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Episode 17.

He tries to lay a complain at the police station for a missing person but they asked him to go home and after 48 hours and if the person is still not back then they will swing into action.

Benny informed them that is more than 24hours already. Her phone is switched off and her colleagues know nothing of her whereabouts.
He can’t go home when his wife is out there, probably in danger. He can sense it that Dorcas is in danger.

The police asked him to stop panicking, that is the police law that a missing person, especially an adult has to be gone upto 48 hours before it will be filed. and that is when the search team goes in search of the said person.
But a missing child takes only 24hours.
And since Dorcas is a full grown adult she can return anytime but if she didn’t then they will go looking for her after the time duration is over.

Benny drove to another police station but got almost same reply.

He walked out more frustrated.
“What is really going on? Charles got shot and now my wife is missing and nobody knows anything about her whereabouts…?

A call came into Benny’s phone and it was Bianca
Not now please. I’m not in the right mood for her chicchat
Benny said and ignored the call
Bianca kept calling and Benny had to pick up
“Hello Bianca, I’m totally not in a perfect state of mind right now. Maybe we talk later. Not today please…”

Just as Benny wanted to end the call Bianca said something that brought back his whole disturbed heart to the present
“I saw your wife…! Bianca said and waited for his reaction

“You saw my wife? When, where… how. Please tell me Bianca, you really saw my wife??

The call ended unexpected. Benny without wasting time started calling back but Bianca did not pick
After about three missed calls, she picked up.

“Yes, Benny I’m actually in a tight place right now and can’t talk. Allow me to call you back once I’m through with my present assignment…”

“Please Bianca, I can’t wait… just tell me any information you have about my wife. Anything at all…i want to have a clue of her last whereabouts. Please…”
Benny pleaded impatiently

Bianca smile before replying him.

“If you can’t wait until I’m done with what I’m doing then you have to come down here and meet me”

Benny agreed. Bianca sent her location address to Benny.

“This is a hotel Bianca. What are you doing in a hotel or is there a mistake in the address?
Benny called Bianca and asked

“No, that’s my present location. I needed a place far from my house, a quiet lone place that I can concentrate and work. I a very important personal work that I’m working on. Are you coming or not Benny…?

“Uhmmm…yea. yes I’m coming…”
Benny answered uncertain.

“Good, I will be expecting you then” Bianca replied before ending the call.

Benny drove down to the place. She called the receptionist to direct her visitor to her room.
In no time there was a knock on the door and she opened up
Benny stepped in, water was dripping down her body. A laptop on the table and a tiny box close to a long cushion chair.

Bianca was on a very short towel wrapped around her waist. Her hair poured down to her shoulder and water was all over the body.

“I was kinda hot, stressed from working all night with no rest. I decided to take a quick shower before you come down, to avoid body odor… you know what I mean?

She said smiling and her smile was quiet inviting but Benny was not in the mood for either the smile or the half naked body.
She asked him what he will like to take but Benny told her he only wants the information she has of his wife.

The room was very cold. It appears that the air condition was turned on to the highest so how exactly will Bianca be hot in such an atmosphere

“, Okay, so should I wait outside while you get dressed or you wouldn’t mind telling me where you saw my wife. Please get on with it so that I will be on my way. I don’t really have any time to waste…”

Bianca brought out her undies and display them on the bed.
white lingerie and bra.
Benny watched wondering what she was doing exactly.

“Don’t tell me you don’t want to waste time because any time spent with me isn’t a waste. Hold on let me get dressed. You can quietly sit down and wait…

She deliberately allowed the towel to slip to the ground.
Benny quickly looked away as she exclaimed quietly before slowly picking up the towel and instead of wrapping back her naked self she dropped it on the bed.
Walked naked to a wardrobe, return back to the bed without picking anything.
She later walked past Benny to a box close to where he sat.
Benny stood and said with an angry tone while trying to avoid looking at Bianca’s naked self

“Can you please get some clothes on Bianca. My wife is out there and probably in danger. This is the second day and police can only go into searching for her by tomorrow not today. I can sense it to my bone marrow that she is not alright. When you told me you saw her, that was the tiniest hope I wanted to hold onto but with all this your naked parade time is going. When exactly do you want to tell me what you know about her whereabouts. Don’t you care at all that she may be in trouble. Please, let’s get on with the reason that I’m here so that I can leave…”

“I don’t expect this harsh words Prof Benny. walking around naked is because is the same thing I do in my private space. And if I invite you to my personal corner is because I trust you. I trust you Benny and I don’t expect you to do anything, rather wait for me to be through with my dressing so that I can tell you what I know about your wife. Did I come to you or invite you to come and eat my body? I did none of that.. yet your words sound more like accusations to my ears. I’m not your enemy…I only want to help you Benny. Because that’s what I do…I have helped you before and will do it again. And before you ask why, I’m your biggest fan and your wife was nice to me in the past and helped me when I needed it. That’s why I will continue to look out for both of you. I did not expect all this words you threw at me… like a street harlot…”

Bianca said the last word forming fake emotions in her voice and acting she was going to start crying.

