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[STORY] Amanda (Season 2, Episode 01)



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Episode 01.

‘I am starting to believe the things you told me about your brother; drug addiction could make people to act and react violently’ Silas administered first aid to his younger son.

Greg’s behavior troubled him greatly.

‘I told you dad, Greg is an addict. I’ll get you the evidence you need but I have something better’ Nathan’s green eyes gleamed wickedly.

‘I don’t understand’ Silas paused and stared at him.

‘Here, I found some files, Greg has been stealing from the company’ Nathan fetched a file from his bag and gave it to his dad.

‘That’s not possible, your brother has served Beecroft for over ten years, there has been no complaint’ Silas took the files and flipped through them.

‘What if he shared part of the money with the board of executives? Do you think they would’ve complained then’? Nathan asked.

Silas was fed up as he ran his eyes over the papers. Greg’s signatures were all over them; he was misappropriating funds.

‘Get ready Nathan, soon Beecroft shall be yours’ Silas rose to his feet, he needed to speak with his lawyers.

‘Way to go dad’ Nathan smiled.

He had enough plans for Greg; if Trudy ever failed on their first plan, many more were coming. Greg would never get out of this one, the papers all had his signature on them; it was a 100% credible.

She watched as he walked away, all her strength failing her; the wine slowly faded from her brain and left her to reality, what had she done?

‘Mandy, come over here’! Alex called to her after the party was over.

‘Where have you been? Sorry I missed your calls; I have a lot to tell you, where have you been by the way’? Alex spoke in a rush, she seemed very excited.

‘Um, I just left to take some air, these masks could be very suffocating’ Amanda threw hers on the floor.

‘Of course, and they could lead to great things’ Alex winked.

‘I don’t understand’ Amanda flushed, she wondered if her friend could tell that she had just had her first sex.

‘Let’s get to the car, I’ll tell you everything’ Alex dragged her along, but all she could focus on was Greg and the words he had spoken to her.

‘What happened’? Amanda tried to push him away from her thoughts.

‘I met Morgan, we kissed’ Alex’s brown eyes bubbled.

‘Really? How? Did you know he was coming? Was that why we came here’? Amanda raised her brow.

‘Um, no! It was just a coincidence, maybe we are meant to be together’ Alex replied.

She had dyed her hair blonde; she guessed that was the reason Morgan had not recognized her at all; he’d walked up to her and kissed her briefly; she knew the taste of her mouth; she knew the smell of him; the unique and rare fragrance and that was how she knew he was the one that kissed her.

He felt it too. He’d equally taken his mask off after the kiss.

‘So? After the kiss? What else happened’? Amanda asked. She wondered if Alex had sex just like she did.

‘Um, nothing. We took a drink and just talked, but I just feel so happy right now; I still like him and he wants us to go on a date to talk about our feelings for each other’ Alex explained.

‘Really? That would be great. I am happy you are happy’ Amanda laughed, but the laugh didn’t reach her eyes. It was a hollow sound, one that lacked spirit.

‘Yes’ Alex smiled, she watched her friend closely, something was off.

‘Are you okay Mandy’?

Amanda drew a deep breath and decided she could never tell Alex what had transpired between her and Greg. Alex would be so disappointed and that was the least thing she needed.

‘I am fine…it’s just the alcohol, makes my belly squirm’ Amanda replied.

‘Oh? You took a drink? There you go girl! That’s your first time and take this from me, you’re holding it fine’ Alex chuckled.

She now understood why her friend was acting that way; she was happy Amanda had a good time.

‘Yea, can we go now, I don’t want my mother to die of worry’ Amanda winked.

‘Sure’ Alex slid the key into the ignition and fired the car.


Alex was the least person he had expected to see at the lounge; he never knew blonde looked that good on her. He relished their kiss and yearned all over for it.

He had been too hard on her, that’s why he had asked her on a date, so he could apologize and they could talk about their feelings for each other.

‘Why are you so quiet man? What did your father say to you’? Morgan noticed Greg had been awfully quiet since they returned from the party.

‘I am fine’ Greg replied tightly.

‘No you are not, what is it’? Morgan repeated. He could read Greg like a book.

‘I don’t know really, maybe it’s the fact that I hate masks and you tricked me into going to a mask party’ Greg replied.

‘So you’re pissed with me? How was I supposed to know that it would be a mask party? I was as surprised as you’ Morgan rose towards the cellar and fetched himself a bottle.

‘A little’ Greg replied.

His mind dwelled on what had transpired between himself and Amanda at the club; that was the best sex he had ever had but he felt badly about it. She was a virgin and he had taken advantage of that.

‘Greg? Come over here’ Morgan called across.

‘What is it? My legs feel like Jelly, I don’t feel like walking’ Greg fired at him.

‘Hey bro, I am serious’ Morgan repeated.

‘Yea, what is it’? Greg moved towards his friend.

Morgan had reached the cellar to fetch himself something relaxing, only to find pieces of broken bottles and liquor that spilled on the marble floor.

To Be Continued….. . . . .

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