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AFRICA MY LOVER by Sadiq_Infinity (Capri Leo) - ANE Story
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Episode 03.


Africa šŸ‡æšŸ‡¦, Home of the blacks, and the most beautiful and resourceful place in the world..It is a paradise created for us by the Heavenly father, and it is an exotic place to see things of wonder..

For centuries long, Africans have lived in peace and harmony, working together as one, enjoying our way of lifeā€¦ Everything changed when the white men came.
The coming of the white man marked the end of the Africanā€™s enjoyment and tranquilityā€¦ As they bombard our paradise with their cursed presence, they begin to affect the land and its peopleā€¦ The white man came and wiped out everything that makes an African a African, they eradicate our culture and customs saying it is barbaric , They replaced our laws with theirs saying itā€™s not rightā€¦ Hell, They changed everything about us making us like them, and the painful part is instead of us Africans to be united and stand against this white b*stards, we turn against each other and betray one another making it easy for the white man to do to us as they please..

The years of humiliation and disgrace by the White man will never be forgotten it will always remain like a scar to us Africans , Itā€™s a shame we donā€™t respect ourselves enough to know our rights and duesā€¦ Even in this modern day, Despite the racial equality rights being documented as a law, The white man still pour filth on us.

My name is Tobi Mingati .. Iā€™m from the famous Maasai tribe, which is known for lion hunting and taming techniques.. Africa has been my ancestral home and I have no intention of leaving it to go to other places.

Through out my early life, Iā€™ve been going to African countries to learn about their history and their way of life, Some are quite similar to the other, while some are barbaric.. Iā€™ve also had the pleasure of learning and mastering some Africans languages too.. The country I find very fascinating and at the same despicable is Nigeriaā€¦ The reason why I say this is because the country has a very conductive landscape and atmosphere and it is blessed with lots of natural resources, another fascinating thing about them is their languages, itā€™s funny but quite easy to understand and their people are intellectually gifted and talented but despite all this I find it despicable because of the way the country is being handledā€¦ Corruption has eaten and build itā€™s pillar in that nation, Almost everyone there is corrupt and untrustworthy, itā€™s a shame that a country with gifted people and lots of resources would be looking for help from other countriesā€¦ What a waste.

Back here in my homeland Kenya, Iā€™m a tourist guide for foreigners who come into our country to learn so much about us, Iā€™m also a protector of wild life creatures especially lionsā€¦ Because of my family heritage of taming lions, I have about a dozen of them in my place and Iā€™ve grown to love themā€¦
I love Kenya, the landscape is beautiful and there are so many things of wonder here, itā€™s like earthā€™s mini paradiseā€¦ But despite all this, there are some b-stards who seek to stain and corrupt our lovely country.

Itā€™s not a new thing for a white man to be seen in Kenya, some of them even live among us but I wished they would stop coming, cause wherever they are or go, trouble follows.
Over the years, Kenya has been having issues with unlicensed wild life hunting from greedy men both foreign and homeland who sell wild animal carcass at the highest bidder.
But that issue was resolved, thanks to the UN who intervened and passed a law against endangering of the wild life species, Lot of these hunters were caught and dealt with but another major problem rose and that was issue of smuggling drugs and weapons.

Because of this, Kenyan youths have become unstable, drugs šŸ’‰ šŸ’Š have been going round and theyā€™ve been taking them unnecessarily, the most common one on demand was cocaine.
The law enforcements who were supposed to be stopping this chain of drug selling were too afraid to do anything.
As for the weapons, The drug mafia here in Kenyan purchase them secretly using it to scare off the law enforcements and anyone who gets in their way and crime was on the loose in the rural parts of Kenya.
As if that wasnā€™t bad enough, The Law enforcements were soon bought and were in business partnership with the drug mafias.

Things were getting out of hand but the man I blame is none other than Andrew Lovette, the owner of Manchester Liquor šŸ„ƒ company .
He always ships his precious wine here to Kenya šŸ‡°šŸ‡Ŗ, and a lot of our people buy his wine, His major customers are the rich socialites and of course the drug lords.
Rumor has it that itā€™s throughout his shipment that the drugs and weapons are being sent here.
So since the law enforcements wouldnā€™t do their jobs, I and some of my cousins and friends decided to create a secret group calling ourselves ā€œPOKACā€.

Our mission is to destroy any shipment or cargo of Andrew Lovette that comes into Kenya. Thanks to one of my cousins, Solomon who worked at the agency that checks exported goods, he always notifies us on when the next cargo will arrive.
So far so good weā€™ve managed to destroy 6 cargoes but despite our efforts, The smuggling still continued.

But recently things started getting a little bit hard for us, They was security keeping an eye on us and getting caught would mean serious trouble, So as we realized how things were, We decided to lay low and I continued moving with my life as a tourist guide,ā€¦. One evening, I came back home to rest after a back breaking hours of showing foreigners around the wild park, Immediately I got at my door step, One of the male lions, Leo jumped on me pinning me down, I gasped feeling his entire weight on my chest.. He always does that ever I come home, moments after I was tackled by him, The others lions poured in surrounding me.