“I’m sorry if I said anything that hurts your feeling. I really need to find my wife Bianca. Can you quickly get dressed first… because this whole thing does not appear very serious with you walking about naked. Finding my wife is my top most priority right now, is very serious to me and if you truly want to help then we should be be on it already. Asking me to wait while you walk around naked is making me loose my patient..”

Bianca saw that her whole tactics weren’t yielding bountifully like she had wish she decided to wear a short top with nothing under.
She sat on the bed with her leg crossed, her whole thigh was in full view.

“I’m sorry Prof Benny if my innocent appearance came out wrongly. Please sit down let me tell you what I know.

Benny asked her to go on, he feels more comfortable standing.

“I saw her in the school on Wednesday. She called me and said she wanted to know the lady that you were having an affair with…”

Benny nodded expecting more. He knew his wife can do that.
“Yes…yes…so what did you tell her? Benny asked impatiently

“…. well, I told her the truth. I let her know that you weren’t seeing another woman. I even told her that the pictures where photoshopped and not real after she showed them to me but she did not believe me. She insulted me and said I was trying to cover you up. She said that she will never trust you and had it in mind to divorce you. She showed me a doctor, Ham is what she called him. He’s about forty five years, he is black and wears glasses. I don’t know if you know any doctor like that? Well your wife said that’s the man she trust and once she leaves you then the doctor will become everything that you are not to her which includes father to her future babies. She said she will never forgive you for killing her baby in the womb. It was all because of you that she lost the pregnancy and no matter what she will never ever forgive you. Dorcas let me know that she can forgive every other thing but will never overlook infidelity. That you’re only wasting your time with her. Her mind is already made up and the marriage is over already and as a lawyer she is already drafting out the divorce papers. Your wife said if I happen to see you in school I should inform you that is over. She also gave me something to give to you…”

Benny remained quiet and speechless. He can’t believe that Dorcas will say all of this to Bianca.
He shakes his head sadly and asked her to bring whatever Dorcas gave her.

Bianca opened her bag and brought out Dorcas wedding ring.
She handed it over to Benny.
Who stared at it in disbelief.
Bianca was right then with all she said. The ring in his hand was that of Dorcas.

“Did she mention where she was going or anything about her whereabouts. I need to speak with her. She can’t possibly threw everything we had away… ending eight years of marriage just like that. Did she say where she was going…?

Bianca boiled angrily. She can’t believe that Benny still wanted to see her after everything she just told him even gave him prove with the ring.

“I don’t know Benny, I don’t know. She never said anything. I asked her but she did not tell me. Maybe she felt she had said more than enough to me. I guess she is with the doctor. His name is Ham. Maybe you should go look for her over there…”

“I don’t know any doctor with such name or anyone at all with the description. I… I can’t believe Dorcas will do this. No I understand she was angry but this whole thing is unlike her. Is not like my wife… the woman I trust and loved for a decade now. Dated two years before getting married… the Dorcas I know will not just take off like that. She did not even touch any of her personal stuff. I’m still worried that something maybe wrong. Charles was shot just when I was about to know who is behind all of this. He called to inform me that he finally digged up the culprit and I was very happy. I told my wife that morning that I will return with the truth. I drove to meet Charles only to be told that he was shot by unknown person. Returning home heartbroken my wife did not believe me. She called me a liar and said she will get the truth out by herself. She doesn’t trust or believe anything I say. Bianca, thanks for your help but something is still not adding up. This whole thing is not clear to me. I will leave now…”

Bianca was very angry as Benny started heading to the door.

Benny stared at the ring in his hand. He shakes his head sadly.
He refused to believe any of what he just heard and will continue to search until he gets the actual truth.

As he walked out, his phone started ringing.
It was Anita, Dorcas friend.
To Be Continued….. . . .

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