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DIARY OF A PASTOR’S SON by Frank The Writer - AllNaijaEntertainment
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Episode 30.

Biola didn’t utter a word, instead, she hung up. I was going to call her back, but then Seun was calling.
“Hello, how long will it take before you come?”
“Please, I’m coming. Just wait for me there.”
I hung up speedily.

If only she knew I wasn’t cut out for any of those things she was looking for.
My heart was racing. Biola seemed to be in danger. I quickly dialed her number but she didn’t pick up. I called again, and the same result. And that scared me more.

I was walking reluctantly down the love garden where Seun said she was. Meanwhile, a lot was going on in my mind. What could have happened to Biola? I just hope it’s not something bad. I was lost in my thoughts until I heard someone scream my name from a distance, and when I looked up, it was Seun. She was also approaching in my direction while I walked towards her.
Seun was on black jean trousers and a yellow crop top. Smiles were wreathed on her face as she approached.

“Femi, how are you? You don’t look happy.” She asked when we finally stood before each other.
“Um, I’m fine…”
“No, you’re not. What’s the problem?”
“You don’t have to bother yourself. I’m good. Just a minor challenge.”
“Well, if you say so. How’s school treating?”
“Not bad.”

We walked to a spot and sat on the molded seat there. The weather was inviting. The sun had gone down. Few other students hung around there too. Some in groups and others in twos, three, and so on.
Then Biola called back. I quickly swiped right on my phone screen. This time, Biola wasn’t crying again. When I asked what happened—and why she was crying. She announced that the doctor told her she will put birth to twins after she underwent a scan.

“Wow! Twins? I’m so happy.”
“You are happy?” she asked speedily.
“Yes, I’m very excited to hear that. Don’t tell me that was why you were crying. You should be happy.”

“Femi, you think it’s going to be easy to push out two babies for the first time?”
“Calm down. You worry too much. In the end, you’ll overcome. Just pray.”
“Osheyy.. Pastor Femi.”
We both laughed.
“Femi, I’m scared.”
“Relax, you don’t need to be. I’ll call you back later tonight, we will talk.”

She hung up.

“Who was that?” Seun turned and asked when she noticed the sudden change of mood boldly written on my face.
“My sister,” I lied.
“She gave birth to twins?” Seun asked.
“Not yet. Very soon.”
“That’s great. Congratulations to your family in advance.”
“Thank you. You haven’t told me why you are in my school?”
“Oh! That’s true, I came to deliver goods for a few students and decided to say hi.”
“Nice. That was so thoughtful of you. So what do you sell?”
“Women’s clothes and shoes.”
“That’s good.”

Seun and I sat for some minutes, having random conversations until she decided it was time for her to leave. I walked her down the school gate. She jokingly added, “I’d have love to spend the night with you if not that you live in the school hostel.”
We both laughed over that. Seun eventually left and said she would call me when she gets back to her school.

Later at night, I called Biola back, she picked up and seemed to be fast asleep already, but after a few seconds, she cleared her throat and we got taking. I told her how excited I felt knowing we were expecting twins. I was happy that I started thinking about the names we would give them aside from the Taye and Kehinde which had been unique for every twin in Yoruba land. The first to come out of the womb is called Taye while the last is called Kehinde. Biola jokingly said we would call them Daniel and Danielle.
“How did you know they would be a boy and a girl?” I asked, laughing.
“My instincts.”
“You lied. I bet the doctor already told you.”
“No. He didn’t tell me that aspect.” She laughed.
I wasn’t convinced. I kinda felt she was lying.
It was a long call with Biola as we had a heart-to-heart conversation. She kept telling me she always feel weak and exhausted.

~ Biola’s POV ~

Pregnancy symptoms with twins are definitely worse than with a single baby. I had assumed because of the swelling, discomfort, and shortness of breath sensation. It’s mentally and emotionally exhausting to be pregnant in school.
Mentally, I was exhausted from having to split my attention between school and taking care of myself, and going for antenatal.
At that moment I knew that, despite the adversity that was to come, there was no way I could go through getting an abortion. It was already too late to think of such. I debunked that thought from my head.

After all, it was not my child’s fault that I couldn’t control myself or had unprotected sex. It was my irresponsible actions that put me in this situation and it was not fair for my babies to suffer.
I have owned up to my mistake and was ready to love my unborn babies with my whole heart because I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason.
Now, I want to know what my twin babies would look like, and who each of them would grow up to resemble.

After seven months of pregnancy, then I was writing my exams. I found myself isolated from the things that I loved the most. Track was put on hold and it was as if I didn’t exist anymore.
I was known as “the pregnant girl” in the exam hall. And a day didn’t go by that someone didn’t awkwardly stare at my stomach. In the eyes of others, I was another stereotype.
Though I had the support of Kemi, Femi, and his mom, but there was always a piece missing. I have always looked at pregnancy as something you go through with your partner.
Some days the support and love were there and other days it would seem it was nowhere to be found.

Oftentimes I wasn’t sure what to do or if I would be able to go through these bumps on the road.
I found myself wondering if the light at the end of the tunnel would be worth it. I found myself getting lazy, not wanting to study for exams, and settling for a C instead of pushing for that A or B.

