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AFRICA MY LOVER by Sadiq_Infinity (Capri Leo) - ANE Story
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Episode 21.


Shocked and surprised at the sight of her Ex lover, Lisa freezes in disbelief.. This was the last thing she unexpected on a lovely morning like today and she wasn’t pleased to see Dave.

After a while, she gathers her strength and faces Dave asking him what he was doing here, Dave who was surprised to see Lisa here, quickly came up with lie to cover up his reason why he’s here in Tobi’s house.

Lisa ➡ What are you doing here?… How did you know I was here?

Dave ➡ Are you kidding? Do you know hoe worried your family are especially your father.. He was almost out of his mind when he heard you were missing..
He wanted to come here himself but I insisted I would come and find you… It took a while but I finally got someone who spilled the beans about your whereabouts… It turns out you’re in real serious trouble with a man named Jerome.. I heard you killed his brother and took something from him .. Lisa we have to leave now!

Lisa ➡ No.. I can’t.. Not now.. I’m perfectly fine.. Tobi has been keeping me safe.

Dave ➡ Tobi?… Who’s Tobi?

Lisa ➡ He’s the one who saved my life.. He’s been very good to me.

Dave ➡ Babe… Do you understand the gravity of the shit you’re in? Kenya isn’t safe for you.. We need to leave this instant.. I’ve already booked a flight that will take us straight back to England.. I promised your father that I would bring you back home safe and that’s what I’m going to do.. Your family are worried sick about you.. Please understand the emotional burden you’re putting on them.

Feeling touched by Dave’s words, Lisa begins to feel guilty for going MIA and not contacting her family, Just as she’s about to consider Dave’s plan to leave, Tobi arrives at the scene causing more tension.
He looks at Lisa and then looks at Dave, their eyes meet and it was evident that both men despised each other, Tobi walks over to Lisa and straps his arms around her waist, Dave who sees this goes ballistic with jealousy.

Dave ➡ Hey You.. Get your monkey hands of her white skin.. Who the f-ck are you?

Tobi ➡ What did you say you r-cist pig? I will show you pepper! This is Africa… You’re a long way from home.. It’s time someone taught you some manners and courtesy.

Lisa ➡ Please both of you should stop.. Please!!

Tobi ➡ Lisa.. Who’s this guy??

Lisa ➡ Tobi.. This is Dave.. He’s my….

Dave ➡ Boyfriend!

Tobi ➡ Boyfriend!? You mean Ex… I’m here boyfriend now.

Dave ➡ What!? Lisa wouldn’t do mingle with a stinking ape like you!.. Is it true Lisa?

Lisa ➡……….

Dave ➡ Lisa.. Is it true?

Tobi ➡ Come on Lisa tell him..

Lisa ➡ Will you both leave me alone!? God! Just let me be.

Dave ➡ Listen you ape!?…

Tobi ➡ Don’t ever call me that name, else I’ll going to show you how Kenyan men deal with r-cist men like you.. If you want to address me.. My name is Tobi Mingati.

Dave ➡ Tobi Mingati!?…. So it’s you.. Oh my God!

Upon hearing that, Lisa turns around and asks Dave what the matter was, Tobi who looks confused begins to wonder what Dave was planning, little did he know that the sly American fox had a terrible plan in mind.

Lisa ➡ Dave… What’s wrong.. Why are you talking like that?

Dave ➡ Do you have any idea who this man is?… He’s one of them.. He’s among those that kidnapped you.. He’s working for them.

Tobi ➡ LIES!! I’ll cut out your tongue.

Lisa ➡ Tobi… STOP!!!… Dave, this is ridiculous.. Tobi saved my life.

Dave ➡ Yes, that you did, but that’s all an act..

Lisa ➡ What!?

Tobi ➡ Lies… You dare speak falsehood against me?

Lisa ➡ Dave you need to explain yourself.. Don’t lie to me?

Dave ➡ Why would I lie?… The man that told me about this place also works for the same man as Tobi here… His name is Karanja.. He told me everything..

Lisa ➡ You know this Karanja?? Tobi.. Do you know him?

Tobi ➡ Yes but what this fool is saying is not true.. They’re all lies.

Dave ➡ Admit your faults fool!.. Ask him if he knows Jerome? Ask him?

Lisa ➡ Tobi… Do you know him?.. DO YOU?

Tobi ➡ (silently) Yes.. I do.

Lisa ➡ So you knew him.. Does this mean you knew about my kidnap before hand?

Tobi ➡ No… Honestly.. No.. I had no knowledge about your kidnap and I don’t work for Jerome.

Dave ➡ Oh please… Lying and denial is useless at this point… You work for Jerome and you kept Lisa here promising you’d get her home.. It’s been months since she was missing, if you really wanted her to get home, all you had to do was inform the British embassy here in Kenya or even make a phone call to her parents since she already has the number but you didn’t..
You’ve been fooled Lisa, he made empty promises to you… He was never going to take you home… He kept you here as a hostage, until Jerome got the ransom money from your father.

Lisa ➡ Enough! and how do you all these?

Dave ➡ I was with your father when he got the call from Jerome demanding for ransom… When I heard Karanja told me everything, I summed everything up, I was hoping to come here and beat the sense out of Tobi to tell me where you were but as luck would have it.. You were right here.

Tobi ➡ Lisa… Can’t you see this man is obviously lying? I had no dealings with Jerome?

Dave ➡ Lisa.. Didn’t you father said there were some mysterious group sabotaging some of his shipment?… Why don’t you ask your friend about his secret group *POKAC*… They’re the ones destroying your father’s shipment.

Lisa ➡ Is it true??

Tobi ➡ Yes but that was because drugs and cocaine were being smuggled.

Dave ➡ (laughs cynically) Ha, Ha, ha,… Jesus lord! Is there no end to your lies??… I supervise the shipment of Mr. Andrews cargo… Do you think a man of that status would allow his some thugs smuggle drugs here to Kenya!? No… There is no evidence of the drug as you claim… And even if there was any drugs.. The Custom officers would have spotted it already… Face it man.. You’re acts have been exposed.. Or as you say it in Africa.. The an-s of the hen has been exposed..

Tobi ➡ Lisa, listen to me.. I didn’t do…..


Just before Tobi could finish his sentence.. He was taken by surprise by Lisa’s stunning slap, He stands still not believing what she had done.. He looks at her straight in the eyes and sees tears dropping down from her face, She tries to slap him again but she hesitates and covers her face whimpering.

Dave who’s enjoying the turn of events grins wickedly and approaches Lisa putting his arms around her, Tobi seethes with anger but doesn’t nothing, After shedding some tears, Lisa brushes Dave off her and stands in front of Tobi.

Lisa ➡ I’m disappointed in you… I can’t believe you lied to me… I thought you were a nice person. But it turns out you’ve been using me.. I HATE YOU!! Your sister would be ashamed to know know that her brother is nothing but a pig! I hope I never see you again.. EVER! Let’s go Dave.

After blasting off Tobi, Lisa walks away with Dave, who smiles mischievously, both of them enter the car and zoom off leaving a trail of dust in Tobi’s face.
After standing outside quietly for a while, Tobi walks back into his house and shuts the door.
To Be Continued…. . . . .

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