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Your weekly tarot horoscope for July 24 to July 30 – and Jupiter going retrograde



Your weekly tarot horoscope for July 24 to July 30 – and Jupiter going retrograde
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This week, Jupiter goes into retrograde on (from July 28 until November 23).

A retrograde is when a planet looks, from our vantage point on Earth, like it’s spinning backwards (an illusion) and it can impact the astrological influence of that planet on us.

In this case, we all need to use this (long) period of time to reflect on our internal, personal growth and expansion.

How are we changing as a person? What are we becoming? What growth have we seen and still look forward to?

Big stuff, right?

Let the tarot guide you as to who you might become this Jupiter retrograde, with each star sign’s tarot horoscope for the week ahead.


March 21 to April 20

Look back in order to move forward

Look back in order to move forward.

Tarot card for Aries for this week: Six of Cups

Meaning: Childhood is the place you’re returning to in terms of reflection, contemplation and lessons or insights about personal growth.

The Six of Cups draws your gaze to warm and affectionate memories, places, and people from your past.

What do you make of them now? What lesson can you take on board? How might this influence who you wish to become?

Revisit your childhood, there is a wealth of insight awaiting you.


April 21 to May 21

Remember your strength, Taurus

Remember your strength, Taurus.

Tarot card for Taurus for this week: Seven of Wands

Meaning: Competition and rivalry is not your favourite thing, nope, not one bit. You like to go at your own pace, in your own time, preferably to your own rules and drumbeat.

The Seven of Wands asks you to focus on times when you’ve been pushed or challenged, and what you might have learnt there, or how it developed your character or skills.

You have risen to many challenges, and will do again. Learn how you operate best under fire.


May 22 to June 21

Money, money, money

Money, money, money.

Tarot card for Gemini for this week: Queen of Coins

Meaning: You are on a major self development journey when it comes to your finances, security, home, and work. You are taking control, being the boss, setting the agenda, realizing it’s all on you (no one else) to make your life secure, comfortable and even luxurious.

Time to make more of what you earn, and maybe earn more. Time to step up and be the rich little entrepreneur and hustler you were born to be. Queen of Coins, here you come.


June 22 to July 23

Give yourself permission to enjoy this moment

Give yourself permission to enjoy this moment.

Tarot card for Cancer for this week: The Sun

Meaning: The Sun is the tarot’s most positive card and suggests this July – November retrograde season is going to be a time of great joy and fulfilment for you.

Reflect on how you let yourself enjoy pleasure and love. Consider if you sometimes self-sabotage or put up barriers or overthink stuff.

Stop doing what you know you do to get in your own way of happiness. It’s all coming, so welcome it in.

Have an amazing 2022, Cancer. Enjoy it.


July 24 to August 23

Set boundaries

Set boundaries.

Tarot card for Leo for this week: Six of Coins

Meaning: Think about altruism, goodwill, fellowship, generosity, and how much you give freely to others to help them out, just for the heck of it.

Leo, you have a big heart (maybe the biggest) and understanding how to give (safely) and in a way that is sustainable is a big life lesson for you.

The Six of Coins loves your good karma living, loves how you are, but also asks you to be shrewd and wise, to have boundaries, to know where you’re valued.


August 24 to September 23

Are you feeling lucky, Virgo?

Are you feeling lucky, Virgo?

Tarot card for Virgo for this week: Three of Wands

Meaning: Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and luck and the Three of Wands also represents that ‘opportunity knocks’ energy.

Reflect on your ideas about luck and good fortune. Are you lucky? Some people say that lucky people are simply those who think they are. Look back and note all the times you’ve had a good break, a twist of fate, a golden opportunity.

Use this retrograde to ask for more of that! Be lucky.


September 24 to October 23

You have had a recent disappointment or setback, but things are looking up

You have had a recent disappointment or setback, but things are looking up.

Tarot card for Libra for this week: Eight of Cups

Meaning: You have endured a recent disappointment or setback and had to admit defeat on something you really wanted. That was brave and admirable of you. Many would’ve stuck their heads in the sand and blundered on.

Revisit this now, with the hopeful Eight of Cups, and look at what you are going to replace your loss with this retrograde season.

The Universe promises there is bigger and better opportunity ahead!


October 24 to November 22

Time for a challenge, Scorpio

Time for a challenge, Scorpio.

Tarot card for Scorpio for this week: Two of Coins

Meaning: We all grow organically, as life shapes and challenges us, and then we can also grow in a more targeted way by actively, consciously testing or pushing ourselves in certain places.

The Two of Coins asks you to challenge your personal growth in areas you know you’d like to change this retrograde season.

From now till November, schedule some tests, and face your demons or issues. Overcome the competition. Win.


November 23 to December 21

Look after yourself this week

Look after yourself this week.

Tarot card for Sagittarius for this week: Queen of Cups

Meaning: Your personal development this retrograde season is all about your level and investment in self-love and self-care.

The Queen of Cups invites you to prioritise looking after your health, happiness, and wellbeing. Being kind and attentive to your needs, desires, and issues. Addressing what’s wrong. Celebrating what’s right. Challenging yourself to be your best. Making your lifestyle rewarding, nurturing, and healthy.

Make self-love your focus.


December 22 to January 21

Get out of your comfort zone this week

Get out of your comfort zone this week.

Tarot card for Capricorn for this week: Knight of Swords

Meaning: Despite your strength and determination, you can hang back from the crowd and feel insecure about putting yourself in the spotlight, Cap. It’s a natural shyness you often grow out of as life pushes you further into the mix.

The Knight of Swords asks you to put yourself out of your comfort zone this retrograde season and push your ambitions overtly.

Fight for your spot. Compete with others. Show what you got!


January 22 to February 19

Tune into your intuition

Tune into your intuition.

Tarot card for Aquarius for this week: The High Priestess

Meaning: You are going to truly zoom in on your psychic powers, your intuition and your gut instincts this retrograde season and realize how gifted you are here.

The High Priestess brings you the understanding and energy to utilize your inner wisdom and intuition, rather than just leaning on rational, logical and factual thinking. It’s a whole realm of power you’ve yet to really optimise.

What a gift you have! Use it.


February 20 to March 20

Ask for help, Pisces

Ask for help, Pisces.

Tarot card for Pisces for this week: Eight of Wands

Meaning: Don’t try to do it all by yourself, Pisces. This retrograde season, make a list of who can support you, what sources of advice or help there are related to your needs or goals, what assistance you truly need.

The Eight of Wands asks you to network, seek a mentor, ask for help, put yourself in the mix.

Your personal growth will come through the aid of others.

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