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AFRICA MY LOVER by Sadiq_Infinity (Capri Leo) - ANE Story
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Episode 26.

#LISA šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§

Everyone was excited about my safe return especially my Dad, Most of our relatives came and gave me their condolences, despite the fact i wasnā€™t too excited about coming back home, It was sure nice to see everyone.

As Usual, Dave boasted to my dad on how he had saved me from jaws of death, and then proudly told my dad that I was been charmed by Tobi love portion and witchcraft, he referred to Tobi as an illiterate black baboon.
I was mad really, Tobi might have used me but he wasnā€™t an illiterate, and he was also a fine specimen of a real man in so many ways.

My father wasnā€™t pleased that I wasnā€™t in a romantic fling with Tobi, he was furious about the whole thing and swore that I wouldnā€™t go to any African country ever again.

Andrew āž” I FORBID YOU TO EVER GO TO THAT BACKWARD CONTINENT EVER AGAIN.. I canā€™t believe your white beautiful skin was stained with black inferiority.

Lisa āž” Dadā€¦ This is absurd and foolish.

Andrew āž” Say whatever you want but youā€™re not going to that continent ever again.

Lisa āž” This is pure insanity and horseshit!!!

Andrew āž” What did you just say? You dare speak to me like that?

Lisa āž” Whatever! This is the modern age not the medieval ageā€¦ Everyone has the right to do what he or she wants. Iā€™m a grown and educated woman.. This is my life and I can do whatever the hell I want.

Andrew āž” Is that so? Fineā€¦ Just remember that if I hear any involvement with you and the black apes.. Youā€™ll be in serious trouble.

After that heated talk, I avoided my father completely, I had nothing to do with him, Itā€™s a shame to have him as my father.. He had no right to limit my affairs in life and his reasons and excuses are based on stupid and racist grounds and I wonā€™t have that.
My father too was mad about me, So he hired someone to keep an eye on my affairs, I was so mad that I decided not to stay at home any longer.

A few days after my return, I resumed by work back at Oxford university, everyone in the institution had heard of my supposedly kidnapping and paid their condolences, My colleague and friend, Veronica apologized for making me suffer a fate that was meant to be hers.

Veronica āž” Oh Lisa.. Iā€™m so sorry.. Iā€™m glad youā€™re safe.. I wouldnā€™t have forgive myself if anything had happened to you.. This is all my fault.

Lisa āž” Noā€¦ No.. Donā€™t say that.. Besides nobody knew this was going to happen. Donā€™t blame yourself okay?

Veronica āž” Okay.. So howā€™s the trip before the whole kidnapping incident?

Lisa āž” It was nice.

Veronica āž” Nice!? Is that all?

Lisa āž” Well.. I did meet a man. A real man.

Veronica āž” Oh you crazy sl-tā€¦ Tell me what was he like?

Lisa āž” Hmm.. Where do I begin??.. Heā€™s manly and sturdy, he looks dashing and his skin is so black!

Veronica āž” What!? A black manā€¦ Seriously?

Lisa āž” Of courseā€¦ Oh.. We had a great time.. Itā€™s a shame it all had to end miserably.

Veronica āž” My Goodnessā€¦ So tell me.. Whoā€™s better between him and Dave?

Lisa āž” (laughs) My Godā€¦ Well let me put it this wayā€¦ Going to Kenya gave me the best s-xual experience any woman could ever hadā€¦ and we did it raw too.

Veronica āž” Wow!! Arenā€™t you afraid to get AIDs.. I heard most of this African men are carrying it.

Lisa āž” Do you always believe what you hear Veronica? Donā€™t mind those illiterates spreading rumors. If you want to get the best f-ck of your life.. Sleep with a black man.. Believe me, they have it all,.. Size, strength, durability and endurance, all in one package šŸ“¦.

Veronica āž” My goodness. Well Iā€™m in a relationship right now.. Iā€™ll just have to wait until Iā€™m single again. I canā€™t cheat on my Charlie.

Lisa āž” I understand.. Well.. I have to get going.. I have a class to lecture now. See you later.

