ANE Stories

Episode 38.
“Tia! How are you? Like how are you really doing?” Sanna asks, I am sitting across from her at our usual place of food where she has brought me out for lunch.
“I am pregnant,” I laugh. “I don’t think I will be completely fine until I give birth to this human of mine. Pregnancy is….”
She touches my hand,” You know that’s not what I am talking about. How are you handling the breakup with Bishop?”
“I am hurt. Very hurt, Kingsely treats me like a stranger. Can you imagine he brought some lady to the office today and hired her as his P.A?”
“I think you should leave that place. Zyair is working now right? Money won’t be an issue now, you need to focus on the baby and school. When you are done with school I will help you get a better job.”
“He asked you to talk to me didn’t he?”
“This isn’t about him. This is about you, I am worried about your well being and if you continue throwing yourself at him like that, you will ruin your marriage and ….”
“What do you mean throwing myself at him?”
“Pastor Ruth gave you some money and asked you to resign right? You could put that money to good use. Leave that place.”
“Who’s side are you on?”
“I am not on anyone’s side, as your friend it’s my duty to make sure you are in your right frame of mind. Kingsely is married and you knew it before you got into a relationship with him. You are married too so why is it so hard for you to walk away?”
“I can’t believe you are saying this to me. You know I am in this mess because of you?”
“How is this my fault?”
“You took me to that church and said life would get better for me if I came in contact with your man of God.”
“And life has gotten better for you hasn’t it? You are not in school? You drive your own car, you have a job and some money of your own.”
“You didn’t tell me all this came with sleeping with Kingsely.”
“The decision to sleep with him was entirely yours. I introduced you to him but what happened after that is all up to you.”
“Kingsley used me. I will not walk away without a fight.”
“You are married.”
“I don’t care anymore.”
“Pull yourself together Tia. Kingsley is not worth it. You will end up ruining your marriage.”
“Drop it Sanna. I am an adult and I will make decisions that please me.”
“So what will you do if Zyair finds out you have been cheating?”
“Are you trying to threaten me?”
“No I am not.”
“That’s just a simple question.”
“Zyair is the last thing on my mind right now. This baby I am carrying is Kingsely’s and he must take responsibility.”
“Kingsley will destroy you.”
“I am ready for him.”
“Okay. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“I have just lost my appetite. Get done with your food so you can drive me back.”
“I am so happy that you and Tia are finally going to be parents,” Zion says.
She picked me up from the office for lunch and now she is driving me back. I haven’t seen Zion in the last couple of weeks. She has been busy, I didn’t want to tell her about the pregnancy over the phone so she just found out.
“Thank you. I can’t wait to be a father, I am so excited we are actually looking into moving to a bigger house.”
“That’s good news. Are you house searching already?”
“Yes. Pacey actually helped me find a house and I went to look at it. It was nice but Tia didn’t like it so we are back to square one.”
“Why didn’t she like it?”
“She doesn’t like Pacey.”
“Tia and her insecurities.”
“I think it’s the hormones.”
She laughs, ” don’t even blame the hormones, that woman has no home training. She has no manners at all.”
“That’s my wife we are talking about.”
“That’s the only reason I tolerate her.”
“Does she still go to that useless church?’”
She laughs again, “Are you ready for some juicy gossip about your wife’s church?”
I roll my eyes, even if I say I don’t want to hear it, she will tell me either way.
“Remember that girl I told you about? The pastor’s child? The one who is at the same school as my friend’s daughter?”
“She was dating a pastor from that church and things went sour. I recently found out he broke up with her and he is seeing someone else now. The little girl was broken, she even stopped attending classes for some time. When she got back to school she changed courses.”
“Where do you get all this?”
“There’s more.”
“Apparently that Bishop has been sleeping around with females in that church but no one is ready to speak up. Talk about touching not the anointed one,” she laughs.
“Zion, your gossip will get you arrested. Do you even have proof of what you are saying?”
“I don’t but there’s no smoke without fire. This Saturday I am meeting up with my friends, I will update you about what I hear next.”
“I don’t want to hear it.”
“He even sleeps with married woman ka. You need to watch out and make sure he doesn’t prey on yours.”
“Stop it Zion. Stop disrespecting my wife.”
She rolls her eyes,” we are here.”
“Thank you for lunch,” I say.
I love Zion but I hate how she talks about Tia sometimes. Tia has her bad days but aside from that she is a good woman. To insinuate she could be cheating on me with that man is out of order.
“You are welcome,” I say before stepping out.
“I will see you on Sunday.”
To Be Continued…. . . .

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