ANE Stories

Episode 36.
“Where are you guys headed?” Layomi asked
” We want to do something at the back of the hall” Andrew said
” What?” Layomi asked
” We want to play” Andrew said
” Play? What kind? Race or Hand Wrestling?
” Body Wrestling!” Andrew replied figuratively.
” Oh! I have never heard of that, How do you play that? Can I come with you guys?”: Layomi asked
” No, two of us is just perfect.” Andrew said pulling Timisire with him.
Layomi stood transfixed. She could tell that something was up.
She ran back to the hostel, she needed to call an elder’s attention to what was happening.
Fortunately, she bumped into Aunty Tina.
“Aunty Tina, I have something suspicious to report”
” I saw Andrew and the new girl going to the back of the hall and I could feel a bit of sexual tension in the air.”
“Oh really! Take me to where they are exactly?”
” Ok ma”
The rush came suddenly on Timisire. She tried controlling the strong rush but her walls came crumbling down.
Madam Favour was praying in her office, when she heard the HolySpirit say to her…
” Pray against the spirit of Lust.”
Favour stood up and began to pray in tongues and in her understanding.
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds… I pull down you stronghold of Lust in the Lighthouse in Jesus name. You Spirit of Lust, you have no hold over any child or teenager here. Jesus is the Lord and master here, therefore peradventure you are resident in the life of any child here, I cast you out of here in Jesus name. Let the broom of Fire sweep you out in Jesus name. I cut off your hold off that person in Jesus name.”
” Stop it! What are you doing? What are we doing here?” Andrew said all of a sudden as he and Timisire were about to Kiss each other…
It felt like his senses suddenly was restored, but on the other hand Timisire was no longer herself…She was heated up and was not going to stop until Andrew was lying on top of her…
” Casting down sexual imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; I cast down this sexual thought in our heads and hearts in Jesus name…” Andrew said in a rush as he tried to push Timisire off him… They had been taught to recite 2 Cor 10:4-5 whenever they were having sexual thoughts…
Madam Favour is pacing around in her office and praying frantically…
” Casting down sexual imaginations in the hearts of the children and teenagers of the Lighthouse, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, . ..Nothing evil takes up the mind of the Lighters. The Knowledge of God takes over their minds in Jesus name…Scriptures says bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; I bring into captivity every negative or lustful thoughts any Lighter is nursing towards another Lighter in Jesus name…I exalt the thoughts of Christ, purpose and destiny in Jesus name.. They are compelled to Obey Christ in Jesus name” Madam Favour prayed…
Andrew is trying to pull away from Timisire but Timisire’s hold is surprisingly strong for him to pull away. To Andrew, It felt like 10 men had joined hands with her.
” Jesus! Jesus!” Andrew called out to God for help…
” Aunty Tina, Chioma is vomitting…” Anita called out to Tina and Layomi, thereby distracting them from where they were headed…
To be continued….