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AFRICA MY LOVER by Sadiq_Infinity (Capri Leo) - ANE Story
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Episode 09.


Just like clockwork, The police bombarded my house the next morning, they in droves as if they were going to war with a group of criminals..

I was done eating my breakfasts when they showed up, I pretended as if I didn’t know what was going on, I came out and stood in front of my door looking at them.

The inspector of police, Mr. Mpenda came in front of me staring down at me, he had a coyly smile on his face and then looked around my house before making his statement.

Mpenda ➡ Good morning Tobi.

Tobi ➡ Good morning officer… What brings you to my house?

Mpenda ➡ We’ve gotten a report that you helping Jerome distribute his drugs in the ghetto neighborhood. It’s a shame to say this but it turns our you’re not clean after all…

Tobi ➡ (laughs) Drugs? In this house? Tell me Mpenda… Do I look like Jerome’s errand boy or do I look like a p-mp!? There are no drugs here, I suppose you turn around and go back to wherever you came from.

Mpenda ➡ Watch your mouth, dog… I’m an officer of the law.. And I won’t tolerate any misconduct. Now move aside while we search your house.

Tobi ➡ I don’t care if you’re the commissioner of police… I’ve got a see a warrant before I let you into my property and if you insist on budging in without the warrant, I’ll sue you for trespass or better yet, my pets will gladly feed on your flesh.

Mpenda shivered as he heard my last statement, he pulled out a paper from his pocket and plastered it on my chest, I moved aside and allowed him in..
For almost an hour, He and his men searched my house and didn’t find anything, He eventually got frustrated and finally gave up the search.. I smiled defiantly at his face when he came out of the house.

Tobi ➡ Did you find anything??

Mpenda ➡ 😠 No… Looks like you’re clean.. Let’s go boys.

Tobi ➡ Finally… Don’t just go Mpenda.. Go far away and never return.

Mpenda and his men entered their cars and left, As soon as they were gone, I laughed so hard that I nearly peed myself…
Those guys are fools… They shouldn’t have sent a woman to do their dirty work! If they think they’re going to pin me down, they must be crazy.
After I read Mumbi’s phone last night, I realized the real reason behind her phoney generosity of offering me a ride home, and as soon as the b-tch left, I took my time and searched my house well, It took me a while before I found out where she hid the package of cocaine.
That night, I went far and deep into the wilds and disposed of the cocaine, nobody would ever find it here, as soon as I got rid of it, I went home and slept.

I suspect this was Jerome’s scheme, he always does that to people to defy him, Well unlike those people, I’m not that timid to realize a dirty scheme when I see one… I couldn’t believe he used Mumbi execute his plan… And as for that b-tch, I’ll deal with her the next time we meet.

After a while, I took my bath and went straight to work,… It took me almost an hour to get there and as soon as I arrived, My boss, (Mr. Quincy) sure wasn’t pleased with my late coming.

Quincy ➡ Tobi mingati!!! You’re late.

Tobi ➡ Sorry boss… I had to deal with some issues.

Quincy ➡ Good God man! You always seem to have an excuse for your lateness.. The reason why you’re still on the job is because you’re good… Don’t make me make a regrettable decision by firing you.

Tobi ➡ Don’t worry sir.. It won’t happen again.

Quincy ➡ You always say that every single time.. Get to work.

Poor Mr. Quincy… He’s quite an understanding guy for an American especially from Louisiana, I heard that most american racists come from there. After I departed from Mr. Quincy, I went to my locker and wore my uniform which is a shirt and a P-cap, as soon as I was done dressing, I went out and did my job.
Being a tourist guide is fun but there was some advantages and disadvantages, the advantages are ;

– One gets to meet the hottest ladies from different countries and continents.

– Working as a tourist guide, you get to go to places for free and ride in flashy cars.

– Also after working hard, We get to eat and drink for free back at headquarters.

– Also the salary is quite healthy.

As for the disadvantages, There are just two…. First, a tourist guide can not get involved with the foreign tourists romantically or s-xually during work time but would be okay except that’s the only chance one gets to meet them.
Lastly, The job can be exhausting at times, we spend hours showing the tourist around.
But nevertheless, The job is an interesting one,.. Time went by really fast and day was soon over, after returning to head quarters, I wore my clothes and went back home, some of my colleagues tagged along with me talking about how their day went.

Makena ➡ Hmm, those tourists are a real pain.. Especially those white pigs… Who do they think they are?

Akeem ➡ What happened?

Makena ➡ One of the European female tourists was measuring me with her eyes… Looking at me as if I was some kind of plague. (Speaking Swahili)… B-tch mweupe anayevuta…. (F-cking white b-tch)

Akeem ➡ Don’t mind them. You’re beautiful and attractive.

Jata ➡ Lay off Makena.. You’re just jealous of her white skin.

Tobi ➡ What is that supposed to mean?

Makena ➡ Better watch your mouth (speaking Swahili).. Uuzaji.. (Sellout)

Jaka ➡ Me? A sellout? No.. Woman. I’m no sellout.. There’s nothing wrong in tangling with the whites.. At least their women are more refined than ours.

Akeem ➡ You can’t be serious.. I’d rather be with my African sisters.. They have better quality.

Jaka ➡ Quality?? What Quality? A woman that will look like a hippopotamus after child birth is not a woman of quality…. Take a look at these white women they take good care of their bodies and they exercise to stay fit and s-xy.

Makena ➡ I wish your mother could here this… She would curse you.

Jaka ➡ Curse me? Just because I prefer the white women over our black sisters.. No.. This is a matter of choice. Tobi here knows what I’m talking about.

Tobi ➡ Don’t bring me into this.

Jaka ➡ Come on.. Don’t deny it.. I’ve seen the way you stare at those white b-tches.. Don’t tell you haven’t fantasized of having a white pu–y?

Tobi ➡ Okay that’s enough.

Makena ➡ Tobi.. I can’t believe you.. So you’re in cahoots with this Uuzaji!

Tobi ➡ Hold on.. Hear me out.. I like beautiful women, it doesn’t matter what color they are, black, white, red, yellow.. I don’t care.. Well, there’s nothing wrong in admiring beauty and s-xiness and almost all women have these qualities.. Unlike Jaka who prefers only white women… I’m different and I admire beauty and charm in which ever color it shows itself.

Akeem ➡ Smartly said.. Come on Makena, I bet you too have fantasies as well.. Don’t tell me those fine white young men don’t turn you on?

Makena ➡ Fine.. I get it.. Let’s just leave this conversation. I want to go home.

Akeem ➡ Mind if I escort you?.

Makena ➡ Sure I’d love that.

Jaka ➡ B-stard! Don’t be fooled Makena.. He’s just using this opportunity to get between your legs tonight.

Makena ➡ Maybe but even that were to happen. He’d be having a great time unlike you that will be alone in your bedbug infested mattress.
To Be Continued… . . . .

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