ANE Stories

Episode 44.
I told F.D and Promise I was not going to be available for the weekend. I didn’t owe them the explanation of where I was going…
Aunty Yemi was so excited to see me… She received me with open arms and gushed about Roland and his siblings.
“My survivor” She said about Roland “Your grandmother’s compensation”
“You are your father’s lookalike” she said about Greg “You won’t make the mistakes he made in Jesus Name. The Lord will give you control over your emotions” Aunty Yemi said.
She took my third son in her arms…
“Timothy, your Father’s reward. There is so much intercession over your life” Aunty Yemi said.
I could tell Aunty Yemi was speaking in the spirit…
“Where is his father?” she asked me about Segun…
“I don’t know” I said wanting to avoid questions.
“He is a good man, he will come back for his son, give him to him, he will train him better than you.” Aunty Yemi said…
“He already told me, he will come for him when he is two years but he is over two and I am yet to hear from him except the monthly upkeep I receive from him”
“He will come”
“Leni, how is your walk with God?” Aunty Yemi went straight to the point. I knew that question was going to surface, So I had prepared my answer.
“Great ma….”
“When was the last time you read your Bible?” Aunty Yemi asked without mincing words.
“You don’t have to lie…. I know you have been far from the Lord, but you need to buckle up. A mother cannot afford to be without God if she wants her children to be safe.”
The moment Aunty Yemi said the word safe, I instantly had a flash of the dream I had overnight. The dream had disappeared from my memory when I woke up…
I had seen me looking for my three sons. As I kept asking people, I was directed to a well…
“She poured all you have down the well” A woman had said. “Even the children you left with her, she threw then into the well”
I suddenly remembered my dream and fear gripped my heart….
“Aunty Yemi, I had a dream” I blurted
“Let’s hear it”
I recounted the dream.
“Who do you leave your children with?” Aunty Yemi asked
My mind didn’t go towards any other person apart from Mama, the elderly woman who had been watching the boys for me…
“I have an elderly woman in my vicinity who helps to watch over the boys. when I am not around” I said…
“Oh! then you need to be vigilant”
“Ok ma … but she is nice…. God, is she evil?”
“I didn’t say that, you had the dream, not me though I had a dream similar to that and that was why I reached out”
“What was the dream?”
“I saw you and F.D in a cage and a woman force feeding Roland”
“It’s the same dream, she is the only person that feeds my children apart from me” I said
I was happy Leni came around; we had enough time to talk, pray and play. I told her how Shalewa was doing well in her medical practice. As she was about leaving, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit expressly.
“Follow her…. Don’t let her know you are. I want to show you something.”
While Leni was waiting in my office, I went out to meet the orphanage driver. I told him I wanted to trail Leni, so I could find out where she was living.
We said our goodbyes…
To be continued… . . .