It was a hectic day in Oxford, Thanks to my long vacation in Kenya, I felt kind of lazy to lecture and I was quickly exhausted.
As soon as the long arm of the clock šŸ•¦ hit 2:00pm.. I packed up my stuff and drove home straight to Aunt Nicoleā€™s mansion, which is where Iā€™m currently staying, She didnā€™t bother having me around cause there was plenty of rooms that were empty.
Immediately I arrived there, I parked my car and went into the mansion, heading straight to my room to have a bath šŸ›.
Feeling the hot water on my skin felt really good and refreshing, I spent a while in the toilet under the shower šŸšæ just letting the water drop on me.
After a while, I came out of the toilet and headed to my room to dry off, while I was doing that, I got a visit from my mother, MonƭquƩ Lovette.

My mother isnā€™t part of the Lovette family, Sheā€™s a citizen of France and Unlike my father, she isnā€™t a racist, she doesnā€™t even have time for such nonsense cause sheā€™s a busy woman.
She loves fashion, food and musicā€¦ She doesnā€™t always stay at home cause sheā€™s always traveling around the world hosting fashion shows and buying expensive clothes and furs worth thousands of money.
She too runs her own line of fashion and when she isnā€™t shopping, she stays in France supervising talented cooks who have hopes to become excellent Chefs, sheā€™s a food critic.

My mother is a the kind of person that adores perfection no matter what shape, size or color it comesā€¦ In her opinion, Perfection is everything and that is why sheā€™s a devoted Catholic, she believes the catholic christian religion is a symbol of perfection and everything about it is perfection.
Such as her lifestyle is completely different and classier than my fatherā€™s, I wonder how they both ended up marrying each other because theyā€™re so different. My mother isnā€™t a devoted parent but she certainly isnā€™t a bad one either, sheā€™s good in her own way and unlike father, She listens to me and letā€™s me do my own thing.

MonĆ­quĆ© āž” Ahā€¦ Mona-Lisa! Itā€™s so good to see you..

Lisa āž” Its so nice to see you to Mama! I see youā€™re back from your trip.

MonĆ­quĆ© āž” Yes my daughterā€¦ Look how lovely you areā€¦ Itā€™s been a while. Come give me a hug.

My mom and I hugged one another for some seconds before we sat on the bed close to each other. As always my mom looks fashionable and in her best, this time around, she wore a long fur coat and a strapless gown on the inside.

MonĆ­quĆ© āž” Ah my little girl.. I heard such terrible news about youā€¦ Is it true?

Lisa āž” You havenā€™t heard?

MonĆ­quĆ© āž” Non! I just heard about it yesterday from your sisterā€¦ She told me that Andrew made her swear not to tell me until you were safe. Were you hurt?

Lisa āž” No Mama, Iā€™m fine (except for that wicked slapā€¦ Jesus!!)

MonĆ­quĆ© āž” Oh.. DĆ©solĆ©! DĆ©solĆ©ā€¦ Well Iā€™m glad youā€™re safe.. I also heard that you and your Papa are quarreling.. What happened?

Lisa āž” The usual Mama.. The usual.

MonĆ­quĆ© āž” (sighs) That father of yours.. Why donā€™t you two settle the issue huh?.

Lisa āž” I have no intention of speaking to him.. That old goat šŸ has been a thorn on my neck throughout my life.

MonĆ­quĆ© āž” MONA-LISA!! Donā€™t ever call your father that.. Comprenez vous???

Lisa āž” Yes Mama.

MonĆ­quĆ© āž” well, letā€™s drop unpleasant matters aside.. Wait till you see the gift I made for you.. Its a Paris original made specifically for you by one of best fashion designers in Paris. Its a black strapless gown.. It will fit you.

Lisa āž” Thanks Mama.. But I donā€™t need a gown.

MonĆ­quĆ© āž” Oh you do. Donā€™t you know your family reunion is in two days time?

Lisa āž” Really? I had no idea.

