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AFRICA MY LOVER by Sadiq_Infinity (Capri Leo) - ANE Story
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Episode 35.

#LISA 🇬🇧

What a bummer! I really hate it when I’m bounced off like that, Besides I just couldn’t stop thinking of what Aunt Nicole was trying to discuss with Tobi.

After Rebecca and I left to hide the paintings, we had to seek the help of the house help to carry the paintings into the vault. While the servants were doing that, Rebecca was busy complaining about the paint heist at the Paddington’s place.

Rebecca ➡ Something isn’t right with all this, there has to be a link.

Lisa âž¡ Will you calm down with this issue already?

Rebecca ➡ I can’t.. Do you know the paintings were kept in a Techno frames 🖼 and yet they were still stolen?

Lisa âž¡ Techno frames?? What are they?

Rebecca ➡ Electronic frames 🖼, they’re very light and have an invisible security laser plus it’s very expensive.. Wooden frames are now obsolete, so with these techno frames, one can display their paintings without any worries.

Lisa âž¡ But even with that, the thief stole the paintings? How is that possible?

Rebecca ➡ I don’t know. Maybe the thief must have figured out a way to hack the damn thing.. Nothing is a guarantee these days.

After the paintings were put away, Rebecca headed to her room, while I went to back to the garden. As I got there, i sat Aunt Nicole alone in the place quietly sipping her tea but Tobi was nowhere to be found.

Lisa ➡ Aunty… Where’s Tobi?

Nicole âž¡ He left with your sister.. Your father wants to speak to him.

Lisa âž¡ WHAT???

Nicole âž¡ Calm down.. He just wants to talk to him.

Lisa ➡ Like hell he will… I must go after him.

Nicole ➡ My goodness.. Have you lost your head? He just wants to talk to him. It’s not like he’s going to do something awful to him.

Lisa ➡ You really don’t know how far my father can go.. I must go out and………

Suddenly, I felt limp all over my body, it was as if I was knocked out, falling straight to the ground felt like I fell from the mountain top. It was really painful.
Aunt Nicole screamed and came to my aid, She quickly called out for help while tapping me to wake up.

Nicole ➡ Lisa! Lisa! Lisa!… My God.. Wake up girl… Lisa.. Somebody help!!!

Rebecca and a couple of servants rushed into the garden checking on me, All of them were panicked of course, they thought I was dead.

Rebecca âž¡ What happened to her?

Nicole ➡ I don’t know.. She just dropped on the ground.. Oh God let her be safe.

Rebecca ➡ Quickly let’s rush her to the hospital.. You there, get the car ready.

Nicole ➡ Lisa.. Keep your eyes open, okay.. Don’t you dare die on me. Don’t you dare.

It may sound crazy but I wanted to laugh in that very moment, watching them react the way they did was just comical. Before the car could get ready , dizziness got hold of me and I passed out on the cold floor.

An hour later, I woke up and found myself in an hospital bed, the room’s atmosphere was too cool thanks to the air conditioner. Aunt Nicole was sitting beside me sipping her tea when I woke up.. I can’t believe she was drinking tea by this time, Can’t she stop do without it for a second?

Lisa âž¡ (moans painfully) Urh.. My head.

Nicole âž¡ Lisa.. Thank goodness.. Are you alright?

Lisa ➡ Yes.. I’m feeling just a slight headache. How long have I been out?

Nicole âž¡ An hour.. Your father and sister are here, together with Tobi.

Lisa âž¡ Tobi?? Where is he?

Nicole ➡ Relax… He’s right outside.. You need to rest.

Lisa ➡ Oh. Don’t worry I’m feeling better.

Right in that moment, I got out of the bed and rushed out of the patient’s room to see my African teddy bear.


#TOBI 🇰🇪

Money is indeed the root of all evil, If only people would see the truth about it, they’d know that Money has been the very thing causing problems in this world.
Thanks to money, Lots of valuable and precious things have been ruined, among the things money has destroyed, they are :-

– Family, thanks to money, lots of family have been torn apart especially during inheritance.

– Relationship, that’s the easiest thing money can destroy, and this works most especially on women.

– Trust.. Thanks to money, people are no longer trustworthy, and no secrets are safe, People can easily sell each other out once they receive a big fat check.

– Peace,.. Thanks to Money, Peace is also hard to find these days.. Corrupt politicians and individuals have use money to cause finance their dirty work.

