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DEADLY DESIRE Story by Franca Uwuigiaren _ AllNaijaEntertainment
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Episode 41.

It’s been few days since Nicole regained her sanity. She felt so dirty and ashamed. The day she was delivered, she surrendered her life to the authority of Jesus.

Eghosa narrated to her how he found her, how he travelled to Benin and how her parents failed to take care of her. Nicole was shocked to the marrow that her family could abandon her in her difficult moment. She shook in dismay when she was told Obiora almost used her for ritual purpose.

For days, the tears were still flowing. She knelt before Eghosa, apologizing for the way she treated him and thanking him for helping her.
“You really acted like Christ would. I am not related to you in any way but you showed concerned for me. You showed me love and care. You were interested in seeing me whole again. I can’t thank you enough.”

When the maid returned, she was surprised that the gate was locked. She went to a friend’s place to sleep then returned the following day. She was shocked to find Nicole had regained her sanity. But Eghosa shocked her by paying her off, then employed a new maid and security man for Nicole.

He also updated Nicole about her business and helped her get a new phone. She apologized to him for the unjust sacking.

Satisfied that Nicole is settled, Eghosa packed his few belongings and left. Nicole cried and begged him to stay. “Please Eghosa. Whatever you want me to pay you as salary, I will but don’t go” she cried with tears rolling down her face.

Eghosa touched by her tears, stare at her in dismay.

“You can’t be crying like this Boss. I can’t watch you cry like this. It disturbs me please. I just need to go out there and hustle. I really appreciate your offer but I don’t want to accept it.” He said carrying his bag but Nicole held his arm still crying.

“Please. I don’t want you to go.”

“You will be fine Nicole. I … I.. th..nk my assignment…has been completed. Just don’t disconnect from God. When next…I …see you, if Jesus…tarry, make sure you are… burning for God and fulfilling destiny.”

He dropped his bag and hug Nicole and without looking at her again, he carried his bag and left with Nicole’s wails trailing behind him.

For many days, Eghosa could only see Nicole’s face staring at him with tears rolling down her face.

Eghosa missed his job because of Nicole. Now he was going to start afresh. He sent his CV to many companies, praying that he soon be called for one. His opportunity came when he received a call for an interview.

Surprisingly, it was his late wife’s elder sister that was to interview him.

“What are you doing here?” They both asked in unison.

“I came for an interview” He said.

“What? What happened to your business?”

“It was engulfed in fire. My containers were seized and i went broke. It was same period your sister died…”

The woman shook her head sadly

“So sorry! You didn’t tell us all these.”

“I was just overwhelmed with everything”

This is my husband’s company. The HR was supposed to be here to conduct the interview but I am here deputizing for him because something came up”

“It’s alright”

“Eghosa I cannot allow you work here. You took care of my sister when she was alive and her death shook us. I am going to help you stand on your feet again”


“How is my girl holding up ”

Eghosa smiled.

“She’s with my mum for now until I get something doing ”

“How much do you need to go into business?”

Eghosa was confused. He opened his mouth to talk, but nothing came out.

“I understand”

“N22m is okay” She said.

The woman left him in the office and later returned with her handbag. There and then, she wrote a cheque and handed to him.

Eghosa kept looking at the cheque. When he raised his head, he was in tears.

“Thank you Dora. I can see that God arranged our meeting specially today”

She opened her bag again and brought out a bundle of N1000 notes and gave him.

“For your transport”

Eghosa thanked her and left.


When Nicole drove into her father’s compound in Benin, her parents were confused. It was as if the ground should open and swallow them.

With heavy legs, Nicole’s mum went to her and embraced her. Nicole did not buy anything for them. It was the first time she would travel all the way from Lagos to Benin without buying anything. She greeted her parents then sat in the sitting room with them.

They asked how she was doing and she responded. Then there was silence.

“Did you hear I went mad?” She asked.

“Enh!, Yes!, Your driver came and informed us” Her father said.

“And you abandoned me?”

