ANE Stories

HIDDEN MOTIVES by Amah’s Heart
Episode 17.
Jerome was surprised when he heard a heavy knock on his door.
He had moved to the boys quarters just like Maria wanted and didn’t sleep off immediately that night.
He was in deep thought most part of the night, thinking of how the whole thing happening was begining to affect him badly.
He was really carried away by Lucinda’s beauty right from the first day he set eyes on her and was ready to go to any length to have her and not minding that she was married to Silaz who made it known to him that he accepted him as a family friend.
Employing Lucinda wasn’t a very good idea but it was one of the ways to be close to her.
He didn’t stopped there even after having her close, he began showering her with gifts and anything she asked of him he will quickly do.
Seeing how much that act please her he decided to take it to a higher level by going for a bigger gift, buying a very expensive car that runs in millions was another starting of doom for him but he wasn’t thinking right as of then.
Since there was money, he can continue using it to please Lucinda and putting smile on her face.
The car gift wasn’t enough, he decided to take it to the highest level and bought a house for her in one of the most expensive estates.
Exactly what Lucinda will love, he knows what she loves and made sure she have it no matter the cost.
All this while, she stylishly refused giving him one of the things he desire most which is sleeping with her.
Instead, she will rather drop few kisses on his face like she was dropping pebbles on the ground.
Then she will add several promises and mouth watering offers of how she will give her body to him but will end up not fulfilling any.
He was sick of it and thought Silaz was a big hindrance to having her and he decided to make sure that every hidden thing comes out to the open.
Silaz knew his wife was having affair but he wasn’t really certain and didn’t Know with whom because she did not want him to know and he tried all he could to cover up the tracts
He protected their affair until he could no longer do that.
He wanted to have her all and so he decided to blow off the cover by exposing everything.
Silaz came to the office with so much rage to beat him up.
Silaz threw several punches on his face and brutalized him badly yet he took it all for Lucinda sake and when he can no longer take anymore that was when the company’s securities appeared and rescued the moment.
Silaz angrily moved out and with the plan to divorce Lucinda which was the exact thing he wanted.
His plan is also to let go of Maria and move in with Lucinda to the new house he got for her and after Silaz properly divorce her he can then marry her and have her all to himself. That was in the plan Lucinda kept making it difficulty for him to achieve that.
While Silaz and Lucinda were separated, he thought is also a perfect time to have Lucinda in bed but she gave this scary theory of how somebody will die if she sleeps with another man while still married to Silaz.
Is obvious that they weren’t together anymore, they separated and he saw no consequences if she decides to get laid with him but Lucinda insisted on waiting until they were fully divorced.
Yet he was the one taking care of her expenses.
She wanted to paint her car she comes to him.
She wants to refill her car fuel tank she calls him for money.
When her uncle was ill she still came to him and when he gave her what he can afford she felt is not enough.
He spent almost everything he got on her, run the wife’s company to the ground, denied being married and that’s denying his wife, Maria and daughter Jasmine. His only family.
He tried everything possible to please Lucinda yet she moved out of the apartment that she was occupying with Silaz without letting him know and he does not even know when she did that.
He was unaware and was really shocked when he found out that she moved out without letting him know.
He thought she moved into the new house but getting there there was another occupants.
That part is what he was yet to understand because is not clear yet.
what will make Lucinda to sell the house he bought for her, a house she loved so much and never hide it.
A very expensive house in an expensive estate. What exactly will be her reasons in selling it?
He can’t think of any reason at all or why she suddenly went mute.
No call, no messages or sign of her.
Is been several weeks and yet nothing
He is left with no clue on what exactly to do or where to go look for her
Kago kept saying Lucinda is not real she might have scammed him but he doesn’t believe that at all.
she appeared so real and he can’t think of her as a scammer or anything related.
Is very hard to digest or believe such
Maria finally returned and instead of a warm loving welcome she got the opposite.
She came to fix the mess he made and is he couldn’t sleep last night as he kept thinking about everything.
How can Maria knows about Lucinda and even knows where she and Silaz are but he is clueless about it all.
How much do Maria know? She had mentioned that she knows everything, she did her maths properly and is ready.
Those were her very words and he doesn’t understand what she meant by that.
What if Lucinda and Silaz are truly working together to dupe him?
And how true can that be?
Silaz fought him because he was having something with his wife.
Silaz beat him up and disappeared, never seen again.
How can all of that be just an act?
Is not possible.
Another thing that he was concerned about is Maria.
What becomes of their marriage, what becomes of him.
He knows Maria can’t stay without him and that was comforting enough.
No matter what, Maria will still forgive like she did in the past and everything will be put behind them and back to normal
He can’t loose at both ends.
Loosing Lucinda and then the most important thing of all will be loosing his family because of his carelessness.
He won’t let that happen… never.
The knocking on the door turned onto a hard hitting.
He went to open the door and saw Maria was all dressed.
“I was thinking you’re already dead, that’s why you couldn’t stand up to open the door and why aren’t you dressed? Maria said to him looking angry.
“I know you don’t like me but wishing me death is the worst kind of hatred. And my reasons for not standing up on time was because I just slept an hour ago. I didn’t sleep on time and never knew we will be leaving this early…”
She rolled her eyes annoyingly at him and said
“Well, now that you know get dress lets leave. There’s no time for you to wash off. I have things lined up for me and you shouldn’t use yours to distract mine. I give you 10minuts or my officers will be dragging you out in no time…”
Jerome watched her walked out unbothered.
It baffles him that Maria is acting like she got no feeling for him anymore and treating him like a stranger
That’s the worst treatment a wife can display towards her husband.
He was very hungry that morning and the little Maria can do is to get him something to eat since he doesn’t have much left on him yet she cared less about it all and gave him only 10 minutes to dress up.
Jerome got dressed and went to join Maria in one of her office cars.
A company driver was the one on the steering and immediately they drove out of the gate he saw two other cars.
One belongs to the police and the other one is from the company too.
He became afraid but does not know why he was really scared.
It was a very long drive. His stomach was searching for food and he was afraid to ask Maria.
He suddenly developed headache and later slept off.
Jerome woke up again and try to recognize where exactly he was.
After several hours drive they finally got the place.
He followed quietly as they entered this small building.
He was shocked to see Silaz first and then Lucinda.
Some officers were there with them.
They appeared to be on a house arrest.
He was speechless as he looked from Lucinda to Silaz who sat quietly on the chair.
He almost asked what was going on but decided to remain quiet and silently wish is all a dream.
Lucinda and Silaz can’t be together all this while and Lucinda was pretending.
It can’t be.
But how come Maria was able to searched them out first before him, he can’t tell exactly how she did that.
Is obvious she got underground officers doing the searching and it scares him the more as everything is becoming clearer.
“This must be a dream… somebody should pinch me so that I can wake up because I’m already weak and tired from this whole thing.”
Jerome silently said within himself.
To Be Continued… . . .