ANE Stories

Episode 14.
Life is indeed full of surprises.. Never in my life that thought that I’d be in this condition but nevertheless, I’m grateful that I’m alive and well.
After I was rescued and taken in by Tobi some days ago , Life wasn’t as comfortable as it was, No cappuccino, no air conditioner, and no TV, even my dress code had to change but this was to keep me in disguise cause Tobi found out that the One of the drug mafias, whose name is Jerome, had placed a reward for anyone who brought him back a white woman with the name of Lisa Lovette but no one knew what I looked like but still I stayed hidden and out of sight, But I couldn’t bare to stay indoors for long.
So Tobi decided to make me wear their local women attire which was a blouse and a wrapper to keep me in disguise until the heat had reduced and he also limited my movements and made sure his lions kept an eye on me while he was away.
Speaking of the lions, I misjudged the delightful creatures.. They were harmless and they are well tamed by Tobi , During his spare time, he took his time and created a bond between me and the lions, it took a while before they got used to each other, Sometimes Tobi and I would sit down and have a conversation learning so much about each others life’s and culture.
At first, I really wasn’t comfortable with Tobi cause I was afraid he would either rape me or sell me out to the kidnappers but as time went by, I realized he’s a good man.
He even introduced me to his mother and sister and made them promise not to tell anyone about me.
So far, I’ve been under Tobi’s care for three weeks now and there was no sign of anyone coming to rescue me, Tobi had promised he would fine out a way to contact my relatives back in England and send me home when the time comes.
So one hot Afternoon, I was alone at home doing nothing, the worst part was there was no Electricity cause the transformer had exploded, in that moment, I began to regret when I was in this oven Tobi calls a house.
Sometimes it’s moments like this that makes me wish I wasn’t in Kenya in the first place but there’s nothing I could do, after all, it’s not my fault that I’m where I am, It’s just that Fate has already decided how my life it’s going to be.
In that moment, an idea hit my head… Since there was nothing for me to do, I decided that I would go check out Tobi’s bedroom, Its the only place I haven’t been to in this house. I soon left my room and went to his, Luckily for me, his bedroom door wasn’t closed, I went inside and took a good look around the place, I was impressed see that he’s neat, everything in the room was intact, There wasn’t much in the room, except maybe for the mattress, a reading table and also a couple of long spears, I took on them them taking a good look at it, it was quite heavy but I still managed to carry it, shortly after that, I began to swing it around imitating those African hunters wearing animals skin, the next thing I did was quite crazy, I wanted to try and throw the spear, I once did Javelin back when I was in highschool and I was good at it, the only problem was this spear was a little bit heavier than the Javelin,… After taking my aim, I threw it straight towards the bedroom door and then suddenly, Tobi appeared.
Fortunately for me, he was quick to catch the spear in time, I looked at him feeling ashamed, not only did I almost killed him by accident, I was also in his bedroom without his consent. I hope he doesn’t get mad.
Tobi ➡ What are you doing in my bedroom?
Lisa ➡ I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to enter with room without your consent.. It’s just that I was bored, that’s all.
Tobi ➡ Hmm..
Lisa ➡ I hope you’re not mad?
Tobi ➡ Not at all.. Your throw is just too weak.
Lisa ➡ Excuse me!? I’m very good at javelin throw!
Tobi ➡ Woman! Javelin throw is kid’s play.. Let me show you how to really throw something.
In a blink of an eye, He threw the spear just inches away from me, The spear zipped past me and pierced his wooden wardrobe.. My heart jumped in fright and I nearly peed myself.. I’ve never seen anyone throw something this precise.
After that, I approached the wardrobe looking at how firmly the spear was stuck to it.. I tried removing it but it won’t budge, then sudden, Tobi came behind me and removed the spear with one pull, I was so turned on by his strength that I felt wet under…. Jesus, this man is f-cking strong.
Tobi and I stood staring at each other, we were so close we were literally feeling each other’s breaths,… I stared into his eyes and saw the macho fire in his eyes, I wonder what he’s thinking about.. If he decided to take me I wouldn’t stop him, I would love to have him dominate me in bed. After a brief moment of silence, Tobi spoke up.
Tobi ➡ You want me to teach you how to throw properly?
