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Episode 54.

“You are related to him?”

“No… I was their maid, who seduced Mr Teju into sleeping with me”

“What?” I was shocked to my bones

“I had a son for him, but he chose his wife over the son”

“Oh my God!”

“Was it the son that was taken away?”


“So who took him away if not Mr. Teju…”

“Mrs. Abrahamson, Marcus’s mother. I gave my son up for adoption through my Aunty. I never met Mrs. Abrahamson, so I never knew all these years that Marcus is my son…”

The silence in the room was deafening.

My brain was finding it hard to process all the information been thrown at me.

“On Saturday, when you left the orphanage, the Holy Spirit asked me to follow you that he wanted to show me something….

Aunty Yemi told me all that led to her discovering Marcus was her son and indirectly Roland was her grandchild. I was too shocked to react in any certain way. I didn’t know whether to cry or laugh in happiness at the mystery of God…. All I remember saying was…….

“Aunty Yemi, help me to know God the way you do, so he can make a great story out of my messed up life…

After hours of praying together, I asked Aunty Yemi

“So you are going to reach out to Marcus to let him know you are his mother?”

“No…. God has given me Roland. At this point he is no longer within my reach. I will have him in my prayers.”

Aunty Yemi told me Mummy J was definitely not the person the dream was referring to, so she asked me….

“Is there someone else in your children’s life?”

Sudden Fear gripped my heart as I thought about Promise…

“Well, F.D’s wife has been pretty close to them since we reconnected”

“Does she know about you been married to F.D?”

“No…. we hid it from her, she just sees me as his sister”

“Are you sure? Are you sure?” Aunty Yemi asked intently, and it felt like a veil had been removed from my face

I suddenly remembered Roland asking

“Mummy is Kira my step sister or my cousin. It is confusing. Aunty Promise said we should see her as our Cousin”

Promise had been talking to Roland! My fear intensified

“She took my kids to school this morning, and she ought to bring them back, it’s already past four” I said suddenly, realizing how much time we had spent talking and praying.

“Check in on her” Aunty Yemi said

I picked up my phone and I dialed her number…

“The number you are calling cannot be reached at the moment” My heart tightened on hearing the automated message.

Her phone battery was full. I remembered telling her, her phone was 100% charged…

“Her phone is not reachable” I said to Aunty Yemi. I was shaking….

“Call the school, maybe the children are still in school…

I called the school and the response was….

“Your sister who dropped them off in the morning came to pick them around 2pm”

My world crashed. She had picked up my children by 2pm and this was past 4pm already…. The next name on my mind was F.D

“Jesus help me!” I muttered as F.D was also not picking my call.

“Maybe they planned it together” I said because obviously I was losing it….

F.D called back immediately.

“Hello Leni, how are you girls enjoying!… F.D said

“F.D where is Promise?”

“Where is Promise? She ought to be at your place with Kira.”

“She is not here, and Roland and Greg are with her…. Her phone has been…’


“Yes…. her phone is switched off”

“No let me give her a call”

The next three minutes felt like forever, F.D eventually called back…

“Her three lines are switched off, that is so unlike her… But wait, why does she have the two boys with her?”

I explained the situation that led to it…

“I hope Promise has not found out that Greg is my son, because if she has then we are in big trouble. We must involve the Police immediately” F.D said.

When I heard the word “Police” I broke into a million pieces, the reality of the police looking for my children was too emotional for me.

“Let’s meet at Oba Police Station, the D.P.O is my friend, he helps us at the orphanage…I am sure he will be of help.” Aunty Yemi said

To be continued…

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