“No be like that Nicole”

“Alright, tell me, what is the truth. That my parents practically disowned me because I ran mad. None of my siblings came to check on me.” She tried to control herself but she couldn’t help the tears from falling down her cheek.

“My daughter we are sorry. How would we have brought you here for our enemies to laugh at us..”

“You preferred what the enemy will say than thinking of me”

“It’s alright.”

The silence that followed was wide

“No vex Nicole”

“And I thought you love me”

“Aaah we love you na”

“You just showed that what you love is my money not me. Thank God for Eghosa whom God used in my life. It hurts that people I love so much could abandon me.”

With that statement, Nicole stood up.

“Where you dey go?”

“It doesn’t matter where I am going. I just wanted to see the faces of the people that abandoned me”

“Abeg na”

Nicole walked out of the house and drove out of the compound. She lodged in an hotel and left the following day. Nicole’s mother faced her husband.

“Na you cause am. Na you say make nobody carry mad person come here. You don make her vex na. How many of our children dey give us money and take care of us like Nicole. Abeg call Nicole for phone make you beg her”

“Shut up your mouth”.He shouted.

They quarreled till night. With Nicole’s mum in the other room, Nicole’s father dialled her phone number, and it rang severally but Nicole didn’t answer the call.

On the hotel bed, Nicole saw her phone ringing but she refused to pick. She was hurt that her parents could treat her that way. There was no time they called for her assistance and she didn’t respond. There attitude have really provoked her. She picked the phone and put it on silence.


The night was far spent. All were sleeping except Nosa. He picked Itohan’s bible to read but couldn’t concentrate. His thought ran wild. One could see that he was worried.

When his wife told him that a family was sponsoring his children in school, he was shocked. He never expected such from people not related to them. Further shock came when Itohan told him this same family blessed them with money.

“This is not true” He told her.

“Na true. The money dey bank. Na from there we take dey chop. I even take from there pay your hospital bill”

Dropping the bible, he went on his knees.

“Father, even in my waywardness you were busy working out good things for my family. Even my little baby is collecting salary. God thank you for the provision”

When he finished praying, he could sleep again but sat on the chair.

Itohan woke up and joined her husband on the chair. She noticed that his eyes were flooded with tears.

“Why you come dey cry Nosa?”

“I am just overwhelmed by God’s goodness”

Itohan nodded her head but didn’t comment on it

“Now that God has delivered me, I am grateful”

He took her hand in his.

“Itohan, thank you for not giving up on me”

She smiled.

“But I am ashamed that people in this environment still refer to me as once a mad man”

Itohan frowned.

“Aah aah”

“Yes Itohan. The stigma bites. The pointing of fingers, the laughter…”

Both of them were silent for a long time. Nosa thought of what he would have done if the money was there. He doesn’t want to ask her for money. Itohan too thought of what she would love to do with the money in the bank. Come to think of it. There was no much financial responsibility for them. God has already made plans.

“Nosa, me I wan learn to speak good English”

Nosa who was not expecting such from her burst into laughter. Itohan used her palm to cover his mouth with mischievous glint in her eyes.

“You want to go to school”

“No be say na school. I want make teacher dey come house come teach me how to speak English and I go pay.”

“That is good Itohan.”

“…and I want make we leave this area. Me I know sey you dey shame and i no like am. Make we leave this area or even Lagos sef”

She stood up and sat on her husband’s legs.

“Na you be the head of this family Nosa. Things happen and I thank God sey everything don dey okay. I want make you take your position as head. I want make you stand as man wey God create you to be. I go support you with money and i go stand by your side”

Nosa was happy. He hugged her then asked her to knee. The surprised Itohan went on her knees and he started praying for her. After the prayers, both of them sat and began to make plans for the future. They decided to leave Lagos to another state.

By morning, Itohan confided in Iya Folake.

“Even though I will miss you. Your plan is okay”

Two months later, Nosa and his family relocated to Port Harcourt.
To Be Continued… . . . .

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