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AFRICA MY LOVER by Sadiq_Infinity (Capri Leo) - ANE Story
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Episode 30.

#LISA 🇬🇧

Here at the hospital roof top where we all gathered, Tucker told us every dirty secret about Dave. I was shocked when I heard that Dave was in cahoots with Jerome and was responsible for my kidnap so that he could use that advantage to get millions from my father, Tucker said a lot of things in that moment, At first I didn’t want to believe him cause he was also there when I escaped from Jerome’s house, I was even more surprised when he revealed he’s a CIA agent.

What surprised me was that My father was associating with a criminal without knowing it, I was in a relationship with a crook… He fooled us both so he could achieve his agendas. After hearing Tucker’s revelation, The two detectives were convinced of what Tucker had said but he had show them his badge to prove he’s a CIA operative.

Shaun ➡ Well that’s quite alot of story for one night. But we believe you.. We won’t be arresting Ms. Lisa here. What do you intend to do with the body now?

Tucker ➡ Oh.. I’ll take it back to the States 🇺🇸 and show it to my superiors.. They believe in hard concrete evidence.

Gwendolyn ➡ Thank goodness, this is all over if not our reputation would be ruined.. But still This ape here has to be arrested! He assaulted my dad.

Tobi ➡ Like I said.. I didn’t know it was your Dad.. He was being a racist.

Gwendolyn ➡ With a very good reason. Your actions justify that.

Lisa ➡ Enough.. If Tobi didn’t mean it.. Then he’s telling the truth.

Gwendolyn ➡ I can’t believe you’re backing up this Kenyan swine… What if he had killed father?? You are nothing but a sellout.

Lisa ➡ Listen to me you b-tch! He saved my life.

Moníqué ➡ Mon-Lisa!!!

Lisa ➡ Sorry mother.. Stay out of my face Gwen, else I’ll deal with you.

Moníqué ➡ Enough!!! You two are acting immaturely… Stop this now… Tobi.. Thank you for keeping my daughter alive.. I really owe you a great debt. I’ve pardoned you for what you did.. I’m sure you didn’t mean it.

Tobi ➡ Thank you Madame.

Gwendolyn ➡ But mom.. This man has to be arrested.. He attacked your husband.. My father.

Moníqué ➡ ENOUGH!!! There will be no arrest and besides it was an accident… The best thing we can do now is hope and that your father will be alright.

In that moment, My cousin Carol appeared onto the balcony as well, she approached us and told us what had happened inside the hospital.

Carol ➡ Good news everyone.. The Doctor said Uncle Andrews is alright.. He suffered a mild concussion but he’s going to be alright.

Moníqué ➡ Thank God!!

Gwendolyn ➡ That still doesn’t change that fact that this man needs to be arrested!

Moníqué ➡ Gwendolyn!! If you don’t shut up.. You’ll be facing my wrath.

Gwendolyn ➡ But mother…

Carol ➡ Why can’t you keep quiet!? Just shut your mouth.

Gwendolyn ➡ Stay out of this you half Nigerian wimp.

Moníqué ➡ Detectives, Arrest her!

Gwendolyn ➡ What!? You can’t be serious!

Moníqué ➡ Oh I am.. Perhaps a night inside a cold cell will teach you some manners. Detectives… Take her away.

Shaun ➡ But she hasn’t done anything!

Moníqué ➡ Don’t you arrest people for environmental abuse.. Like noise pollution?

Shaun ➡ We do.

Moníqué ➡ Well, that’s what my daughter did.. Take her away!

After that Gwendolyn was apprehended and taken away, Both Tobi and Tucker were surprised about what just happened but I wasn’t, in fact I was glad she was taken away. At least, our ears could get some rest.
Shortly after that, My mother and the others left leaving me alone with Tobi on the rooftop, we stood a bit further from each other and we were both silent for a while, It was Tobi who broke the silence and made the first move.

Tobi ➡ Hey.. Can we talk?


#TOBI 🇰🇪

This evening sure took a lot of unexpected turns I did not forsee among them are the untimely death of Dave and the knockout of Lisa’s father by my own fist.
Hours later after the outcome of these events, Here I was finally at the hospital with Lisa on the rooftop, I was glad that her father was alright and I hoped that punch of mine would teach him some courtesy.

After her mother and the others left, Lisa and I were left alone on the rooftop, I was excited that she didn’t make a fuss about me punching her father, after all it was accident.
The night was cold and the rooftop was so quiet, We stood a few distance from each other without saying a word, While Lisa was busy staring up to the moon, I was busy feasting my eyes on her, She looked so beautiful and attractive, I’ve seen and even touched many parts of her but never have I seen her look this radiant.
Eventually, I decided to approach her and try to apologize to her once again about what happened, A woman’s heart is unpredictable, you never know what’s going on inside it.

Tobi ➡ Hey… Can we talk?

Lisa ignored me for some seconds before giving me a side look , her mood was completely blank, I couldn’t tell whether she was mad or happy.

Tobi ➡ Look.. I’m sorry about what happened earlier..

Lisa ➡ I know. You didn’t mean it.. It was a mistake.. Just like you said, right?

Tobi ➡ Yes.. So does this mean, you’ve forgiven me?

Lisa turned around completely and looked at me in the eyes smiling, But before I could say anything, I felt a quick slap on my face.


To be honest, The slap really hurt alot.. I wasn’t expecting her to react this way but still I wasn’t mad at her.

Tobi ➡ What was that for?

Lisa ➡ You asked for forgiveness right? Well this is it… I’ve forgiven you.

Tobi ➡ By slapping me!?

Lisa ➡ You’re lucky to even get a slap.. My father might be a pain at times but he’s my father and you punched him.

