ANE Stories

Episode 61.
“Come on daddy, we’ll still meet up this weekend.
Let’s keep going”. He drove me home, my aunty prepared me delicious meal that night. She said I made her proud. Even my sister too was glad, we’re at the dinner when aunty declared I should meet her in her room before I go to bed, she said there is something I need to do for her and as well, discuss.
I just prayed it is about my brothers but the way I looked at aunty throughout the dinner, it seemed she want me desperately, the h_y was so glaring. I retired to my room, bathed and laid on my bed thinking of the enjoyable moment with the anointed man who never ceased to surprise me every time he laid hand on me.
He is truly special in the service of banging with reckless abandon. Rolling me on the sofa or how he entered me, making my hole hot. This is the thought that took me off to unexpected sleep. Actually, I have gotten tired with much stress of the day. My uncle when taking the dinner, has already given me a sign for meeting this night at the back of the house which I still don’t know how. I slept off with my thought.
The next morning, I apologized to my aunty for not making it up to her, she said she would return early because of me that she hardly could sleep throughout the whole night. “My angel, you made my heart ceased, in fact, your love has entered my heart and now I wish to spend the rest of my life with you.
” She pecked me and zoomed out. I went back to my room, this is the right time to act, so I called our junior pastor on phone. Hello daddy, you didn’t… He cut in, “don’t worry my dear, I will pray for you when I get to the office. I wish you a wonderful day”.
The called ended, I looked at the screen again and again, what is wrong with this man, has he so forgotten of me? People with different charade, well, I will wait for his call. Maybe he will not remember what he called “paradise apple”. It was just an hour later, he called, begging me his wife was with him when I called. “Sir, can’t you leave your wife for me? He asked what I meant by that. “Ok sir, between me and your wife, who do you enjoy most? I asked. “Oh! My precious apple, you too know now, I can’t trade you with her. You’re my life, he replied. I know I’m only taking risk, but it is impossible for a man of God to divorce his wife for a young girl like me.
To Be Continued…. . . .