Lisa ➡ Oh yes.. Please do..
Tobi ➡ Okay then.. Let’s go outside.
Minutes later, Tobi and I left the house and carrying both spears with us, Tobi held both of them cause I couldn’t handle it’s weight.
After walking for about an hour into the wilds, Tobi and I stopped at a nice spot under a wonderful big tree,.. The tree branches were so spread out that they gave us coverage from the sun making the place cool and comfortable.. after we had relaxed for a while, we began to make practice.
Tobi ➡ Alright Lisa… Show me your best throw! I’d like to see how far you can throw!
Lisa ➡ Okay… Prepare to be dazzled!! Men aren’t the only ones who can throw.
Tobi handed me a spear, I grabbed it and aimed for a long throw, I gathered my strength holding the spear and also keeping my stance, I could feel Tobi’s eyes on me but I couldn’t help but wonder if he was staring at my body or my throw,.. After taking a long breath… I threw my spear.
My stance was perfect and my aim was precise but my throw was weak, the spear didn’t go that far.
Tobi scuffled and came close to me, aiming for his throw, I moved aside and watched admirably at his stance, and the way his muscles flexed and tighten, I swallowed hard watching the sweat dripping from his black sexy… Jesus.. This man is s-xy.
In a blink of an eye, Tobi threw the spear and it zoomed straight at the tree planting itself deep inside. Tobi looked at me and smiled proudly.
Tobi ➡ You see Lisa? This is how you throw a spear.. Everything must be perfect.. Although I must admit, your stance is good but I’ll have to show you the proper stance.. Your aim is slacking and your throw is weak.. If you don’t mind.. I can show you.
Lisa ➡ Okay. Show me.
Tobi smiled and then reached out for my spear, as soon as he grabbed it, he approached and went behind me showing me how to throw just like him, He held my hands adjusting my aim and then i felt his hands on my waist, showing me the perfect stance, I twitched pleasurably as I felt his manly bust on my skin and his breath on my neck.. I felt so wet in that moment.
As we stood like that for a while, We then threw the spear together, and it went right into the tree, I was so happy that I gave Tobi a warm hug, Tobi too held me tightly making feel his manly grip.. God! I felt like I was in heaven.. If only my father could see me now, He would freak out and probably lose his mind.
After that Tobi and I sat close to each other staring at the lovely horizon and the beautiful landscape before us, his lions too had joined us sitting right next to us.
Lisa ➡ Hmm, It’s not every you get to see a sight such as this.. This place is like a mini Paradise.
Tobi ➡ I agree.. That’s why I stayed away from the city and moved here.. It’s so quiet and peaceful here.
Lisa ➡ Isn’t it dangerous!? I mean there are wild animals.
Tobi ➡ Trust me.. I don’t fear them and they don’t approach me.. Except for my lions.
Lisa ➡ If I may ask.. How did you posses these big cats?
Tobi ➡ Well, for generations my family has been taming lions.. Before we used to hunt them but we don’t. My father gave me these lions when I was in my teenage years.. I took my time and cared for them.. The most important thing in rearing animals like this, is build trust between you and them.. Make them realize you’re not a threat and be kind at all times and they’ll be loyal to you forever.
Lisa ➡ Okay.. But what If they’re hungry?
Tobi ➡ I feed them but If I have no money for meat, They go out and feed by themselves. They wouldn’t eat me.
Lisa ➡ Wow.. That’s amazing. Too bad I don’t have my camera, I would have taken pictures of them.
Tobi ➡ I see.. So tell me Lisa.. I see you’re too obsessed about Africa.. Why the interest in it?
Lisa ➡ Well Tobi.. I’ve been in love with Africa ever since I was little.. I love the people, the customs and cultures, the food and their dressing.. Everything about Africa excites me.
Tobi ➡ Wow,.. This is the first time I’ve heard a Foreigner say something like this.. Most of the foreigners in my work place are only interest in the wild life..
Lisa ➡ Well.. I’m different.
Tobi ➡ So tell me more about your family!? I know you’re rich but what more can you tell me about them?
Lisa ➡ Well.. Besides that fact my family are rich.. They aren’t exactly like me… Most of them are pure racist c-nts. Especially my father… He hates Africa and anything about it.
Tobi ➡ But he ships his wine here.
