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DIARY OF A PASTOR’S SON by Frank The Writer - AllNaijaEntertainment
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Episode 04.

Agatha and I reluctantly wore our clothes while Bidemi was giving us a signal to excuse her so she could use the toilet. It was unlike her; she didn’t say anything. Maybe because she needed to ease herself badly. As soon as we shamefully made ways for her, she banged the door as she entered. So I knew she wasn’t happy with what she saw.

“What should we do now?” whispered Agatha.
“Don’t worry, just go. I’ll talk to her,” I replied hastily.
“Are you sure? You know how Bidemi opens her mouth…”
“Just go. I’ll wait here, and talk to her,” I answered with my hands in my mouth.

Agatha uttered no word again but I could feel she was so scared of the possible outcome. She knew my sister to be talkative. She eventually went inside minutes later while Bidemi was busy blasting the toilet with a loud explosion. I tried remembering what we ate for dinner and it did occur to me it was beans.
It was about fifteen minutes later she quietly opened the door. Our eyes met just the moment she peeped to see if anyone of us was still there. She withdrew her head immediately and closed the door again.

“Come out naa,” I pleaded in a lower tone. But she didn’t say anything. She kept mute and remained unmoved. “I also want to use the toilet, too,” I added. Yet she was unmoved. She felt I wanted to trick her, and she was right. I walked straight to the sitting room and slumped on the sofa.
“Have you talked to her?” Agatha dashed out of the bedroom. I simply replied by nodding my head sideways in the negative.
“What is she doing inside there?” I kept quiet with my legs crossed.

Minutes later, Bidemi came out of the toilet and stood there silently. I heard the whining of the toilet door, so I stood up immediately and reached to where she was, “Please, don’t tell anybody about this, you know what dad would do if he hears such.” I pleaded in Yoruba language. “Hmmm, Femi, so you know what he would do and yet you couldn’t stop yourself from doing it?” She said.

I didn’t say anything. Instead, I was just rubbing my hands and pleaded she keep it a secret. It was late at night and I didn’t want to draw the attention of anybody. “I won’t tell anybody but it’s going to cost you shaa,” she added with a silly smile. I already knew she would want me to bribe her—because it was something common among my siblings and I. Once you’re caught, the only option was a bribe. It was only Aramide who wouldn’t waste time reporting. She was just like my father, always too religious. And woebetide if my father gets to hear you did anything stupid. You’re likely o fast for days and endure other pains. Bidemi said I’d have to give her two thousand naira to add to her provision money once she’s set to resume school. I begged her to reduce it to 1k but she refused. Bidemi added that if eventually, she catches us again, she would keep multiplying the money. I had no option but to dance to her tune.

Two weeks later, one of the tenants in our compound packed out and one decent family came in the following week to stay as tenants on the ground floor with their daughter whom l later realized to be Bukola. Yes, we were staying upstairs in a two-storey building.

The day they packed in, I was at home that hot afternoon. I watched them from the window of our sitting room offloading their properties from a long lorry. And I saw their pretty daughter too. She was an average-looking girl with skin as dark as midnight yet dazzling and beautiful. She is what you call black beauty. She had eye-catching assets; her boobs and ass size can never go unnoticed. She should probably be my age mate or less, I had thought.

As per good boy, I went downstairs and assisted them to carry their stuff. The parents were happy to see a stranger assisting them and they thanked me. While helping them, I constantly stole a gaze at Bukola and she once caught me staring at her. I was quick to avert my eyes, and I didn’t look her way again till the whole thing was packed inside their new home. Her father, a not too short man offered me five hundred naira, but I told him not to worry about the money. He was wowed, and he couldn’t stop thanking me.


Later that week, my father came telling us to mind our business and avoid the new tenant. He said his spirit didn’t accept theirs and according to him, there was something about them. (You know typical pastor’s mindset). My sisters and I obliged. If only he knew I had already had something to do with them.
Meanwhile, the fact that his spirit didn’t align with theirs never meant mine didn’t align with them. My mind was equally on Bukola, the new girl. I couldn’t wait to start talking to her.

Agatha and I hadn’t kissed nor did anything naughty for a while after Bidemi caught us. My whole body hadn’t been the same too. I badly craved for her but we were only being careful not to allow what happened to repeat itself. We might be unlucky and the next person to catch us might be my father. But I had always felt Agatha would always satisfy herself by herself. It was something she could do in the bathroom or toilet. I couldn’t try that shit on my own. The thought alone disgusted me.

So one day, I was alone in the house as usual. Agatha had equally gone with my mom to her shop. I was busy with my system, trying to finish up something before I got the urge to drink something cold. So I went downstairs in my shorts with no inners. While going down the staircase, I saw Bukola coming back from God knows where. She saw me and she was blushing. I was surprised and thought it was a regular smile, I gave a smile back.

