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TIMISIRE THE GOLDEN GIRL by Opeyemi Akintunde _ ANE Story
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Episode 29.

Timisire woke up feeling very joyful.

She had not felt that way in a very long time, the feeling was very alien. It was pure Joy, she wished everyday could be like that. Back at Rere’s house, it was happiness at finding a family, but presently, what she was feeling was something more.

Timisire thought about how the place had the Presence of peace in capitals, It was evident that God was residential there.

She also could not ignore the vigil that some of the girls held in the room, Timisire felt the Heavenly presence right there in the room.

“Wakey Wakey…Arise and Shine Timisire” Timisire heard Vanessa’s voice but she pretended to be asleep wanting to hear any side talks about her instead Vanessa continued

“Wakey-Wakey God’s Daughter, Abba’s princess, Wake up…Arise and Shine, the world is waiting for your manifestation” Vanessa said

” What kind of early morning greeting is this? in this same State, there are people living a joyful life like this?” Timisire wondered.

At that point she knew she had to open her eyes…

“Good morning Vanessa, thank you so much for yesterday.” Timisire said

“Please don’t mention. I am sorry for waking you up, over here everyone must get up for morming devotion”

“What is the time?” She asked

“It’s 5:30 and devotion is usually for 30 minutes by the books but sometimes the Spirit of God rushes into the room and we end up staying there for over an hour, I look forward to such days…Though I hope it doesn’t happen today, because I have an appointment to catch”

Timisire and Vanessa shared a laughter.

” So get up, go clean up your face and dress up.”

“Dress up?”

“Yes, put on your underwears we don’t want you tempting brothers here. We care about everybody’s salvation” Vanessa said laughing.

“Can I still wear this pyjamas I have on?” Timisire asked as she didn’t have any change of clothes. Vanessa had given her a pyjamas the night before.

“Yes you can wear the PJ, just make sure that you wear your bra and your underwear. I hope you understand what I mean?” Vanessa asked. Timisire saw that Vanessa was trying so hard not to hurt her or sound patronising.

“Where are my underwears?” Timisire looked on the bed where she had kept it.

” It’s in the bathroom, I washed it. When you slept off, I noticed you dropped it by your side so I decided to wash it for you.”

“You washed my underwears?”

“Yes I hope you don’t mind. I could tell you were tired and I wanted to wash mine” Vanessa said feeling sad and uncertain.

“You didn’t feel disgusted in any way?”

” Disgusted? No… You are a human being, so why should I be disgusted and besides you’re now my sister.”

“Okayyyyyyyyy, this place is definitely not on earth, this lighthouse must be heaven” Timisire laughed and Vanessa followed suit.

“Close to Heaven, infact very close to Heaven.” Vanessa said as a matter of fact.

There was a brief time of silence, before Vanessa broke the silence.

” I am taking Bible reading this morning, so I won’t be able to wait for you , when you’re through just come to the hall you came to last night.”

“Alright, thank you. I will find my way to the hall.” .

Sandy was wide awake and dressed. Harry was no doubt not as excited as she was, but that morning she had pleaded with herself not to pick up any fight, she was just going to keep calm till she pushed Harry into bringing their child home..

Sandy sat on the chair in the bedroom as a message to Harry who was still snoring.

Harry eventually opened his eyes around 5;30am and he jumped back in disbelief seeing his wife fully dressed and seated obviously waiting for him.

“Babe, this is just 5:30, I believe the place will not be opened for visitors until 8am”

“You are right, and my thinking is that if we want to get there by 8am, we should be up on our feet now, like leaving the house by 6:30am, so that we can get there by 8.” Sandy analyzed

“All right I’ll get ready” Harry knew there was no point arguing with his wife.

“Thank you baby, You are the best.”


Rereloluwa didn’t sleep all night, she waited all night hoping Timisire would call, but no! there was no call from her and when she tried to call, her line was unreachable…

Rere laid back on the sofa, feeling like a loser…


” We don’t have a baby at the moment. The three babies we had, have been welcomed into three Christian homes” Madam Favour said Sandy and Harry…

Sandy’s world crashed….

To be continued….

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