We all went into the house together and sat on the couch, I began to talk to them telling them how my day went, I know they donā€™t understand me but they would just stare at me as if they knew what I was saying.. Then suddenly, there was a knock on the door, I went over to the door to check who it was, immediately I opened the door, my mom walked in dragging my sister along and from the look on her face things werenā€™t good.

Tobi āž” Mama! Good eveningā€¦

Danielle āž” Evening my sonā€¦

Tobi āž” Whatā€™s wrong? Has Ashanti done something wrong?

Before she gave me an answer, She gave my sister a resounding slap on her face making her fall on the ground.. The slap startled the lions making them growl, I had to send them out before things get messyā€¦ After that, I asked my mom what was going on.

Danielle āž” Tell this your sister! If she doesnā€™t want me to curse and ruin her life, he had better stay away from that boy, Dia.

Tobi āž” What happened?

Danielle āž” This shameless girl is busy parading with that rascalā€¦ If I was like that at her age, your father wouldnā€™t have married me and brought me all the way from Nigeria.

Ohā€¦ I almost forgot, My momā€™s a Nigerian and Igbo by tribe, she was born and raised there, My father met her when he came to Nigeria to visit a friend, they met and fell in love with each other and agreed to relocate with my father, after they were married.
Despite leaving her country, her Nigerian roots were still deep and brought us up with an iron hand but still sheā€™s the best mom I could ever ask for.
My mother wasnā€™t someone that tolerates nonsense and she has a hot temper, any misconduct that happens, a quick beating follows, not to talk of the punishment that comes after that.. My father never flogs us, all he does is scold us, his words alone was enough to tear someone apart emotionally and as for my sister Ashanti, wellā€¦ Sheā€™s a wild girl, she loves to have fun and doesnā€™t care who she does it with.

Danielle āž” She was caught together with that boy by the police.. The boy had cocaine on him.. Luckily for you sister, there was nothing on herā€¦ This girl is bringing shame to our familyā€¦ I donā€™t know what she sees in that b-stardā€¦ That rascal has impregnated three women in the last two years and heā€™s denied them allā€¦ I wonā€™t accept any b-stard child in our houseā€¦ If you get pregnant for him Iā€™m kicking you out.

Tobi āž” Relax.. Mamaā€¦ Ashantiā€¦ Is it true?

Ashanti āž” I wasnā€™t taking the stuff.. We were just having fun thatā€™s all.

Tobi āž” Fun?? Are you stupid?ā€¦ Why are you so timid?.. Have many times have you been told to stay away from that boy? Donā€™t you know his brotherā€™s reputation.? Jerome is a drug mafia.. And you know how dangerous they areā€¦ Theyā€™re always hating and k-lling each otherā€¦ They always bear a deadly grudge against each other and if any of their enemies know that youā€™re seeing Jeromeā€™s brother, they wonā€™t hesitate to come after youā€¦ Why canā€™t you think?.. Besides that boy is bad newsā€¦ You know that very wellā€¦ Youā€™re a university student and you have a bright future ahead of you.. Instead of you to be studying, youā€™re following that dog..
Let me sound this warning to youā€¦ If I ever see you again with him.. Iā€™ll break your legs.. Understand?

Danielle āž” Better open your ears šŸ‘‚.

Tobi āž” I think she has gotten the message momā€¦ Donā€™t worry.. Iā€™ll handle that dia myself.

Danielle āž” My sonā€¦ Donā€™t do anything rash..

Tobi āž” Donā€™t worryā€¦ Iā€™ll give him and his brother a sound warningā€¦ Besides knowing our familyā€™s reputation.. They canā€™t do shit.

Danielle āž” Becareful my son.

Tobi āž” I will momā€¦ Good night.

Danielle āž” Okay Ashantiā€¦ Letā€™s go..

My sister slowly stood up and followed my mom out, I escorted them outside as well, my mom and sister got into the car and drove off.
As soon as they were gone, I went back in, got dressed and went to see Jerome.

Jerome is kingpin and drug lord of all Kenya, he was feared in the criminal underworld because of his connections.. He doesnā€™t cause much of a trouble but his brother Dia, is a b-stard and a pain in the neck.
The little rascal has caused lots of trouble for his brother making him to go war with the other drug mafias, Everyone of them was looking to take over Jeromeā€™s place, cause he controlled most of the drug territory here in Kenya.
Jerome used to be my friend back in the day, we were school buddies but ever since he became a drug mafia, I decided to stay away from him. Itā€™s bad enough heā€™s a criminal but his little brother brings trouble and when it comes, Everyone close to Jerome gets involved in it.
To Be Continued…. . . . .

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