ANE Stories

Episode 10.
Aduke sat in her room looking at the picture of her daughter Motunrayo, it was already five years since she left home, no one could tell her whereabout. In fact, everyone Aduke knew except her rivals had helped search for Motun, but it was all to no avail.
“ Motun, when will you come back home, When will you give me Joy again?” Aduke’s tears flowed freely. Her eyes were used to the tears.
Motun was her only Child, a child she bore for the King of her village.
Truth be told, she wasn’t the first wife, neither was she the second nor third. She was the fifth wife, who unfortunately for her bore the child the priest said will be the richest amongst the kings’ seed. Aduke had always wondered why the priest had not been wise enough to be discreet with that kind of information. He had blurted out like an old fool…
“ I see Gold, this child will be very rich, in fact she will be a gold merchant, Oh King! This is the greatest of all your seeds. Though she is a girl, she will be the one to bring fame to this kingdom. I see her among White people, Maybe she will be selling Gold to them”
Aduke remembered her mother being furious the moment they entered her private chambers…
“ What kind of priest declares the glorious destiny of a child in front of rivals in a polygamous family?” Her mother had said. Aduke remembered how she had ignorantly waved her mother’s fears aside.
Motun indeed showed signs of being a different child as she walked earlier than most children born around the same time, she started speaking earlier than others. Every thing about her was fast.
Aduke remembered when everything changed.
When Motun was three years old, one of the teenage princesses had screamed;
“ Abomination….!”
Every one in the Palace except the King had rushed to the scene of the abomination…
Motun was seen lying on top of her two year old step brother naked. She was rocking the boy who was crying, everyone tried to separate them but Motun would not let him go. As they successfully separated her, she kept following the person holding the boy…
“ This is a curse ooo” Aduke overheard one of her rivals saying.
“ This is not her first time” Aduke heard one of the servant boys saying.
“ I have separated her from different boys in this palace”
Aduke reached out for Motun…
“ Motun come, Adenike Come, “ Aduke called her by her two names but her daughter didn’t respond. Her daughter seemed lost. All she cared about was the boy they were taking away from her.
Aduke carried her, took her to her private chambers and held her tightly rocking her. Aduke knew something had been done against her child. She didn’t need anyone to tell her, one of the wives was responsible for this.
“ Motun, don’t worry, you will be fine, the owner of the evil load will carry their load.”
Aduke’s tears dropped as she remembered that awful day. After that day, the King started despising her, he started avoiding her room. Whenever it was time for him to sleep in her room, he would complain of a headache. She was left alone to handle Motun.
Everyone quickly forgot the prophecy; instead Motun became a child no mother wanted their children to associate with.
Motun grew with the knowledge that she was cursed, as she had to undergo different purification processes. Motun grew with the sexual urge as normalcy, to the point that Aduke had to buy her a doll. She encouraged Mosun to rock dolls as a way of relieving herself instead of meeting people.
Motun however was not curtailed by that. Instead, she was getting worse by the day. Whenever the urge came on her, she would pounce on any man in sight including servants, her half siblings and school mates. It got to a point, the school asked her to stay at home and female teachers were assigned to teach her at home. This privilege she had was because she was a Princess.
By the Time Motun was 13years Old, she ran away from home.
“ God, will I ever see Motun Again. God, can she ever fulfil that destiny? Motunrayo mii, will I still see you again?” Aduke’s tears flowed as always.
“ Mama Ibanuje! Food is ready ooo” Aduke heard the Second Queen calling her the Mother of Sadness. They had nicknamed her that, since her child Motunrayo was not giving her joy.
To be continued…