Almost every problem in this world is caused by money and if money were to be disposed off, I’m sure the world would be a better place… Karl max was right when he said society doesn’t need money.

After hearing Mr. Andrews overwhelming offer, I was trapped and confused. 100 million pounds is a lot of money and it would make me live in comfort and enjoyment for the rest of my life, the offer was just too good to resist, only a mad man would refuse to take it but then I remembered the condition of this offer, If I took the money, I’ll never see Lisa ever again.
I really love Lisa, she’s the woman I want to spend the rest of life with.. It’s easy to find any attractive woman, but it’s rare to find a very honest, understanding and loyal woman, Not only is Lisa honest and loyal but she’s like a sunshine that brightens up my heart whenever I see. If I give her up now, I’ll probably never find another like her ever again.
This b-stard father of hers really drove me into a corner, It’s either wealth or the best woman of my life.. This decision is the hardest one I’ve ever had in my life and I don’t think I can choose.
I thought of a way out of this but nothing seems to coming into my head, Then all of a sudden, a thought popped into my head. Money can be replaced many times over but not someone like Lisa.. She’s indispensable and in-replaceable, If I lose her, I’ll never get another like her. In that very moment, I made my decision, to hell with money, God will provide that anytime he wishes, Lisa is the one that matters not the money. But before I gave Mr. Andrews my answer, I decided to make him sweat as well. The b-stard shouldn’t have used money to measure his daughter’s worth.

Tobi ➡ Hmm, that’s a tough decision..

Andrew ➡ Choose! It’s now or never. This is your chance in life.

Gwen âž¡ Yes.

Tobi ➡ Alright then.. I will leave your daughter alone…

Andrews âž¡ FINALLY! HA, HA.

Tobi ➡ Wait, I’m not done. I said I will leave your daughter alone if only you pay me 100 billion pounds.

Andrews ➡ (shocked) 😳😳 WHAT!?

Gwen ➡ 😳 You’ve got to be kidding?? This is highway robbery.

Tobi ➡ I’m serious.. 100 billion pounds, once you pay me, you’ll never see me again or close to Lisa ever again.

Andrews ➡ (sweating) YOU PIG!! 100 billion pounds??? Do I look like a World Bank to you?… I can’t possibly give you that amount.

Gwen ➡ Just take the 100 million pounds and go… It’s enough for you.

Tobi ➡ No.. It’s not… Either pay me the 100 billion pounds or I’ll still be seeing Lisa. You choose. Take it or leave it.

Andrews ➡ GO EAT SHIT, YOU APE! I’m not paying that money 💰.

Tobi ➡ Okay then, I’ll keep seeing your daughter.. Just make sure to be present at the wedding.

Andrews ➡ You Gorilla! There will be no WEDDING!! YOU HEAR ME!? I’m going to deal with you.

Tobi ➡ Do whatever you want! Do you think you can use your wealth to separate me from your daughter? Our love is priceless, it can never be bought and I’ll never leave her side. It’s a shame you can’t see your daughter’s happiness. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go back to Lisa.

In that moment, Mr. Andrews phone rang, Gwen answered the call and within seconds, she screamed and dropped the phone on the ground.

Andrews âž¡ JESUS CHRIST! What happened?

Gwen ➡ (stammering) 😳😳😳😳.. It’s.. Its.. Its.. Lisa! She’s.. She’s..

Tobi ➡ 😳 LISA?!

Andrews âž¡ My baby girl!? What happened to her?

Gwen ➡ She’s in the London General hospital… Aunt Nicole said she passed out.. I hope she’s alright?

As soon as I heard that, I ran out of the room and straight out of the mansion.. My heart was beating really fast when I heard what Gwen, what could be possibly wrong with Lisa?
In a matter of seconds, I got to the main road and halted a taxi that was just passing by, as soon as it stopped, I told the driver my destination.

Tobi âž¡ Hello..

Taxi driver âž¡ Hello mate! Where are you heading to?

Tobi âž¡ The London general hospital.

Taxi driver ➡ Sure, hop in.. But it’s going to cost you.

Tobi âž¡ How much?

Taxi driver âž¡ 10 pounds.

Tobi ➡ That’s it?.. Let’s go.. Step on it.

Taxi driver ➡ Alright sir.. I love customers like you.. We’ll be there in minutes.

Tobi âž¡ Just drive carefully.
To Be Continued…. . . .

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