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[STORY] ISABELLA (In Love With A Marmaid) Episode 51



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Episode 51

We enter the principal office and met him seating on his chair while some teachers stood erect watching us like we are bunch of criminals which increases my heartbeat ten times higher.
“wealth what happened yesterday why were you not in School and also refused to answer my call? “.the principal poured out questions on me the moment we step in and I became scared not sure of where to start my explanation from. “sir!,I…. “.
“did you purposely did it?”.he asked again interrupting my words. “yes sir, I purposely did it,i could not just take what tochukwu said to me two days ago”.i explained staring at the floor out of fear.
“wisdom wealth!”.he called with a high pitch of voice. “yes,sir”. “it seems the love I have bestowed on you since you came to this school has gotten into your left your responsibility
just because of what a boy said. Do you know what you have cost with that stupid act of yours?, what if we had lost to them being kicked out of the round just because of that silly behavior of yours?”.he shouted and I listen attentively without uttering any they didn’t lost the match?,that is cool though.
“the activities in this school should be your number one priority, I ask again what if we had……… “.
“He insulted my mom”.i shouted interrupting his explanation. “is that enough reason to leave the school
when we need you most?.did you report to me?, you were willing to throw away all we have work for since this term started is that
pride you are emanating now or what?. You were angry with what he told you and you took the most dangerous punishment on the whole School not just him alone, a punishment that put your best friend In the hospital now”. “hospital????”.
“yes hospital,vincent is in the hospital he had a fracture on his leg yesterday just because he cherish the good sweat you both have work together. He tried to play your wing and also his own too as the
replacement made on you was unable to do anything and he broke his leg in the process just because of your stupid excuse.what if Gabriel did the same thing you did yesterday?,what if he abandoned us too the way you did? What would have happen, tell me wisdom”.hearing all the principal said weaken me completely as Isabella suddenly
left her hold on me resting her back on the wall. I don’t blame her though I really messed up big time, I let my anger to cloud my judgement and now everyone is been punished for it including my best friend, how will I apologize to Vincent,will he ever
forgive me?.
“Isabella okenwa go to the visitors toilet and call tochukwu Desmond for me, tell him to abandon the punishment for now he will
continue later”.
“OK sir”.isabella responded and she left while I stood fighting with my emotions.
Tochukwu walked in sweating profusely unable to look at my face as he walk pass me while Isabella rested her back on the
wall again like before.
“tochukwu Desmond”.the principal called and tochukwu raised his head slowly in shame.
“I have just one question for you and it goes like this,upon all the opportunities you have in the match were you able to score anyone?”.he asked again and tochukwu shake his head negatively. “have you ever ask your self why we placed you as a midfielder instead of a striker?”.
“no sir”.he replied.
“because we discover that is Your best position,that is what you are good at so we placed you there. I would have told you to
start Your punishment yesterday but I decided you should play the game First and you end up playing nonsense “.the principal shouted in an excruciating angry voice Which trigger fear in me as I stood
motionless in a spot watching The scenario.
“am sorry sir!”.tochukwu retorted slowly. “am i the person you offended?”.
“no sir!”.
“then apologize to him not me”.
“am sorry senior wisdom”.tochukwu said and I stare at him with my gaze directly fixed on him not knowing the best answer to reply him.
“tochukwu,all this started last week,we were in good shape before and you started hating on me from last week.tell Me, where did i wrong you?”.i ask and He raised up his head slowly and stare at my face then he returned it to the floor.
“you didn’t offend me in anyway,it was my father that poison my mind against you, he said I am always the best and I played more than anyone else in the field, he said Isabella’s dad gave you a car as award for your performances in the field whereas I should be the one receiving the glory. In my formal school I was the best I never knew a day is coming where I will meet someone that is more than me,it was my father that told me you are taking our glory,i am sorry”.i listen to tochukwu explanation and I find out he really meant all his word.according to him he thought he was the best until he came to this school and meet me, will I really meet my match one day?, well only time will tell.
“I have forgiven you tochukwu”.i finally said with a bright smile. “thank you so much senior”.he replied
smiling too.
“you mean Chief Desmond Jonah told you all this? “.the principal asked an tochukwu nodded in affirmative.
“Hmmm Desmond will never stop poisoning peoples mind with Evil just for his selfish interest”.he said again though it was less coherent but we heard it clearly but we dare not ask what he meant by that even when we were really Curious to know. “well because of your father word’s am adding another punishment to it, from now on you will be bench in any of our matches and will only play when need be. That is your punishment since your father is trying to set my students against themselves let me see how he will do that if you don’t play anymore, now you can go and continue your punishment”.the principal elucidated and tochukwu left with a sorrowful expression. I wish the principal could put an end to his punishment cos I could feel his pains.
“as for you wisdom, I have nothing to tell you anymore,go and apologise to Vincent he is in St. Theresa general hospital.if he choose to forgive you good for you and if he don’t, that is also your punishment”. “thank you sir”.i replied and I left the office followed by Isabella..
