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Ernesto Valverde, The Unlucky Barcelona Coach



Ernesto Valverde
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Written by Okoro Daniel O.
Yeah, hate him, call him names, say shitty things to him. Fuck it, I still like him!
I’m a big FCB fan, but trust me, this man you’re seeing right here, Valverde was never the cause of all the problems alleged on him, right from our Ajax loss during 17/18 UCL semi final, to Anfield’s of 18/19 and even to the most recent loss against Atletico De Madrid. He wasn’t Pique, he wasn’t Umititi, he’s ain’t even Neto for crying out loud. Was he the VAR that denied us those two beautiful goals? Nah, he ain’t! He’s just Ernesto Valverde, the coach! Coach only teach but doesn’t play. Even (my) Messi admitted it was a “Childish mistake” from us, so?!

Damn! I almost cried when I saw what was written on a banner brought by FCB fans to Saudi Arabia during clash with Atletico.
Boldly written “Valverde Out“. Mehn, I felt somehow(and wished we’d win the clash and shame the group of individuals who brought that banner).

Sometimes, I just couldn’t help it but wonder where he derives his courage from, to continue his campaign for next clash after losing a single match. Raging from the noise of Valverde out on FCB official social media pages to even the field where the match would be taken, it’s just so amusing to find out he was still strong.
I do wonder if your family and loved ones hasn’t turned their back against you for being tagged a ‘loser’.

I learnt whole lots from the #Valverdeout campaign by Barça fans and one of them was; once people don’t like you, no matter how you try to impress them by going extra-miles in improving things on yourself and skills, they’ll never appreciate it(even when those things hurt you). They’ll rather prefer to give out the ‘honor’ to another person. Therefore, know your audience and do the right thing.

Same Barça fans that’d sang #Valverdeout chorus when we loss a single match outta many played and won, would raise song of praises for Messi when we win. Ain’t it unfair?

Valverde won Inter Milan without Messi and made Ansufati a record. Barça fans kept mute and never said shii.

Same Valverde that was acclaimed to be weak, Zidane tried so hard, but couldn’t knock off La Liga title off his hands. He’s got also a record of home unbeaten games for us.

Yeah, he had his shortcomings, but guys!, it’s so unfair to put all the blames of Barça’s unsuccessful moments on his head without appreciating his good sides.

Dear Valverde,
Life sometimes doesn’t get fair at we humans, you tried your best to get us things we needed, but your “luck” couldn’t help fetch us all of ’em. Wish I could change the hand of time and make a wish, I’d wish “luck of Vades and Joseph Pinto to fall on you and earn us the FCB all clubs was always scared to match with”

So far, to me, you remain the “only coach that tried his best, but life didn’t get fair at him and was being mocked at for every bit of mistakes made”. Though your tactics and technical-know-how didn’t help us much, you TRIED! Thank you Valverde, gon’ tell my kids about you.

Wish you luck wherever “the job” pushes you too. Adios!

Okoro Daniel O

Vamos FCB!

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