MonĆ­quĆ© āž” Well.. Now you do.. I canā€™t wait to see you try the gown. By the way.. Howā€™s Dave?

Lisa āž” Dave is Dave.. The same as always.

MonĆ­quĆ© āž” (speaking French ) Inactif au lit? šŸ˜ā€¦ā€¦ (Inactive in bed)

Lisa āž” (speaking French) Oui Mamaā€¦. (Yes mama).


Finally at last, The Family Reunion of the Lovette family begins and the occasion is held as usual in Aunt Nicoleā€™s house.
Everyone in the family dresses in their best, each one trying to show off their wealth.
Carol and Alex show up too with their kids, Mike and Lizzy show up as well, Jessy as usual is with her husband Teddy.
Rebecca and her brother too are present in the occasion showing off their expensive clothes but the person that looks fabulous in the whole gathering is none other than Lisa.
Thanks to the dress her mom brought for her, she looks so suave and enchanting in her gown, after exchanging greetings with her family members and relatives, She heads to the balcony to get some air. Upon getting there she sees Dave flirting with her sister.

Lisa āž” Daveā€¦ You dog!

Dave āž” Heyā€¦. Lisa.. What a surprise!

Gwen āž” Hey sis. Looking good by the way.

Lisa āž” Gwen give me a moment with this two timing pig!

Gwen āž” Gladly. Adios.

As soon as Gwen leaves, Lisa blasts Dave for hitting on her sister.

Lisa āž” You b-stard.. You cheap gold digger.. I wasnā€™t enough for you huh? You had to try to cheat on me with my own sister! I HATE YOU.

Dave āž” Look itā€™s not what you think. We were having a normal conversation.

Lisa āž” Donā€™t think Iā€™m stupid.. I saw how you were staring at her? Tell me, where you f-cking her while I was away in Kenya?

Dave āž” No.. Youā€™re getting this wrong.

Lisa āž” You know what.. Iā€™m tired and done with you.. What we have is over.

Dave āž” It was over when I saw you with that baboon.

Lisa āž” Excuse me?

Dave āž” Thatā€™s right.. Did you think I didnā€™t know what was happening.. Seeing the way that ape touched you, I knew you were spreading your legs for him.. Tell me did it feel good?

Lisa āž” It felt better, more exciting and thrilling than it was with you.. You stupid f-ck! How I ended up with a worthless man like you, Iā€™ll never know.

Dave āž” Well, now that youā€™ve made your decisionā€¦ It seems Iā€™ll f-ck your sister after all.. I just hope she isnā€™t as boring as you.

Lisa āž” Donā€™t fool yourself b-stardā€¦ She already knows youā€™re a one minute man. Better go stick your pencil in someoneā€™s puā€“y.

Feeling humiliated and embarrassed, Dave grabs Lisa and puts his hands on her neck trying to choke her, she struggles feebly trying to break free but Daveā€™s grip was just too strong.

Dave āž” You stupid b-tch! I should have left you in Kenya to rot.. I donā€™t need you, youā€™re just a pawn for a game, Iā€™m playing and once Iā€™m done.. You wonā€™t even know what hit you.. As for your Kenyan lover, Iā€™m going to visit him and gut him to pieces like the African pig he isā€¦. Iā€™m going to.


Before Dave could finish, Something hits him hard on the head making him shout in pain, he lets go of Lisa and then she shoves him off her forcefully, unfortunately for him, Lisaā€™s push was too strong that he stumbles over the balcony and falls down hard all the way to the ground breaking his neck.
Lisa turns around as sees Dave laying motionlessly on the ground, she then shifts her gaze and gasps as she see Tobi on the ground staring at her. She stands speechless for a while before saying his name softly.

Lisa āž” Tobiā€¦..

Tobi smiles and waves at her complimenting her looks.

Tobi āž” You look lovely Ms.Lovette, can you please get down here? Thereā€™s something I have to tell you.

Lisa nods her head and then hurries down to meet Tobi, everyone in the living room stares at her as she zips pass them with a smile on her face as she heads towards the door.
To Be Continued… . . .Ā 

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