now? Are you going to kill me?

Greg ➡ No.. But I’ll make sure you never see the light of day or feel the cool breeze. I’ll keep you prisoner until the day you die. You know too much.. You should have keep your mouth shut. GUARDS!!!

In that very moment, A couple of huge guys looking rough from dirty and sweat came into the room and stood right next to Mr. Greg. He immediately ordered them to take me away and lock me up.

Guard 1 ➡ Aye Boss.. You called?

Greg ➡ Yes.. Take this b-tch to the cellar and lock her up. Make sure she doesn’t get ant food or water and if she wants to relieve herself let her do it in the cellar. We can’t let her out of the mansion.

Guard 2 ➡ Aye boss.

After receiving their orders, The two brutes grabbed and led me straight to the cellar which was beneath the mansion. As we went beneath the mansion, I gasped when I saw lots of paintings being loaded in different crates, It seems like Mr. Greg meant what he said after all. Moments later as we arrived at the cellar, the hunky brutes threw in me inside and locked me up, and after that they left the place. After they were gone, I smiled to myself and brought out the tiny micro camera which was concealed in between the embroidery of my Paris gown which I wore on the day of our family reunion.
That Greg Galahad is a fool.. Here he thought I was stupid, the moron never realized I was just playing along so that I can make him confess, everything he said in now taped and recorded inside micro camera, I’m sure Rebecca has seen everything from her laptop, any minute now the police will be on their way.. The only problem now is getting out of this cell but Fortunately for me, I have a cell phone strapped to my thighs, Let’s just hope there’s enough network inside the cellar to make a phone call.
To Be Continued… . . .

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