ANE Stories

Episode 49.
It was Nicole’s birthday. She woke up with a mixed feeling.
Three days ago, she had purchased items for the decoration of the church, plastic chairs and other things she felt the church was lacking. All these she dropped in the church after purchase.
When the pastor of the church saw them, he was surprised. He asked her to go to the altar and tell God what she wants and Nicole did.
This Sunday, Nicole had woken up so early. She was happy and sad. Happy that she is alive and healthy. Sad that at her age, she had not gotten a husband of her own. She wiped the tears that rolled down cheek, then went to the bathroom to bathe. She dressed slowly and went to church.
In the church, the pastor charged the congregation to hold unto God’s promises and not be discouraged by the situation of things.
“If God remembered Hannah, he will remember you. If he remembered Sarah, he will remember you. Delay is not denial. Has God promised you a thing?. He will bring it to pass. Numbers 23:19 says: God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
The members nodded their heads.
“Are you about to give up on God’s promises? Don’t! You are looking up to God for financial help, good jobs, marital settlement, accommodation, fruit of the womb, visa… hold unto God. He will bring you to an expected end. Hold on to God’s word. This is not the time to faint. This is the time to look unto Jesus.”
Nicole listened to this message of hope and encouragement and she kept wiping tears from her eyes.
“Don’t allow people or situations pressure you to do or take decision that is detrimental to your salvation”
When she left the church, her faith increased.
She drove to Daniel’s house and picked him and then drove home. No sooner she got home, Ehis was brought by the maid.
Eghosa had since travelled. Nicole wanted to celebrate her birthday with her little friends. She drove them to an eatery and watched them order what they wanted.
“The other time, you told me God answers prayers” Ehis said.
“Sure!. He does not fail” Daniel said.
“When my dad was sick one night and mum had no money to buy drugs, I went into my room and prayed. My Sunday school teacher said that Psalm 50 vs 15 says that in the days of trouble when we call upon God, he will deliver us and we will glorify him. So I called upon God and he brought you the following day. Everything is fine now. Look at me, I attend a good school because God answered my prayers”
Nicole laughed and tickled him.
“Well, I read one verse in the bible yesterday” Ehinmwenma announced.
“Awww!, Let’s hear it”
“Job 22:28 says thou shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways”.
“It’s like I have bible scholars here oo”
They all laughed. Each of them scooped ice cream into Nicole’s mouth.
“How about we decree a thing Daniel” Ehis said looking at Daniel.
Nicole watched them with mouth open. Ehis held Nicole’s hand and instructed Daniel to hold the other hand.
“I used to hear you pray that God should bless you with a good man like my daddy. You said a man that completes you”
Nicole laughed loudly without a care in the world. She didn’t know that those times she do pray such prayers, Ehis wasn’t actually sleeping.
“We are going to ask God to bring it to pass. Close your eyes and pray”
In the eatery, the children prayed for closed to fifteen minutes. When they opened their eyes, Nicole was in tears. She was overwhelmed.
Daniel took the handkerchief from her and wipes her tears, but Ehis stopped him.
“You allow tears of joy to flow. Don’t dry them please.”
One after the other, Nicole hugged them. She asked them to order what they needed to take home. They did and Nicole dropped each of them home before heading to her house.
At home, Nicole treated herself to a sumptuous supper. As she ate, she received calls from her parents, thanking her for the money she sent the previous day and they prayed for her.
Nicole wanted to retire early. She switched off the electrical devices in the house then went to her room. She was happy how the day went, but she was missing Eghosa. He had not called her for almost three weeks.
Everytime she tries to reach him, his line was switch off. This worries her. Before she left for church in the morning, she dialled the line and it rang with no response.
“Why didn’t he answer?” She wondered.
“Maybe he has realized that I was once mad?” She smiled sadly
“Which man would want a mad woman in his life?”
She stretched herself on the bed ready to sleep when she heard a knock on the gate. She jumped out of the bed and looked at the time 8:53pm. She wore her slippers and went out to open the gate.
It was Eghosa. Surprised, she opened the gate wide for him to come in. They walked inside and Eghosa refused to sit.
“You are not a visitor, sit”
“Don’t worry Nicole. What I came for is very urgent and important”.
Nicole frowned and stood up slowly.
“I don’t understand. Your line has been switched off and this morning it rang but you never answered. I wanted you to be the first to wish me a happy new year in my life but I didn’t get any call from you” She said as she wiped the tears that escaped from her eyes.
