The series features a star-studded cast including Kie Kie, Mr Macaroni, Uzor Arukwe among others. Bimbo Ademoye has launched the first episode her A3 Studios produced...
Lasisi Elenu makes his debut lead role in the Udoka Oyeka directed comedy. Trino Motion Pictures’ 2021 comedy, ‘The Razz Guy’ has premiered on Netflix over...
StarTimes has unveiled ‘Sparadise’, its latest original comedy series written and produced by comedian and OAP, Steve ‘Yaw’ Onu. ‘Sparadise’ captures the intrigues and happenings that...
#FeatureByDSTV – ‘Sisi Eko’ is here! It comes with a host of hilarious characters and life-changing lessons. The debut season of Africa Magic’s new series features Chinonso...