ANE Stories

Episode 38.
Rebecca ➡ Oh please.. Stop saying that nonsense.. Your lover has faced situations more dangerous than this and besides he agreed to take the job.. While you were here spreading your legs like a Sl-t and getting impregnated, there’s a thief out there stealing paintings.. Yesterday , The Worthington family had been robbed of their paintings as well and I have a clue.. The victims all had Electronic frames which is produced by the Galahad’s family.
Lisa ➡ Are you saying they are the ones stealing paintings.. But they’re rich.
Rebecca ➡ You silly female.. The rich like getting richer, ever heard of that? From the estimate of this stolen paintings, the money is worth or close to a billion pounds.
Lisa ➡ Jesus! A billion!?
Rebecca ➡ Yes but if you sell it in a black market, you’ll get twice the amount.
Lisa ➡ Okay.. I’m convinced.. What can I do to help?
Rebecca ➡ (laughs) 😂😂 Help!? Seriously!? You?
Lisa ➡ Why are you laughing? You don’t think I can help?
Rebecca ➡ Sorry.. No offense but you’re a weakling. Lecturing is more at your speed but undercover work isn’t just your style.. You may look hot but you’re a geek 🤓!
Lisa ➡ I can’t believe you said that out loud!! I resent every word you said.
Rebecca ➡ Whatever.. Just leave my room okay? I need to rest.. Where’s Tobi?
Lisa ➡ Are you seriously asking me that? You should know that already.
After that, I walked out of her room shutting the door hard behind me, I headed straight to my bedroom and wondered about the quest Rebecca put Tobi on.. Maybe she’s right but still, it wouldn’t hurt to go and ask the Big bad wolf himself. It seems like I have to go see Mr. Greg Galahad, since he’s the friend of my father , I’m sure he won’t suspect me at all.
#TOBI 🇰🇪
Ah Lisa, What a woman! She may look like an innocent little package but sometimes she can be a sizzling hot palm oil.
After she heard that I had accepted to Rebecca’s offer to work in the Electronic frame company and spy on the activities there, Lisa wasn’t pleased at all, but I managed to talk my way out and convince her.
The next morning, I had to leave early so that I can start my first day without being late, While I was on the way to the company, I got video call from my sister.
Ashanti ➡ Evening brother! How’s London? Enjoying the good life eh?
Tobi ➡ Good morning Ashanti, London is great.
Ashanti ➡ What!? It’s morning!? Unbelievable.
Tobi ➡ Where’s MAMA?
Ashanti ➡ She’s right her, I’ll put her on.. Mama Tobi wants to talk to you.
Danielle ➡ Evening my son!
Tobi ➡ Good morning mama!
Danielle ➡ How’s life in London?
Tobi ➡ It’s great MAMA!
Danielle ➡ So when are you coming back? Your friends are asking of you, even your cousins too.
TOBI ➡ I will MAMA, very soon.. In the meantime I have some good news for you.
Danielle ➡ What is it?
Tobi ➡ Lisa is pregnant with my child.
Danielle ➡ Pregnant!? Are you serious?
Tobi ➡ Yes mama.. You’ll be seeing your grandchild soon.
Danielle ➡ My son.. You had go halfway around the world to put a baby in a foreign woman.. There are lots of beautiful women here back home.
Tobi ➡ MAMA! This is Lisa we’re talking about.. She’s not just foreign woman.. She’s the love of my life.
Danielle ➡ Okay, okay.. So what was her reaction!?
Tobi ➡ She was excited. Look MAMA, there’s nothing for you to worry about. We love each other.
Danielle ➡ (sighs) It’s not that I object.. You know how white people are with marriages, they don’t stay long with each other, it’s divorce after divorce.
Tobi ➡ It will never happen, Besides Lisa says she’ll move back to Kenya with me.
Danielle ➡ Okay then.. Send her my regards and please stay safe.
Tobi ➡ I will.
After that, I ended the video call and sat back in the taxi as I was driven to work. Minutes later, the taxi dropped me at the company, I paid the transport fare and headed straight to the company.
As soon as I got in there, I showed them the papers that Rebecca gave me and just like that I was accepted.
I was taken to my station and given the companies uniform to wear, as soon as I geared up, I started my work.
My job wasn’t that hard, All I was tasked to do was put the frames 🖼 in their package 📦 and then carry the packages to the van which will then carry the package to the warehouse.
For hours, I kept working and working but there was no clue to link these people here to the crime, eventually I decided to give up this investigation and go home when the day is over, but then something miraculously happened.
While I was in the packaging room putting the frames in their boxes, I overhead two guys talking about the frames and they said a lot of fascinating things.
Laborer 1 ➡ Hey mate.. Have you checked out this frames last night?
Laborer 2 ➡ Yeah I did and I must say whoever created this is Laborer thief!
Laborer 1 ➡ What did you see?
Laborer 2 ➡ You see the edge of these frames.. There are some incredibly tiny holes and behind this small steel plate in between the edge of the frames, there’s is a small but powerful knockout gas that lasts for about 5 minutes.
Once the gas is released, it surrounds the environment knocking out whoever that inhales it for 5 minutes.. That’s how the paintings got stolen this days.
Laborer 1 ➡ Wow.. So do you think Mr. Greg knows about this?
Laborer 2 ➡ Of course he does! This is his company!
Laborer 1 ➡ So You’re saying there gases in this frames we’re holding.
Laborer 2 ➡ No.. I don’t really now.. Just don’t tell anyone cause we might get killed if they find out we know about the truth.
Laborer 1 ➡ We can tell the police!
Laborer 2 ➡ Don’t be stupid mate! Don’t forget who owns this company.. You and I are a nobody, who’s going to believe what we say.. Just do your work and don’t try being a hero cause you might end up dead like a cockroach.
After that, the two guys kept their mouths shut and kept working, What the other guy said made a lot of sense. So that’s how the heist were being done, they knockout their victims and steal the paintings while they’re unconscious but the question that remains was, who the hell is Mr. Greg?
To Be Continued…. . . . .

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