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Your weekly tarot horoscope for October 23 to October 29



Your weekly tarot horoscope for July 24 to July 30 – and Jupiter going retrograde
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This week is a busy astrological time; a New Moon in Scorpio, Mercury moving into Scorpio and a Mars Retrograde starting – hang on to your cosmic vibes, everybody.

It’s a week to pack a lot of honest and authentic conversation in, activate things which are important you, pursue your true desires, have a burst of passionate energy before the Retrograde kicks in. Make this a busy week.

Let the tarot guide you to the key priority on your (long) to-do list.

Ahead you’ll find your star sign’s horoscope for the week ahead (October 23 to 29, 2022), with a tarot card drawn and its meaning for you explained.


March 21 to April 20

Have fun this week, Aries

Have fun this week, Aries

Tarot card for Aries for this week: Three of Cups

Meaning: This is a week to have as much fun as one Aries can pack into seven days… and that could be a lot.

The Three of Cups reminds you that life is short, so have a blast, experience everything, enjoy yourself, make others laugh, entertain and enthrall the crowd.

You have unique energy, spread it around this week and get out and about. You can hibernate later…

Check here for everything you need to know about being an Aries


April 21 to May 21

Sort out relationship issues

Sort out relationship issues

Tarot card for Taurus for this week: Queen of Cups

Meaning: You want to get your relationships in good working order this week, in order to help yourself feel settled and secure.

Finish unfinished business. Have overdue conversations. Reunite with those you’ve ignored. Tackle issues you know are waiting for your attention.

Do it all with loving kindness and compassion, and everything can be healed/righted/restored/made right again.

Check here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus


May 22 to June 21

Time to let go and move forward

Time to let go and move forward

Tarot card for Gemini for this week: Six of Swords

Meaning: The Six of Swords signals you need to overtly leave and move on from something you’re ready to release this week.

It’s the right time. Do it now while you feel sure in yourself and have the determination to see this departure through.

You have been brooding on this for a while. If you don’t do it now, things will just drag on and you’ll get more frustrated. Seek a change.

Check here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini


June 22 to July 23

A big week for you lies ahead

A big week for you lies ahead

Tarot card for Cancer for this week: The Magician

Meaning: A major week. The Magician is about creation, invention, entrepreneurship and generally using your natural talents to make a good living.

It’s time to start that side line, new business, project, pitch, promotion request or expansion. It’s time to use what you’ve got and push it harder. It’s time to come into your full potential and explore what you’re capable of.

Make a bold leap, you’ll get very lucky!

Check here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer


July 24 to August 23

Start something new, Leo

Start something new, Leo

Tarot card for Leo for this week: Ace of Wands

Meaning: Start a new heartfelt project, creative idea, course, or hobby that you’ve been wondering about.

This is something that is authentically you and feels inspiring and motivating. You might’ve had a go at it in the past but never had time/money/energy to see it through… that is different now, it’s a great time to re-activate this and get it going.

Who knows where this could lead you?

Check here for everything you need to know about being a Leo


August 24 to September 23

Take up those opportunities

Take up those opportunities

Tarot card for Virgo for this week: Three of Wands

Meaning: This week will feel like a whirlwind – so much going on, new news, opportunities and invitations.

Join in! Make the most of being so in demand and having so many people wanting to help/speak to/entertain you.

There are leads and possibilities coming from this week’s activity that could stretch far into your future. This is not just about having fun or enjoying yourself, most stuff comes via who vs what you know.

Check here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo


September 24 to October 23

It’s all about love for Libra

It’s all about love for Libra

Tarot card for Libra for this week: Knight of Cups

Meaning: Your love life is always top of your list and this week is no different, with the romantic Knight of Cups.

If you’re single, expect a charming and charismatic Water sign to enter your life (Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio).

If you’re attached then make a grand gesture this week, something to re-affirm your love and affection and get things on a loving track.

You’re happiest when your relationships are solid, so do a little work there this week.

Check here for everything you need to know about being a Libra


October 24 to November 22

Help out someone who needs it

Help out someone who needs it

Tarot card for Scorpio for this week: King of Cups

Meaning: You need to set an example about how to react to adversity or negativity this week.

You are so strong, stoic, and wise. You know it’s best to think long term, to be patient, to take your time reacting to things, to measure your response, to play the long game.

Help someone who is struggling this week. Share your advice, better yet tell them about a time you encountered something similar, what you did, how it played out. They need inspiration.


November 23 to December 21

Make a start on a long-term goal

Make a start on a long-term goal

Tarot card for Sagittarius for this week: Nine of Coins

Meaning: This is a great week to pour some energy into activating a long term (like years vs weeks or months) project, ambition or vision.

This is related to home, money, work or health. This is about long term improvements that make a difference to your life. Taking steps to work on a motivating and positive endeavour just for you.

Take a breath to think through what it could be and simply make a start. No overthinking. Get to it.


December 22 to January 21

Make a decision

Make a decision

Tarot card for Capricorn for this week: Two of Swords

Meaning: Whatever overdue, difficult or long term decisions remain on your plate this week… make them!

Don’t go into this winter with lots of choices hanging around your neck and that sense of confusion or uncertainty. Make things simple, take a decision, execute it with confidence.

This week has the right energy to help you make good choices and put them into action, creating a momentum that will sweep you along.


January 22 to February 19

Prepare for a battle this week

Prepare for a battle this week

Tarot card for Aquarius for this week: Knight of Swords

Meaning: You might find yourself shouting this week or feeling like you’re in a bit of a battle.

That’s okay. Sometimes other people need to see your teeth and claws! Fight for your rights, defend your position, argue the toss, speak up for those who can’t or won’t.

You are a strong, clever, truthful person and sometimes this means you get into it with others.

The Knight of Swords sees you coming out on top and making an important victory. Power to you.


February 20 to March 20

Have an adventure

Have an adventure

Tarot card for Pisces for this week: King of Wands

Meaning: Have an adventure this week. Do something spontaneous, risky, fun and thrilling.

Go to a theme park, book a weekend away, climb a rockface, book a major trip, visit a scare maze or horror pop up, go see a play, join a dance class, write a poem and send it to someone.

The King of Wands tells you to play, explore, revel and push out of your comfort zone along the way. Live life large.

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