ANE Stories

Episode 51.
The next day, I went to his office, hoping I bagged myself a bank, but the two hours I spent with him changed my life. Little did I know that he was an evangelist. His method of evangelizing to prostitutes was to give them his card, invite them over to the office and minister to them….
I believe he would have said enough prayers before the prostitutes came, because when I got into the office, it felt like a power stronger than me had arrested me. I was pinned to the chair by an invisible force and I didn’t have an option than to listen to what the man had to say.
His words broke me down, they were not mere words, but they were backed up with power, the Holy Spirit and deep conviction.
I told him my story, I told him I missed my son and his answer changed everything.
“Just like God lost a son to gain the world. you may have lost one child, you can gain a lot. Why don’t you get a job in an orphanage where you will have access to a lot of motherless Children, that way you pour your love for your son on many sons….”
I felt a Peace that I have never felt in my life…
That led me to working at different orphanages, till I finally settled at Grace Orphanage. It had been 30 years I gave up my child for adoption, but in over 20years I have raised Sons and Daughters.
“Stop in front of that gray house” I said to Mr. Rogers, I believe it had been roughly over twenty years I had last seen Mummy J and my biological mother.
The Orphanages I worked in became my family.
The house was the same as it was.
I silently hoped Mummy J was still living in the house.
I alighted from the car, and saw Mummy J seated in her shop, just like old times. She was still selling foodstuffs.
“Yemi…. Adeyemi” she recognized me immediately she set her eyes on me…
Emotions got the best of me…
We hugged tightly, and I wept…
“Yemi, God has been good to you” Mummy J said as she looked at me keenly
“Yes He has…. how are my siblings?… Jola, Jade and Junior”
“They are all abroad”
“Wow! That is good news”
“Like you, God has been good to me”
“Praise God” I answered
“Your husband and your kids?” Mummy J asked
“I don’t have any, but I have a lot of sons and daughters I have raised. I work in an orphanage”
“Your Son….”. Mummy J was saying with a sober look
“Mummy J, don’t worry I am not here to ask about him, I have moved on” I said trying to calm her nerves, but instead she continued
“He is not doing well…. I am not happy with his lifestyle. Sometimes, I wish I didn’t give him up to that family. Maybe, I would have done more research into the family he was going to”
“What do you mean?”
“Mountain man…. You know him right?”
” Yes….”
“That’s your son”
“Marcus?” I asked
“Yes…. Marcus the musician, you know his stage name is Mountain Man…. Whenever, I watch his music videos, and I see him publicly encouraging drugs, sex…” Mummy J was going on and on, but my brain was trying to process all she was saying…
“Marcus who got Leni pregnant: the father of Roland is my son?” I kept repeating in my brain
It suddenly made sense, the prophecy God gave me for Leni, that He was compensating the Grandmother of Roland because of her good works. It was about her, and not Mrs. Abrahamson.
“Mrs. Abrahamson is not Marcus’ mother? I asked Mummy J
“Yes, you are his mother. You know Mrs. Abrahamson? How did you find out about her?”
“I know her from a different source, I didn’t know she was the one who adopted my Iremide. She used to donate to our orphanage home some years back, but when Marcus impregnated an orphan, she cut ties with us. Wow! I am Roland’s grandmother”
“What do you mean? Who is Roland?”
“She is the child of the orphan Marcus impregnated”
“Wow! Do you know where the child is, you must get it right with the little one. You should take over the raising of the child from the orphan”
“I may not be able to do that, she is doing well with him. In fact, she was the one I followed to this area. She even lives in Mr. Teju’s house…” I paused and marveled at the wonders of God…
“Wow! so Roland is actually living in the former house of his grandfather…” I said
“Hold on… Is it your Roland, the Roland that lives in Mr. Teju’s house?” Mummy J asked….
“Yes… you know him?”
“Very well, I watch over him and his siblings whenever their mother is not around”
“Are you the woman Leni keeps her children with?”
“Yes… Leni is the orphan Marcus slept with?” Mummy J asked
“God Almighty, you are truly Great!” Mummy J exclaimed.
To be continued…