ANE Stories
[STORY] The Exclusive Sex Worker (Episode 32)
Episode 32.
Rich’s offices smelt of class and money. I knew The Doherty Group was a huge multinational company but nothing had prepared me for this.
Every one looked so serious that I felt out of place in the mint green sleeveless body hugging top that showed off a considerable amount of cleavage and Ankara print high waist, full gathered skirt I wore that ended just above my knees.
Gathers helped tone down the size of my Buttocks a bit, so it occupied a large part of my wardrobe. Jeans and pencil skirts were trouble.
I was a slim girl with an Buttocks that was overly proportional to my waist, similar to Iggy Azalea’s and since I really wasn’t looking to grab attention on the streets, I had to dress the Buttocks down.
Joe had ridden with me, up an elevator he said was private and led directly to Rich’s offices. I knew he could tell something wasn’t okay with me as he had kept casting curious glances at me on the ride over.
I had tried acting normal but I had never been much of an actress especially when troubled.
I had been waiting for about five minutes in a sparsely furnished room with grey walls when a tall, light complexioned, slim and expensively coiffed lady approached me. She wore a polite smile as she said, “Miss Tishé? Mr. Doherty will see you now.”
I got up, picked my hand bag and sketch folder which was too big to fit into in my bag and followed behind her.
We passed through a hallway and came into an office where about three other ladies sat behind desks. She led me past them to a set of double doors which she pulled open admitting me into Rich’s executive office, the office of the CEO and Managing director.
I stepped in and she closed the doors behind me without a word. I walked into the spacious, expensively furnished room,not surprised as money and opulence oozed wherever Rich was present.
He was standing in front of the ceiling to floor windows that exhibited the awesome view of the City. Since his office was situated on the last floor of the building which had about thirty five floors, he had a pretty lovely view.
His back was to me, he seemed to be on the phone although I saw no phone in his hands. Moving closer, I saw the bluetooth headset receiver settled around the collar of his shirt with the ear phones, pulled into his ears.
I doubt he’d heard me come in and I wasn’t sure how to draw his attention to my presence so I stood beside his desk, admiring the room with it’s white and grey walls, complemented with shades of grey and white futurist looking furnishings, contrasting sharply with the gleaming black floor tiles.
He seemed to have a thing for the grey colour but then I remembered the rich, majestic burgundy and gold theme of his also well furnished bedroom. The rest of his home had been furnished and done in similar rich fashion.
I guess this white and grey theme was sort of formal, and only for the office.
I took the free time to study him…appreciating his hard, lean muscled, very appealing body. It would be a huge lie if I said I didn’t enjoy fvcking him. He was a very attractive man and fvcking him was a delight. I could do it for free if he wasn’t a paying for it, the guy was skillful and a master at manipulating my body. I still hadn’t gotten over how he’d made me cvm from sucking me, furiously taking me high up and then making me crash very hard.
He was wearing a mauve coloured dress shirt that fit his frame perfectly and did wonders for his caramel complexion, the sleeves rolled over, exposing strong toned forearms. I couldn’t help but notice how the tailored gray dress pants lightly hugged his firm butt.
I’d once had a feel of that firm butt. His firm body had felt good to grasp. He was a fine man, broad shouldered, lean muscled, even his díck was perfect. The perfect length and girth, caramel skinned with a perfect and smoothly cut head. Very beautiful.
To Be Continued…
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