Episode 10 “if she is not a human,what then is she?? “.my mom asked springing up in shock.mr.okenwa settle his mind and swiftly stood up to...
Episode 11 There is a point you will reach in life and you will be left with no option than to accept things the way they...
Episode 7 _____________AS NARRATED BY MR. OKENWA__________ I stood perplexed in total amazement seeing as all the people gathered Were leaving at once including those that...
Episode 8 _____CONTINUE FROM WISDOM NARRATION______ Isabella took me to under a tree a little bit far from uchenna compound but it is still located in...
Episode 6 We follow wisdom in haste even though we were unable to catch up with him due to the speed which he was driving the...
ISABELLA is not just a story to read but a story to read and benefit something amazing from!. We do hope that you get to learn...
Episode 2. The seven vipers.A dangerous group of seven boys creating havoc in imo state headed by uchenna Adams.they are the most dangerous group in the...
Episode 3 ______DEEP INSIDE THE RIVER _________________ The clave frightened in shock at what happened to Isabella in the human world as they all gather closer...
Episode 4 _________UCHENNA SIDE OF THE STORY__________ Wisdom wealth.oh sorry for That, late wisdom poor wealth.he thought he can just come out from no where and...
Episode 5 ________COSMOS OF DEAD MARMAIDS____________ I watch with guilt in my mind seeing my vision coming sporadicly swift and true as I saw Isabella doing...
Episode 56 (final). Did You Miss Any Episode(s)? Get Full Episodes Here I opened my eyes and I saw myself in a white room on a...
Prologue In the beginning after the creation of the heaven and the earth with everything placed perfectly at the right spot and the first humans to...
Episode 21. Chief Wilson has done all he seemed he could do to see if Chief Williams his friend will be dropped off his case. His...
Episode 21. *SAME DAY AT BARR. LINDA’S OFFICE* Barr. Linda sat in her office as she took off her law dress scratching her hair vigorously. She...
Episode 19. *THE NEXT DAY* *CYNTHIA’S RESIDENCE* Cynthia was seen in a flying bit transparent purple top and a bum short standing in her compound facing the...
Episode 18. *AT NIGHT – SAME DAY* Chief Williams sat on his bed with his eyes fully opened. His arms folded and placed on the pillow...
Episode 17. *AT PRESIDENT DONATUS OFFICE* Mr. President sat in his office whinning and spinning his chair around with his hands on his jaw as someone...
Episode 16. **7pm – SAME DAY** CYNTHIA’S RESIDENCE** Cynthia’s face was not looking too good as she was dressed in a bit transparent white gown, she walked...
Episode 14. THE NEXT DAY AT THE CONFERENCE HALL Everybody sat still talking abouth the death of Chief Ali. Chief Ali’s wife sat also still in...
Episode 15. AT NIGHT SAME DAY Chief Williams was busy sleeping and dreaming good dreams. His slow and warm rotation on the bed shows that nothing...