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AFRICA MY LOVER by Sadiq_Infinity (Capri Leo) - ANE Story
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Episode 02.

Minutes after that, I left the campus and drove home to tell my mom about the good news, immediately I got home, I found out there was nobody at home except my sister, Gwendolyn.

Gwen like my father is a racist b*tch… She loves to talk dirt about African people and she’s even trying to join the infamous Klu klux klan (K. K. K) in America.. The Klu klux klan are a group of sadists who believe that blacks are a disease to the world and they also struggle and try as much as they can to see that america is once again a country of white men not a country of black and white.

But due to her job here as a fashion designer and her fame across the globe , it would be bad if her colored fans knew she was a racist, so she gave up joining the (K. K. K).

Gwen ➡ Welcome back sister. Hope you had a nice day teaching your students about monkeys and apes?

Lisa ➡ Really Lisa? Put a sock in it.. Your jokes aren’t even that funny. Where’s mom and dad?

Gwen ➡ They went to the art collection show.. Seriously what’s so fun about art? Its boriiinnng!

Lisa ➡ Art is not boring… It nourishes the soul.

Gwen ➡ Whatever… Uhm.. Have you heard that our cousin came to visit?

Lisa ➡ Which cousin?

Gwen ➡ Carol… She’s at Greenwich in Aunt Nicole’s house.

Lisa ➡ (shouts) Eeeeeeee!!! Let’s go see her.. I want to see her beautiful black kids..

Gwen ➡ Count me out.. I’m not going to mix myself with a bunch of little apes.

Lisa ➡ Get your ass off the couch and let’s go see our cousin or… I’ll let your fans know what a racist you are.

Gwen ➡ (shocked) You wouldn’t..

Lisa ➡ Try me.. Go get ready! Now.

Minutes later we got dressed and drove to Aunt Nicole’s place, shortly after a while we arrived at the place, after parking my car, Gwen and I went into the house..
The moment we entered, we came face to face with Carol.. We really don’t know each other that much, so we introduced ourselves to her.

Lisa ➡ Hi Carol.. I’m Lisa your cousin.. And this is Gwen my little sister also your cousin.

Carol ➡ Oh wow.. Hi Lisa and Gwen, it’s nice to meet you both.

Gwen ➡ (scoffs) Hmph.. Charmed.

Carol ➡ Excuse me?

Lisa ➡ Don’t mind her.. She’s been under the sun too long, let’s go have a seat so we can get more acquainted shall we?

Carol ➡ Of course.

Carol and I sat at Aunt Nicole’s garden where we had tea and chocolate cakes as we talked and got to know each other well, she told me all about her love life with her husband whose name is Alex and the obstacles she had to face before marrying him.. I felt so touched listening to her story.. I wished I could be as bold and courageous as she is.. In that moments some little kids came towards us and they all gathered around Carol..

Carol ➡ Calm down, can’t you all see mommy is talking?

Lisa ➡ Excuse me.. Are these your children?

Carol ➡ Yes, they’re all twins.. This is Alex, Alexandra, and this two little girls are, Naomi and Kirsten.

Lisa ➡ Wow.. They’re all.. White. I thought their father is uhm.. Black.

Carol ➡ Yeah.. They may have my looks and skin color but they have his eyes.. My genes are just stronger than his that’s all (laughs).. So what about you? Are you seeing anyone?

Lisa ➡ Yeah, an American, his name is Dave.. What an asshole.

Carol ➡ Oh.. So he’s not giving you enough huh?

Lisa ➡ He hasn’t given me enough. He’s a waste, honestly.. He’s failed as a man..

Carol ➡ Oh… He’s short, isn’t he?

Lisa ➡ He’s a dwarf.. Can you imagine 6 inches?

Carol ➡ Oh my.. That is a disappointment.

Alex ➡ Mom, what are you both talking about?.

Carol ➡ Boy!!! You leave this place or I’m going to smack the life out of you.. Now get going.

I was surprised by her outburst, I never knew she was this strict with her kids, I guess staying in Africa for too long, made her develop parental discipline like the African mothers. Immediately the kids left we continued our conversation.

Carol ➡ So what now?

Lisa ➡ I’m not sure… My love life sucks… And I really want a change.. Something new.

Carol ➡ I get you.. It’s a shame we’re in England, if we had been in Nigeria, I’m sure my husband who find someone for you.

Lisa ➡ yeah, but I’ll be going to Kenya soon, and I was hoping to find someone there.. But.. I don’t think I’m willing to do this.

Carol ➡ Why?

Lisa ➡ my old man… He hates blacks.. He threaten to massacre anyone that involves himself with a black man.

Carol ➡ So you’re just going to let him rule your life? Hell no.. Don’t let him.. This is your life not his.. If he can’t handle it.. Let him take a piss.

As we were talking in that moment, A dashing black man walked towards us, as Carol saw him, she rushed towards him and they shared a sensual kiss.. They kept on kissing for some seconds, I had to cough to let them know I was here.

Lisa ➡ Ahem…

Carol ➡ Oh.. Sorry.. Alex, this is my cousin Lisa and Lisa this is hubby, Alex.