Lisa ➡ Yes.. That’s because he’s making money out of you guys.. He hates the way I drool about Africa.. He even warned me not to get involved with any black person.
Tobi ➡ Hmm, so when is his next shipment coming in?
Lisa ➡ that depends on his most trusted agent Dave, who’s also my boyfriend… God! I’m sick of him.. He handles the shipment of Dad’s wine into Kenya.
Tobi ➡ I see.. So why do you resent him?
Lisa ➡ Dave is a pr-ck and a egomaniac.. He’s so full of himself… I wonder what I saw in him in the first place?… Tell me Tobi.. Are you in a relationship?
Tobi ➡ I was but anymore.. It’s been long since I was in a relationship.
Lisa ➡ (excited) Oh.. What’s her name?
Tobi ➡ Mumbi! She’s the first girl I’ve ever been with.
Lisa ➡ So what happened?
Tobi ➡ Well, things didn’t work out between us and we separated.
Oh Jack pot!!! I can’t believe this s-xy hunk is single, I was hoping dozens of ladies would be drooling at his feet … Poor Mumbi.. How could she be so stupid? How could she breakup with this African’s finest specimen.. Well that’s her loss, cause this guy is about to be mine. Ha, ha (laughs)
Lisa ➡ Oh.. I’m so sorry to hear that.
Tobi ➡ Oh, don’t apologize.. It was never meant to be anyway.
Lisa ➡ Well.. Don’t you think it’s time you got back into the social life?
Tobi ➡ I’m too busy for any female companionship.
Lisa ➡ But still you have time for me.
Tobi turned at looked at me as I said that, He fixed his eyes on me without even blinking… God, I’ve never seen a man so confident and bold.
After a while, Tobi looked away smiling into the horizon.
Lisa ➡ Something funny?
Tobi ➡ No.. I’m just admiring beauty.
Lisa ➡ Yeah. The horizon is sure beautiful.
Tobi ➡ I wasn’t talking about the horizon.. I was talking about you.
I blushed as he said that but I kept my head cool but Tobi didn’t stop there, he kept showering with sweet loving words.
Tobi ➡ Though you’re European but you sure look even lovely in Kenyan attire. Yours eyes are just so beautiful.. I can’t stop staring at them and as for your form, it’s amazing.. It’s quite rare to see a woman a beauty such as yours.
Lisa ➡ What do you mean by that?
Tobi ➡ Well.. Most women of this era are too materialistic but you.. You’re different, it’s been long since you wore a makeup but still you look ravishing, you don’t even need makeup.. You loom just fine.
Lisa ➡ Oh.. Are you crushing on me?
Tobi ➡ I don’t crush on women, I love and cherish them and that’s why I’m doing right now.
Lisa ➡ It’s sweet of you Tobi.. I wish men are romantic and honest like you.. But there’s a little problem with your sudden approach.. My boyfriend.
Tobi ➡ So? I don’t care about him.. I care about you.
In that moment, I blushed so much that I felt like I was going to explode, without wasting any time, Tobi got closer to me putting his hands around my waist, I sat transfixed not moving, Tobi’s hands were driving me insane, I felt so weak and wet that I was hoping he’d make love to me right there and then but then he did something surprising..
Little did I know there was snake hanging on the tree bark behind me, and then swiftly, Tobi grabbed the snake’s head and threw it far away.. I jumped in fright as I saw the snake been hurled far into the distance.. I rushed at Tobi holding onto him tightly.
Lisa ➡ (terrified) Oh my God! That was a snake.. Why didn’t you kill it?
Tobi ➡ Kill it? No.. I can’t..
Lisa ➡ But it could have bitten me and I would have died from it’s poison.
Tobi ➡ But it didn’t.. Relax.. Besides that snake will be food for the hawks. Come on.. Let’s go home.. It’s getting dark.
Lisa ➡ Okay..
After that, Tobi took the spears and signaled the lions to follow us, in that moment, I saw a big hawk from a distance diving down real fast taking up something in it’s claws.. It must have been the snake, Tobi threw.
While I was looking at the hawk, Tobi grabbed my hand pulling me behind him, As we walked side by side, we held hands together walking home together with the pride of lions.
To Be Continued…. . . . .

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