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AFRICA MY LOVER by Sadiq_Infinity (Capri Leo) - ANE Story
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Episode 08.

I quickly went offline so that my father wouldn’t start insulting me,.. Poor father, his hatred will make him die early, I could remember back in 2018 when Black panther first came out, He swore to make life a living hell for anyone who watched that movie, He was serious about his threat, so I decided to watch the film in Veronica’s phone cause my father had confiscated my phone in case if I were to download the movie. He hated and cursed anyone who used the film’s catch phrase which was * Wakanda forever*.

After I went offline, I got a call from a unknown number, I answered the call to hear who it was.

Lisa ➡ Hello, who’s this?

Dave ➡ Hey babe. How’s your flight to the land of the talking apes?

Lisa ➡ F-ck you Dave.. Seriously. You disgust me.

Dave ➡ Come on babe.. It was just a joke.

Lisa ➡ A Joke huh?.. Well it’s a mean one.

Dave ➡ Sorry. So how’s your flight?

Lisa ➡ It was great..

Dave ➡ I have to say I miss you dearly. Wish I was in Kenya with you.

Lisa ➡ That’s nice of you but it’s a good thing you’re not here cause I’ll be really busy.. No tine for fun.

Dave ➡ I understand! I hope you have a great time.

Lisa ➡ Thanks… love you (not)

Dave ➡ Love you too babe. Till we get in touch.

Dave ended the call after that, I switched off my phone and placed it on my wardrobe, after that, I slumped back to bed so that I could get some sleep… Tomorrow’s going to be quite a busy that and I can’t wait to look forward to it.

Days passed since I came to Kenya and I have to say I’ve been having lots of fun.. Lecturing was quite stressing but it was worth it, The Kenyan students were fascinated by my teaching and vast knowledge about Kenya history and culture, I too learned a lot from them, they loved having me around them because they said I was the only foreign lecturer who didn’t treat them harshly, I later realized that it wasn’t just my teaching and kind behavior that drew them to me, there was also another thing involved and that was s-x appeal.

I wasn’t just only blessed with sharp brain but I was also a foxy figure as well, and I sure drew lots of male attention to myself, I noticed some of the male students devouring me with their eyes and their reactions were so obvious.
I drooled silently watching the big er-ction on the males students as they fantasized about me, I would love to have one of them between my legs to ravish me all night long.

But I decided to suppress my lust and maintain my dignity as a Professor and do my job but still that didn’t stop me from teasing the male students every now and then.
Unable to keep quiet any longer, They began to make sl-tty comments about my sexy frame but they used their Kenyan dialect so that I wouldn’t know what they said but they had no idea that I spoke their languages.
One afternoon, My class and I went on an excursion to the country side of Nairobi to see the natives, The trip wasn’t for the Kenyan natives but for the foreign students who had no knowledge about the Kenya culture, Books aren’t enough for them, it’s better they see the real thing and feel it.
We met and communicated with some of the natives, we even had to bring a translator to ease our conversation even better, Among the native tribes we met were the :

-Kikuyu tribe

-Luhya tribe

-kisii tribe

-Mijikenda tribe

-Maasai tribe

-Kalejin tribe

It was interesting talking to them and we learned a lot from them, The students too was enlighten and fascinated by what they learnt, before we left the place, The natives decided to show their hospitality by giving us food and drinks, after we were done we took some pictures with the natives… After the photo shoot, I together with Prof. Omondi lined up the students and ordered the to enter the bus in an orderly fashion, as I stood nearby watching the students, one of the natives who spoke Swahili, made a sl-tty remark about my figure.

Stranger ➡ (speaking Swahili) Mwanamke huyo ni mzuri. (That woman is s-xy).

His fellow mates agreed to what he said and they too began to make comments as well.. I pretended not to understand what they were saying.. Besides what woman can resist a lovely remark about her frame.

Immediately all the students entered the bus, Prof. Omondi and I got into the bus as well and drove back straight to campus. While we were in the bus, Omondi began to tell me about the native’s interest in me.

Omondi ➡ Those natives liked you.. You’ve won their utmost admiration.

Lisa ➡ Really?

Omondi ➡ Yes.. You see you’re not the first white woman to come on this excursion… The previous ones that came felt disgusted by the natives.. They weren’t very nice to them.

Lisa ➡ Well.. Its a shame.

Omondi ➡ I’ve been watching you since you came here and I’ve also watched you as you lecture the students, You’re absorbed and passionate about it … Why do you have interest in Africa and it’s people ?

Lisa ➡ Well.. You’re not the first person to ask me this question.. I just love it.. It’s beautiful.. Everything about this place is fantastic. I’ve in love with Africa since when I was little and I’ve been studying about it’s history, customs and cultures since then. The name Africa simply shows how great this place really is.

Omondi ➡ Well, it pleases me a lot to hear you say that but I’m afraid it’s not as beautiful as you think.

Lisa ➡ What do you mean?

Omondi ➡ (sighs) Corruption and greed has poisoned the minds of our people.. There’s no unity or love, just hate and violence.. Especially here in Kenya… Crime and drug smuggling has infested our streets, even the law enforcement that was suppose to protect us are now blinded by greed and corruption… Everyone wants a slice of the national cake 🍰.

Lisa ➡ That’s awful.. But can’t the people do something!? After all this is a free world.. Stand up and fight.

Omondi ➡ It’s easier said than done.. Everyone has enough problems bothering them.

Lisa ➡ That’s just sad.

Omondi ➡ Yes.. It is.

We kept quiet after that and laid back on our seats.. 30mins later, we arrives at the campus, after the bus had parked, The students dispersed and when home while Omondi and I went back into our offices.

Later that day in the evening, Prof. Omondi and I were walking around the streets of Kenya… This was a daily routine for him cause I told him to be showing around Kenya after sunset.
Luckily for me, I brought along my camera from Europe so that I could take pictures of the places I went during my stay in Kenya.

After I had taken a dozens shot of the places I went that evening, Omondi suggested that he was going home to his family.

Omondi ➡ Ms. Lisa.. It’s time for me go to home to my wife.. I don’t want her to get worried.

Lisa ➡ Okay fine.. Go on then.

Omondi ➡ Yes but haven’t you taken enough pictures for the evening.. It’s getting late.

Lisa ➡ No.. The night is still young.. Besides I’m not feeling tired.

Omondi ➡ Well… It’s better if you go back to the staff lodge.. It can be quite dangerous at night.

Lisa ➡ Don’t worry.. I’ll be fine.

Omondi ➡ Okay.. Just don’t trust anyone.

Lisa ➡ I know.. Have a good night.

Omondi ➡ You too.. Till we meet tomorrow.

After Omondi left, I was left alone to wander through the streets and that’s what I did.
I went going from one place to another taking pictures, I even asked people for directions to places I didn’t even know. Minutes later, I arrived at place called * Tom Mboya street*, I decided to stay there for a while and relax cause I was out of breath and my legs were a little bit tired, so I found a curb and I sat there taking a look at the pictures I took… Then suddenly, A Van pulled up right next to me, the screeching tires scared the life out of me, just before I could react, Two guys jumped out of the van and rushed towards me.. One of the grabbed me but I quickly drove my knee in between his legs crushing his d-ck, his other companion saw what happened and surprised me with a thunderous slap across the face!

WHAM!! 😵😵😵

Just before I could collapsed onto the ground, he caught me and threw me into the van, before I could realize where I was, I felt a prick on my arm, one of them had injected 💉 me with some kind of sleeping sedative, after I was injected, I felt dizzy and passed out.
To Be Continued… . . .

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