ANE Stories

TRAPPED IN THE MIDDLE by Moshood Avidiime
Episode 04.
Mama has, in more than one occasion suggested I allowed her move in with us.
“I am lonely, Greg. I need someone to talk to every now and then. Even if you are not always at home, at least Tricia will be a good company”.
Mama had a point. She is old and now needs all the attention she can get. Even though Mama can be a drama Queen, she needn’t stress this too much, before I saw the point in it.
On a flip side of things, Mama has a “little girl” leaving with her. This little girl helps around the house with the little she can.
Besides the little girl, there is this other much older woman, whom I pay every two weeks. I’d hired her to cater for Mama, to attend to matters the little girl wouldn’t be able to.
These two people were expected to fill in the the “void” but apparently, they are still not enough to give Mama the much desired “company”.
As weird as it might sound, I somehow understood perfectly, the possibility in that.
But I couldn’t have possibly taken the decision to have Mama over, all by myself.
It is not as though I leave alone. If Mama will eventually have to move in, she won’t be moving in with only me, so it just felt right to have brought it up with Tricia (my wife).
I related the matter to Tricia that evening, after I got back from work. Tricia didn’t know if it was a test or if this was me, simply having a harmless discussion with my wife about my mother’s “possible come over”.
If there is one thing I’ve come to know and love about my wife, it is knowing how sensitive a matter involving my mother is to me. Tricia tries her best to be reasonable with expression, even in displeasure.
“Mama has a point you know. The little girl that stays with her can only do as much…” Tricia said, as I stared right through her soul, not breaking eye contact the entire time.
I was looking for any indicators of deception in what she might have assumed was what I wanted to hear.
But Tricia was not done though…
“…Baby, Mama already assumes me a competition, do you honestly think having her move in with us will be a good idea? Do you think it’ll be healthy for everyone?”
As i locked gaze with Tricia, I realized that I’d never been asked a more harmless question in my life.
I had no definite answer to Tricia’s question.
I was almost certain, that Mama and Tricia will make a great pair.
I am almost certain they’ll get along very well but, I don’t think “ALMOST” is good enough to make this sorta decision.
To be continued… . . .

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