Tobi ➡ I didn’t know he was your father.

Lisa ➡ But still, What kind of daughter would I be if I didn’t avenge my father even if its with a slap.

Tobi ➡ Okay I understand.. So you’re not mad at me anymore right?

Lisa ➡ No.. In fact I’m truly sorry.

Tobi ➡ For what?

In a blink of an eye, Lisa threw herself at me and gave me a kiss, Her lips were so warm and delicious, I held her tight relishing her red lips. After some seconds, she stopped wrapping her hands around my face.

Lisa ➡ I’m sorry Tobi.. For what I said back in Kenya.. I should have trusted you.

Tobi ➡ It’s okay.. It’s my fault for not telling you everything..

Lisa ➡ What about Jerome??

Tobi ➡ Well, he’s in a place where he can no longer bother anyone ever again.

Lisa ➡ I’m glad you came for me.. I really missed you alot… I hope you’re planning on staying a little while longer?

Tobi ➡ Yes I am.. Since I’ll be here, I’d like to more about you.

Lisa ➡ Oh.. Don’t worry.. You will, and if you’re lucky, I’ll show you much more about me 😉 (winks)

Tobi ➡ I’ll be looking forward to that.

Lisa ➡ Alright lover.. Let’s get inside before we both catch some nasty cold!




Africans! I despise them.. I despite everything about them, To think I’d be manhandled by a Kenyan ape in my own house and land. IMPOSSIBLE!!!

After recovering from that train wreck of a fist, I returned home with the itch to get my hands on that baboon, I wanted to make him pay so badly but then Things didn’t go as I expected.
My lovely wife Moníqué who had learnt that I was going to sue the big for assaulting me, stopped me even before I could make the call, She calmed me down and cooled my boiling nerves before they had the chance to explode. I usually don’t let anyone talk me out of something but Moníqué is an exception, She’s the best woman /wife a man could possibly have and she’s been supporting me in my times of despair.. I could never have asked for a better wife than her.

Moníqué ➡ Calm down my love.. You’re overreacting.

Andrew ➡ Don’t stop me Moníqué… I’m going to bury that African baboon.. I’m going to show him he messed with a god.

Moníqué ➡ JESUS CHRIST!! Listen to yourself, Andrew… Just because you’re right doesn’t mean you’re an omniscient being.. I’m disappointed in you.

Andrew ➡ I’m sorry my love.. You know what I mean.

Moníqué ➡ No I don’t… Look Andrew.. I know you’re angry but you had this coming.. I’m sure you made the young man react just the way he did.

Andrew ➡ You know how I feel about Black skinned folks… That ape was in my house uninvited. He could have steal something.

Moníqué ➡ Listen to yourself Andrew… Don’t forget. This man saved your daughter’s life twice.. Twice. He deserves some appreciation and respect.. You should be rewarding him for exposing that fraud Dave that was using your business to do his dirty business… Do you imagine what could have happen if the world knew you were shipping Cocaine. Your reputation could have been stained and drugged through the mud.. But this man stopped that from happening.. I would be disappointed if you treated this man unfairly.

Andrew ➡ Okay, Okay.. I get it… God! Of all the people to do this heroic deed, why an African ape from Kenya?

Moníqué ➡ Just be grateful my love… Promise me you will drop the assault charge on him.. Promise me?

Andrew ➡ (sighs) I promise you my love.. I won’t press charges.

Moníqué ➡ Good.. Now please behave and try to be nice to guest okay.

Andrew ➡ I will.

Moníqué left a few days after that as she traveled to Paris. Things were quiet for a while but then the thing I had despised the most happened. My daughter was in a relationship with the Kenyan baboon, I couldn’t believe it until my second daughter Gwendolyn showed me the picture of Lisa and the Kenyan ape kissing in front of Nicole’s mansion.

No words could describe the anger and hate I felt when I saw that picture.. I was so ballistic with rage when I realized that my own flesh and blood betrayed me by falling in love with a N-gro. I didn’t waste time calling Lisa to my house one afternoon to explain her treachery and betrayal, When I questioned her about the matter, the answer she gave me made my heart bleed.

Andrew ➡ Lisa!

Lisa ➡ Father!?

Andrew ➡ How could you?

Lisa ➡ How could I what!?

Andrew ➡ HOW COULD YOU BETRAY ME BY FALLING IN LOVE WITH AN APE?… Do you have any idea what you have just done?.. I won’t let you be in an interracial relationship with that Black pig!! You still have a chance to be on my good graces.. Stop seeing that Kenyan baboon.

Lisa ➡ I’m sorry father.. I can’t. I love him.

Andrew ➡ WHAT!? YOU WHAT!?

Lisa ➡ I said I love him. Deeply, truly and sincerely.. I love him with all my heart.

Andrew ➡ You Cursed child!! After all I’ve done for you. This is how you repay me, by loving an inferior man from an inferior race.

Lisa ➡ I don’t care.. I love him.. In fact I love black people.


Lisa ➡ There’s no devil here father.. Just you.


Lisa ➡ (gasps) Father.. You call your own daughter a b-tch!?

Andrew ➡ You’re no longer my daughter.. As long ad you chose to see that ape.. I disown you.

Lisa ➡ Finally.. I’m free from your shackles. I don’t care if I’m your daughter anymore. I won’t have you trying to control or manipulate my life. You can’t see my own happiness, then it’s you who doesn’t deserve me as your daughter.

Andrew ➡ You scandalous B-TCH!! Get out of my house.. I never want to see or hear from you ever again.. You’re a disgrace to me and your family.

Lisa ➡ Good, at least I can do as I wish with my life without you bothering me.. Good bye father.

To Be Continued… .. . . 

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