“Calm down Nicole…”
“I know you have come to tell me to stay off your daughter because I was once mad” She sobbed.
“Don’t say it please. I love Ehis so much…”
“You are talking too much Nikky” He said wiping her tears with his handkerchief
“I love you so much. I have always loved you” He said smiling deeply.
“This is what I have come to do”
He dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a small box. He opened it and Nicole stared with mouth opened at the beautiful gold ring.
“Marry me Nikky, Say yes”
“Give me a reason why I should marry you” She asked laughing.
“Well, I love you and I was once your driver” He said laughing.
“I will drive you safely to anyplace. I also know that you love me too. Please marry me”
“I love you Eghosa and I will marry you”
She rushed into Eghosa’s arm and kissed him deeply.
“Don’t be in a hurry Nikky. We will do it the proper way”
He looked at his watch and smiled.
“Let me surprise Ehis with my presence before she sleeps. He bade her good night and took his leave. As soon as Nicole locked the gate, she rushed inside and rolled on the floor singing and thanking God.
Few days later, Eghosa travelled to Benin with family members to inform Nicole’s parents of his intention to marry their daughter.
“You wan marry your driver?”
“I love him Iye and he is the one I am settling with. He loves me too”
“Hmmm!. Something dey worry you for head” her mother scolded.
“Leave her alone. She has made her Choice. Can’t you see that he loves our daughter? What we as parents failed to do, he did for her. Eghosa, I give you my consent. With you she is in safe hands”
Eghosa thanked them and promised to give feedback when the date for their marriage has been fixed.
Nosa worked so hard for his marriage. He did everything in his power to please his wife. He surprises her with gifts and takes her out occasionally.
Itohan’s desire was to have their own house and for the past one year, he worked so hard to achieve it. After he was duped, he seeked the face of God to help him and he was not disappointed. He cherished those mornings Itohan would decree upon his life and business. Business opportunities began to come and in no time, he was in money. He bought two plots of land and expanded his business. He also bought a car for himself.
It was another year of their anniversary. He remembered how Itohan was disappointed in him during his birthday. This time, he planned to make it up to her.
Itohan as a woman has endured and tolerated alot from him and on their anniversary he vowed to make her laugh. In his flaws, she almost quit the marriage but didn’t.
He put a call to his children. He told them they must be present on the anniversary. Then he invited Iya Folake and the Igiebors and host of others. Nosa planned gradually for the anniversary.
On the set day, Itohan stretched lazily on her bed. It was a Saturday and she was not in a hurry to leave the house. She didn’t even remember it was their anniversary. She left the bed to call the family for morning devotion. It was a huge surprise when Efosa and Osadebamwen returned from school two days ago. She was so glad to see them after such a long time. Itohan did not know they were invited by their father and to also keep a sealed lips.
Her husband and the kids were already in the sitting room discussing. IThey exchanged greetings and Efosa was asked to lead the devotion. Immediately after devotion, they returned to their rooms. Itohan and her husband returned to their bedroom hand in hand. In the room, Itohan sat on the bed and Nosa went on his knees. Itohan was surprised. She asked him to stand but Nosa refused.
“I’ve made fatal mistakes in the past and…”
“And you have made another one!” She said standing up and looking bewildered
“Tell me what mistakes you have made this time” She said with hands akimbo.
“I love the look on your face” Nosa said.
“Just be patient and allow me talk”
Itohan sighed deeply and slowly took her seat. The way she frowned her face made Nosa to laugh more.
“I love you so much Itohan. Thank you for putting up with me. You have been a source of inspiration to me. In this our marriage, you have given me nothing but peace”
While he was still on his knees, the door opened and Efosa ushered in a saxophonist into their bedroom. As he played the saxophone, Itohan so overwhelmed and began to cry. She rushed into the arms of her husband and remained there for a while. No one knew what Nosa was whispering into her ears. Perhaps, in love language, it is called sweet nonsense.
Itohan noticed that canopies were being mounted and guests began to troop in. The caterers had started setting the tables. Nosa selected a beautiful gown for Itohan and asked her to put it on. She looked so classy in it and she began to cry for joy. Iya Folake and her son graced the occasion and she was overwhelmed.
It was during the ceremony that Nosa gifted his wife a car and a document for the land he bought. Itohan was too dazed by everything. Everytime she opened her mouth to talk, nothing comes out. Everyone that took the microphone to talk, had something wonderful to say about the couple.
The occasion did not end without the pastor showering blessings on them.
To Be Continued… . . .

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