ANE Stories

HIDDEN MOTIVES by Amah’s Heart
Episode 15
Maria heaved a sigh of relief before relaxing back on the sofa.
She pushed back her palmtop that was on top of the table
Just then there was a knock on the door Maria stood to go open the door.
A young lady came in with a two little girls who ran towards Maria.
Maria hugged them both with a peck on each cheek.
“Hi my darling Bella, hope Jasmine was nice to you today?
Little Bella nodded with a smile.
“Jasmine, please go with Bella to the dining. I will set dinner right away…”
As the kids left, Maria turned to the lady
“Thanks Helen for picking her up, hope she wasn’t much of a trouble? I know Jasmin can be handful…”
“Not at all, Bella is more of a handful than Jasmine but the girls act more like siblings, always looking out for each other. When my husband said he was taking Don and Bella out to see their grannies by next weekend, you needed to see the look on Jasmine face, she made it obvious that she was going to miss Bella but Bella said she should come along and her Dad also asked her if she will love to, Jasmine said she wasn’t quiet sure but she has to ask you first… You are raising her well.”
“Thanks Helen, Jasmine is a great kid right from time. You will be surprise that that I only do little which is guiding her as a parent. I’m glad everyone is here we can all have dinner together…is that okay?
“Is fine by me Maria, Don is out with the Dad. They will have their fill outside before getting home. I know they will pick up some food packs for us but I will text him not to since we will be having dinner here. Now talking about Jasmine, she’s too smart for her age, she’s 4years, Bella is 5 going to 6years in three months. Don my son is 8 but I can tell you that there are certain things Jasmine does that even Don is marveled. She’s bright and smart and a fast learner too. Very outspoken. I will hear her say to Bella not to use a certain word because is wrong…”
Maria laughed before going to set the table up for dinner.
After dinner, they started clearing the table
“Have you been able to work It out, any hope at all? I can see you are more bright and happy today… what’s the news? Helen asked
Maria smiled before replying
“Yes, is over two weeks but I finally got good results. It may not be much but is better off than nothing. I have been speaking with my bank and some officers back in my country, we were able to recover some of the Cash paid into that account and also the car which was truly worth millions….”
“Wow, this is a great news. I told you that you should stop worrying or crying over it, I knew that there should be a means to do that. You told me your country are not fast to action like this country we’re in. You said is going to take a long time to recover it all and the culprit may get away with it before the investigation will be over and that worries you alot… I’m happy to see you smiling again…”
Maria nodded calmly after exhaling.
“There’s still lots of millions yet to be recovered Helen. The property was sold before we can get hold of it. Is actually owned by a Lady. My direct source told me that it appears like my husband was having a thing with her…an affair even though I hate to admit but it is what it is. He employed this lady who was obviously married and she does not do much except spending time with Jerome in his office and she also used to live in same compound with her husband…. I was also told there was a time a big chaos broke out in my company, this lady’s husband came to fight Jerome right in the office, construing nuisance and that was when she stopped coming to the office… Jerome too wasn’t constant again. Her name is Lucinda and her husband is Silaz, my source believe those aren’t their their real names. My source from the secret service agents told me that it seems that this couple are in the game but they’re not certain yet, they are still trying to dig up more fact. Just as she sold the house, she was also planning to sell the car but was hoping to get the highest bidder before selling and her plan is to relocate to another country to go enjoy with my money… with her husband I supposed. The police are keeping them in a house arrest until the whole investigation is over. My happiness today is that all my money didn’t go into drain…I don’t know how I would have survived that. Seriously…. I’m a bit relief..”
Helen smile as they both sat down in the living room.
“Okay, the progress in all this investigation is great Maria, I’m glad. I totally understand how much this company means to you and why you broke down in tears severally due to the huge havoc. I believe the staffs can resume back to work to keep the company running. Seeing you smiling again is relieving. So…I wanna know what of your husband? What are you going to do now that everything is becoming clear…”
Maria became quiet for sometime.
She didn’t speak immediately
“…you don’t need to answer the question if you don’t want to okay…? Helen said.
“After we got married, he said he will love to visit the Bahamas some day and I promised him that he will. I planned that once I go back home after my program here, we can finally go to the Bahamas for our fifth wedding anniversary. We plan to have at least three kids, turn our house into a castle and live like a royal family. He didn’t have much growing up due to his poor background and his parents were later separated. I told him that nothing will ever make us separate. My mother had me as a single Mom and she built an empire which she used to support her parents and siblings. She refused getting married because she said some men coming for her wanted only her assets and money. She thought me everything I know and how to run a company before her dismiss. That company is my Mom’s legacy which she built with everything she got. I almost run it to the ground…I never knew handling it all to my husband was going to bring it to dust. It supposed to be our company but he didn’t handle it that way… because I know if he truly values this company and take it as his own we won’t be were we are currently. I really don’t know what to do with him right now Helen. I have asked him to evacuate the compound neither is he welcomed in my company. I don’t know where exactly to channel my anger, is it the fact he was mismanaging fund, stuffing Lucinda’s pocket and doing give away and lover boy with my company’s fund. His rudeness, fabricated lies and no iota of remorse in him. I don’t know exactly what to do with him Helen, but I’m not thinking about it right now, I’m only focusing on how to recover my money first and apprehend every culprit involved and I promise I will…my husband inclusive. I’m not going to spare anyone involved in this huge mess…”
Maria focused on the animation playing on the television which Jasmine and Bella were watching.
Hellen pat her on the shoulder gently as they began talking about other things.
To Be Continued… . . .

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