Lisa ➡ Nice to meet you, Alex.

Alex ➡ Same here..Carol never told me she had a lovely cousin such as you.

Lisa ➡ Oh thank you.. Uhm, now if you’ll excuse me.. I’d like to leave.

Carol ➡ Already? Why can’t you stay the night here?..there are a lot of rooms.. You and I need to get to know each other more.

Lisa ➡ Uhm, okay.. Let me call my parents.

After I left the place, I called mom to let them know I was going to spend the night in Aunt Nicole’s place, she as usual had no objection, when I told Gwen about my stay she ranted and left the place, saying she wasn’t going to share the same roof with an ape.
Hours later, Carol and I were still talking to one another, Night had already approached and everywhere was quiet. But in that moment, my father and Dave showed up.

Andrew ➡ Lisa!

Lisa ➡ Father!

Andrew ➡ Why aren’t you back at home?

Lisa ➡ Because I want to spend the night with my cousin.. Is something wrong with that?

Andrew ➡ I heard there’s a black man here in this house, it could be dangerous.. Come let’s go.

Dave ➡ Listen to your father love,.

Lisa ➡ Shut up Dave! and Dad, that is ridiculous… That’s my cousin’s husband you’re talking about..

Andrew ➡ I don’t care.. He’s a black man.. He can’t be trusted.

Carol ➡ Look here dear uncle.. My husband is worth ten of you. I suggest you treat my husband with respect or I’ll show you pepper this instant.

Andrew ➡ I see those Nigerian gorillas have made you to become like them.. What a waste… I’ll be going now.. Dave, you stay here with my daughter.

Dave ➡ Okay sir..

After my dad left Carol left and went back to her room, Dave sat next to her the minute she was gone.

Dave ➡ Hey Babe…

Lisa ➡ Dave.. Leave me alone.

Dave ➡ Come on love.. Cut some slack for me… I didn’t mean to spoil your mood but I want us to have a good time.

Lisa ➡ Babe, I’m not in the mood..

Dave ➡ Come on love.. Look, I bought you something.. I know you love chocolates 🍫.

My face lit up the moment i heard the word *Chocolates *, Dave just said that magic words.. The moment he bought out the chocolates, I snagged them from his hands.

Lisa ➡ Thank you Dave..

Dave ➡ You’re welcome… So can we have s*x tonight?

Lisa ➡ Oh you bet your a**, we will let’s head to the bedroom now.

Minutes later, we ended up in the bedroom making love, I was hoping things would be different this time but it turned out to be a lot worst.
Here we were on the bed naked, I was under Dave and he was on top of me, shoving his shrimpy d*ck inside me, I was feeling a little tingle inside me but I wanted more, Dave kept pounding my pu**y, groaning as he thrusted into me, I saw his arms trembling a little as if he was going to collapse, He shut his eyes and began pounding into me harder and faster, and before long, Dave pulled out and came on my stomach.. He fell close to me breathing hard as if he had ran a marathon race, I felt disgusted and irritated.. What was this all about? Since the beginning of this intercourse, I haven’t enjoyed anything, Dave was the one enjoying the whole thing and he was so selfish not to consider that I too wanted to feel good.
Shortly after our intercourse ended, We heard a loud scream and moans coming from the next room and from the sound of it.. It was Carol.
It was her voice alright, and she was really moaning hard as if she was enjoying something, then smacking sounds followed and that’s when I knew what was going on..
I couldn’t help but listen as Carol moaned out loud begging her husband to pound her hard, My c*nt itched with lustful desire to be hammered like that.


As I was busy listening to those captivating thrusting sounds, Dave began to make some unnecessary statement, that pissed me off.

Dave ➡ By God.. Can’t they do it quietly, I’m trying to sleep here.. This is a well bred home not a brothel.. God.

Lisa ➡ Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Just listen to what you’re saying.. I’m sorry for you.

Dave ➡ What? What did I do? All I did was complain about the noise they’re making.

Lisa ➡ Shut it! Listen to those sounds, listen to those moans.. Now that’s a real man in there handling a woman in a the proper manner… I want to be handled like that, I want to scream my lungs out in pleasure, but I can’t.. And you aren’t making any effort to make our sexual life any better.. You know what forget this… I’m out of here..

Dave ➡ Come on Lisa, don’t be ridiculous.. You know I fulfill your desires sometimes.. Where are you going?

Lisa ➡ To the garden to eat the chocolates you brought me and please don’t follow me, I’d like to be alone.

I got out of the bed, grab the chocolate box and wore my nightgown, I later left the room and went to garden.. On my way, there I couldn’t help but peek and Carol and her husband, I was surprised when I saw them banging the hell out of each other.. These guys really like to go all out.. If only I could get a man like Alex, that would make me scream like that every night. After peeking for some seconds, I left the place and headed to the garden, next tomorrow, I’ll be going to Kenya 🇰🇪, and I know it’s going to be fun.. But while I’m at it, I’m going to at least get some African male companionship to keep me busy every night until the trip is over.. I can’t wait..
To Be Continued…. . . . .

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