“Ekeaso,” she greeted in Yoruba. She meant “Good afternoon”.
“How are you?”
“I’m fine. Thank you for the other day.” She added in Yoruba.
“It’s okay.”

I had no idea my d*ck was exposed to her front from that shorts, and she blushed to see that. I felt shy but quickly used my lefthand down there. We had a minute chitchat in Yoruba in which she told me she was in SS3 and was preparing to write Waec. I was leaving, but she stopped me and asked.

“Wait, are you going out on this shorts?”
“Yes, what’s wrong with it? Just to buy a drink over there.” I hovered my hand towards my machine, and I could feel it was standing and looking towards Bukola. She simply blushed and walked past.
With a half-smile, I headed towards Iya Ade provision shop and bought a bottle of chilled Pepsi, and went back. And that was how Bukola and I became close to each other; in terms of friendship. Bukola was quite friendly. It didn’t take weeks before we exchanged phone numbers and boom we started chatting on WhatsApp.


Bidemi had returned to school and yet Agatha and I still hadn’t done anything. Not even a kiss. She seemed to have gotten over me during the period we went on break. I thought she would quickly get back to me as soon as Bidemi returned to school, but she didn’t. Could it be she was waiting for me to come to her? Well, I quickly substituted her with Bukola who was always giving me steady attention online. And nobody in the house knew I was in contact with the new girl in our compound. Not even Shola was aware.

One night, Bukola and I were chatting and we gradually went lustfully. Our conversation went thus:
“What’s up Bukky, why are you still awake? No school tomorrow?” I texted. She replied with a sad emoji followed by a response.
“I’m tired of going there. Every day, the same routine. It’s becoming boring and I can’t wait to write my final exams and leave that school.”

“Boring? It shouldn’t be boring when you’re a girl,” I replied with a smiling emoji.
“How do you mean I’m a girl?”
“Don’t you have a boyfriend in school?”
“No, I don’t. Boys in my school are after the light-skinned girl. I’m not attracted to any one of them.”
I sent a wow emoji and she replied with a laughing emoji.
“You must be joking. Who said you’re not attractive? Are they blind?”
“They are not. I’m simply not alluring to their taste. A black girl like me.”
“Black is beautiful,” I texted.

“So what kind of girl do you like?”
“I like all-girl with the same thing,” I added an emoji (devil smile).
“Hahaha…. You’re not serious,” she replied.
I was about to type “I’m serious” before her message came in. I stopped typing the moment I got her text. “So do you like me?”
“Yeah, you’re also a girl with that same thing,” I replied with an emoji.
“What thing do you mean exactly?”
“Well, I can’t say, but you know what I mean.” I texted with a lustful mind.
She didn’t reply again.

Five minutes later, she still didn’t reply. I was worried, maybe she was caught by her parents or something. Could it be she didn’t like my response? Ten minutes after, I texted her. “Bukky, hope you are not offended?”
“It’s okay. I’m fine,” she replied and went offline. I waited to see if she would come back online but she didn’t. That was how I slept off on the couch with my phone by my side. It was later in the morning when I woke up and turned my data off.

The following day, thoughts about Bukola were what filled my mind and I wished she wasn’t going to school just like myself. As usual, I was all alone with my system. I was seeing a movie with it when I overheard someone knock at the door. My father was the last person to leave the house, I quickly thought he was the one, so I shut my system and brought out a random Christian novel which I placed on the system., “I’m coming, please,” I rushed to open the door.

Lo and behold, it was Bukoka who stood there. I was shocked but I opened the door and she came in wearing a light cloth and—a bit short that I could see her navel.
“What happened? You didn’t go to school?” I queried. She simply nodded her head in the negative. Mehnn, I couldn’t figure out her intention. I was even scared about our previous conversation last night. But I started asking her questions and we got talking in Yoruba. She said they were from Osun State. And she was the only child of her parents.
What if my father comes in now? That was the next thought that rushed through my head. I was really scared because you never can tell when he would come back. It was only Shola, my mom and Agatha were the ones I could tell when they return to the house every day.

I soon observed Bukola was unable to sit in one place, and her eyeballs were moving here and there. She was fidgeting; rubbed her hands continuously. I was not myself too. Like, who does that? We had a chat last night and then this morning she miss school and here she was sitting beside me and acting strange. Hope this girl is normal? Hope she’s not possessed or something? I pondered.

“Have you played this game before?” She broke the short silence and moved closer. She showed me her phone and pointed to one app.
“No, I haven’t. What’s the game like?”
“Hmmm, this game that is reigning everywhere.” She gave me a single smooch on my cheek and I was completely in shock. I looked at her eyes and all I could see was lust wholly developed in her eyes. “Are you okay?” I said.
“Sure. I’m good,” she replied. She then bites her lips seductively. My machine was getting harder gradually and she was able to sense that with her eyes. I quickly stood and locked the door and returned to sit on the sofa.

She looked at me and let out a naughty smile. She understood what I just did and I could tell she was glad too.

To be continued…

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