Fast forwarding, the exam finally ended and I was quite relieved from the stress. I called Femi’s mom to inform her I was through with my OND, she congratulated me and encouraged me to be strong. Then she suggested I travel back to Ibadan and stay with her sister, Aunty Bose. (My late brother’s wife).

When Femi’s mom noticed I wasn’t comfortable with that idea, she further explained it was the best option for me since my pregnancy was almost due for delivery. She promised to come around once I put to bed, meanwhile, she said she would talk to her sister to be kind to me and help me out with some tips once the drama begins. I don’t know what I would have done if not for Femi’s mom. She sent me some money the following day while I was left to decide when to visit Ibadan.

~ Femi’s POV ~

I was preparing to attend AFAS press on Friday evening when my phone rang. I looked at the phone screen and it was Biola. When I picked up, she told me she just arrived in Ibadan. She further explained it was my mom’s idea, so her sister (My Aunt) would assist her, Biola during labor.

“I’m really surprised. How did you do it?”
“How did I do what?”
“I mean, you entered public transport with that your big tummy?”
“No. I boarded flight ni.”

We both laughed at her silly joke.

“Welcome. I don’t know when I’ll come around shaa. We will soon start exam.”
“Hmmm. When are your exams starting?”
“I think in three weeks.”
“You still have time. Come and see me jare,” she said.
“How’s my Aunty and everyone?”
“They are all better than me.”

The call ended. I guess her airtime was exhausted.


I went to my aunt’s apartment the following weekend. It wasn’t that far from the University of Ibadan. It was about thirty minutes trip. I met Biola, my aunty, Aramide, and Segun, my aunty’s son. They were all glad to see me again. The feeling was mutual. I had a good time with them, mostly Biola who had missed me. She still lured me to have some quickie with her when we had the chance. Yes, we still did some silly but I’m not going to tell you in detail. [Winks]

On 12th September, yes, I still remember vividly the actual date. Biola, my aunty, and I arrived at Queen’s hospital in Ibadan; a private hospital. Biola’s due date had passed and an appointment had been made to induce the birth. She was booked into the hospital at 10:25 am and, a little over two hours later, she was given drugs to bring on contractions. She was told she could walk around.

I called my mom and informed her about the current situation. My father too was aware. He said he would be praying for her safe delivery.

Around 4 pm, Biola had begun to have strong contractions. She told the midwives that she was experiencing acute pain and at 6.30 pm, she was given a pill for pain relief. I wasn’t myself as I was witnessing all of these. My exams would start barely in two weeks. My mental health was unstable.

By 7 pm, she was in established labor. She should, given her history and her condition, have been regularly monitored, but for the next two and half hours, she was not monitored at all.
Aunty Bose was increasingly concerned and went to see the midwives three times. “They were treating me like an animal,” she said bitterly. When I asked if anyone was going to attend to Biola, they said they were about to change shifts.
She said that one midwife came after the shift change and declared that Biola was fine. “I knew something was wrong,” Aunty Bose added.
“The way her eyes were rolling backward— but the midwives made sarcastic comments saying she was a drama queen and suggested that Biola have a shower.”

Meanwhile, Biola was delirious, non-responsive, and sweating. As my aunty and I tried to lift her out of her bed for the shower, she collapsed into my arms. I couldn’t believe the voice coming out of her throat. She was not screaming—it was like she was being slaughtered.
I started screaming to the midwives, “Please come.”
The midwife said, ‘Sir, don’t worry, she will be fine.’ I yelled that she was in pain and I pressed the emergency button.”

The emergency team came and immediately put an oxygen mask on Biola’s face not realizing until my aunty pointed out that the mask was not connected to the oxygen. The medical team conducted an emergency cesarean, but because there was no equipment for the baby, one of them had to run with her to the nearest special baby unit. I was overwhelmed over becoming a father.

Long story short, around 11 pm, Biola was delivered of a bouncing baby boy and a girl. I couldn’t contain my joy. I was overwhelmed with joy when I heard the baby cry. My aunty was with her inside while I waited outside. I reached for my phone and dialed my mom’s number.
“Has she put to bed?” she asked excitedly.
“Yes, mom. Ibeji! Twins!
“Wow. Thank God for being faithful.”
“Yes, mom, God did it.”
“I’ll be coming tomorrow.”
“Okay, mom.”

I hung up.

My aunty came out to meet me. “Eku orire—congratulations,” she turned in my direction. I was all smiles while thanking her. We later went in to see her and the babies. Biola lay on her back and her eyes were completely shut. She must be feeling so exhausted. The baby clothes were folded into neat piles and other pieces of stuff which we came with.

Then the doctor finally came, he said Biola was brain dead. That was a piece of bad news after a safe delivery. And that got us worried. I called my father and he said he was praying for her and that nothing would happen to her. I believed him since he prayed and she delivered safely.

My mom arrived in Ibadan the following day, so my aunty had to go home while my mom and I stayed with Biola in the hospital. While my mom and I sat around her bed in thr hospital, we suddenly noticed the change in her breathing; it was pacing faster as she lay on her back. A shallow rasping breath: loud exhalation accompanied by a low moan.

“Doctorrrrr,” my mom yelled.
I quickly ran out to call the doctor.

To be continued…

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