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AFRICA MY LOVER by Sadiq_Infinity (Capri Leo) - ANE Story
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Episode 33.


Sitting comfortably together on the lawn sofa in Aunt Nicole’s garden, Both Lisa and Tobi hold hands affectionately waiting for the mistress of the house to speak!.

Aunt Nicole who sits opposite them sips her hot tea comfortably without a care in the world, after one or two sips, she drops the cup and faces both inter-racial lovers with a serious look on her face.

Nicole ➡So, now that we’re all here, there’s something I’d like to discuss with you Lisa.

Lisa ➡ What is it, Aunty?

Nicole ➡ Your dispute with your father needs to be settled. Almost everyone in London knows what’s going between the two of you and I must rebuke you for your mannerless behavior towards your father.

Lisa ➡ But Aunty.. You know the real reason behind this dispute.. I won’t allow him to manipulate my life.. I have the right to do what I want as long it’s right. I see nothing wrong in falling in love with a negro.

Nicole ➡ I understand! But still you should respect your father… His Antique sale will begin in let’s say two to three days.. I want you to go there and talk to him.. Perhaps you two can work things out.

Lisa ➡ I doubt that. The result will still be the same.

Nicole ➡ Just give it one last try. Promise me you’d do that?

Lisa ➡ I will.

In that moment, Rebecca walked into the garden holding her pad, her eyes were glued on it, that she didn’t even look where she was going, While her eyes were stuck on the screen, she began to make unpleasant remarks.

Rebecca ➡ How utterly revolting!! How low will people get? Honestly, this is sick.

Nicole ➡ Rebecca! What’s going on?

Rebecca ➡ there was a heist last night at the Paddington’s mansion.. Their most prized paintings were stolen and the shocking thing was the thief left no traces.. The Authorities couldn’t figure our whether if it’s an outside or inside job.

Nicole ➡ My Goodness.. Paintings aren’t safe any longer.

Tobi ➡ Paintings!? Why would people steal paintings??

Lisa ➡ The paintings is very expensive. The Mona Lisa painting costs about millions.

Tobi ➡ If paintings are that expensive then, I’ll start painting.

Rebecca ➡ Don’t get your hopes high.. Paintings that cost that much are extraordinary masterpiece. Not just ordinary paintings.

Nicole ➡ Well.. It looks like I’m going to keep ours in a vault. Just in case someone tries to steal them.

Lisa ➡ The best way for this to stop is to apprehend the culprit.

Nicole ➡ It’s not that easy… Lisa, Rebecca, I want you two to put the paintings in the vault.

Tobi ➡ I’ll help.

Nicole ➡ Not so fast Tobi, you and I have an important issue to discuss.

Lisa ➡ What is it about?

Nicole ➡ Will you get up and carry out the task I gave you! Your presence is no longer required.

Lisa ➡ Sorry Aunty.

Feeling ashamed, Lisa stands up and walks away with Rebecca, Tobi looks at her until she leaves the garden completely. While he was doing that, Aunt Nicole draws his attention towards her.

Nicole ➡ Keep your eyes on me, Young man.

Tobi ➡ Sorry madam.

Nicole ➡ Now.. As I was saying.. There’s an important issue I want to discuss with you.. I’m grateful that you saved my niece’s life and saved our family’s name for being dragged in the mud but still your presence here has a big question mark ❔… Since you’ve came here, all you do is eat, sleep and make love to my niece whenever you please.. If I may ask, What’s your reason for coming here?

Tobi ➡ I came here to stop Dave but now that’s he’s gone.. I’m here for Lisa.

Nicole ➡ I see.. So you love her?

Tobi ➡ Very much. I want her to come to Kenya with me if I am to go back. I want to make her my wife.

Nicole ➡ EXCUSE ME!? Your wife? You’re rushing things young man.. Things don’t walk out that way. This isn’t the 1920s. you really want her to be your wife? Please tell me do you have a job?

Tobi ➡ Yes.. I’m a tourist guide back in Kenya.

Nicole ➡ A Tourist guide?? 😒… How much is your salary?

Tobi ➡ 70,000 Kenyan shilling.

Nicole ➡ Uh.. Is it that much?

Tobi ➡ More than enough.. It’s a lot of money.. But thanks to the bounty money I got from Tucker.. I’m now a rich man! I have about 10 million dollars in my account.

Nicole ➡ Hmm.. That’s a very interesting sum. What do you plan to do with this money?

Tobi ➡ Start a business but I’ll figuring it out.

Nicole ➡ With what you’ve just said.. My mind is at rest… I thought you were just a gold digger.. Sorry no offense.

Tobi ➡ None taken. I don’t blame you if you’re cautious about my affair with Lisa, it’s very vital for parents to know more about their daughter’s suitor.

Nicole ➡ I’m glad you understand.. You see the girl might be a professor but she’s simpleton and too open. It’s like she trusts very one with thinking twice.
But the most important issue here is that most men here are irresponsible, and once these men lure women into marrying them, it doesn’t take long before the marriage falls apart and the big losers by the end of the day are the women, not the men. I want to believe you’re not one of those men.

Tobi ➡ No.. I’m not.

Nicole ➡ Good but even so.. I can’t give you Lisa. She can’t be your wife.

Tobi ➡ Why?

Lisa ➡ The problem isn’t from me.. It’s from her racist father Andrews.. It’s him you’ll have to talk to about this matter. After all, Lisa is his daughter.

Tobi ➡ But you know he won’t listen to me. Can’t you help me talk to him or set up a meeting so that we can talk.. I really love Lisa and I don’t want to lose her again.

Nicole ➡ (sighs) It’s Deja vu all over again.. First it’s Caroline and now it’s Lisa. Well.. I’ll see what I can do but I pray to God he agrees because if he doesn’t. I’m afraid you’ll have to give her up.

Before I could give her an answer, We were interrupted by an unexpected visitor and that Visitor was Lisa’s sister, Gwendolyn.

Gwen ➡ Hello Aunt Nicole… It’s been a while.

Nicole ➡ Gwen.. What a pleasant surprise! What brings you here?

Gwen ➡ Oh.. My father sent me.. He wants to speak with this,… 😒😒😒.. Kenyan man over here.

Tobi ➡ Your father wants to talk to me?

Gwen ➡ That’s what I said, (Ape)

Nicole ➡ Gwendolyn.. Be nice and lower your tone. Why does Andrew want to see Tobi?

Gwen ➡ How should I know? All he told me is to tell Tobi to meet him back at the mansion.

Nicole ➡ (sighs) Alright Tobi.. Looks like your meeting came up sooner than expected. Why don’t you get dressed and go meet Lisa’s father?

Tobi ➡ Okay.. Just give me a minute, I’ll be right back.
To Be Continued…. . . .

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