School that day was partially fun as adaeze and Lilian really spent time with I and Isabella explaining all the crones and Hidden fact of the game to us and how tochukwu spoiled their game by trying to score which yield no positive result. According to her,the match was really a strong locked horn, if not for the help of Gabriel who dedicated his life to the game standing like a rock of ages at the post they would have dealt with us needlessly and it was all my fault. Now I understand why the principal was very mad at me, the match actually end in our favour with one goal to nothing through a penalty which was awarded to us when Vincent was injured while trying to score a goal and the penalty was later scored by matt.i Thankgod for everything,thankgod I was given another Chance to make things right, at times anger is not the best solution to
problems, make decisions when angry and you will end up making the best decision you will ever regret.
We drove hastily on the m’baise road in ezenite heading to St. Theresa hospital on the hot crunching sun which could be seen shinning brightly reminding us that we were in the dry season.adaeze and Anabel were also in my car they actually told their driver to take their car home and we use mine for the hospital journey which I dislike so much.i hate everything about hospitals and I never pray to visit anyone again in my life time but here I am left with no other choice than to go and visit my friend who my stupid angry mind placed in the position he is now,it is all my fault.
We got to the hospital and a nurse directed us to the ward Vincent was and we saw him laying on the bed with his Right foot stretched up and it was bandaged all around.he was surprise when he saw all of us together and my friends hug him one after the other while I stood taking a step at a time moving toward him on the bed
slowly with guilt written all over me while he stare at me without saying anything maybe wondering what am up to. I got closer to him and he stretched his hand to place me in a hug but I did the opposite,i bend down and knelt down taking his right hand and i busted into tears of pains which I was trying to hold from falling since I step my feet inside the hospital.
“am sorry Vincent,this is all my fault am ver sorry”.i said amidst tears crying in his hand and He manage to stand up patting me on my back.
“don’t be too hard on yourself brother,you did what need to be done I would have done more if I was in Your shoe”.
“really!,you are not angry with me?”.i asked staring at his eyeballs.
“for leaving tochukwu,yes I am Angry with you even though I know it was Isabella’s fault but for taking the drastic decision of leaving us to our fate with the royal comprehensive high school, am not angry with you but promise me something”.he said and I smiled brushing off my tears with the back of my palm.
“anything.tell me I will do it”.i elucidate happily and he smiled while including Anabel and adaeze the two friends greater than twins.
“promise me you will never allow your anger to make decisions for you ever again”. “I promise,i promise Vincent.i will never
allow it to take decisions for me again”.i said and we hug eachother happily.
“friends for life”.we both coerced together then the girls Join us too and we hug ourself tightly.
“friends for life!!!”.we shouted together hugging for minutes only to hear a cough from our back and we dessengaged to see a man who looks like Vincent and a woman whom I presume to be his wife staring at us in a transfixed spot.
“mom,dad meet my friends from school they came to check on me”.Vincent retorted with a bright smile filled with happiness.
“are they the ones you usually talk about at home?”.the man asked and he nodded in affirmative while we all stood like the good friends we are Lolz.
“oh,that is good,i have always been looking forward to meet the friends that always make my son super happy “.his Mom said
with a bright smile.
“thank you ma”.we all said at the same time smiling too.i must accolade Vincent parents for their cool behaviors, I thought they are gonna start questioning us just like some Africans parents or maybe the questioning part as not yet arrived.
“you must be Isabella right?,the only daughter of Chief okenwa”.Vincent mom asked Isabella.
“yes ma”.
“ohh, what a beauty,my son is actually right when he said non is as beautiful like you on the full spherical earth”.she added and
Isabella smiled.
“thanks MA,am blushing”.Isabella retorted.
“oh spare me that am sure you must be used to praises of your beauty by now. And you, you must be wisdom wealth the new student that has succeeded in conquering the whole prestigious kings academy in just 4 weeks”.Vincent dad ask this time and I smiled. Alright,i think Vincent as told his parent too much about us already which is not cool or maybe it is I don’t know though.
“yes sir,i am”.i replied and he smiled also with his wife.
“ok now the friends that are more than twins,you must be Anabel”.Vincent dad retorted pointing at adaeze and we smiled.
“no honey,i think it is adaeze “.
“I don’t think it is adaeze, she is Anabel”.
“ok I settled for adaeze”.his mother said.
“and I settle for Anabel,the winner will cook dinner today”.Vincent dad said with so
much confidence while we all stood at our various spot laughing our a-s including Vincent who was laughing so hard at his parents funny behaviour on the bed he was seating on.
“alright,it is a bet so young girl what is your name?”.Vincent mom asked adaeze.
“I am adaeze chukwu and this is my best friend or twin sister as people usually refer to us her name is anabel Martin’s”.
“yepeeee!!,yippee yepppee,i won this one”.Vincent mom shouted dancing and
throwing punches in the air while his father face went pale like a child catching cold,now I know where Vincent got his funny behaviors from,a snake can never give birth to a rabbit.
“am going to eat Idi’ka ikong soup and
grilled chicken With pounded yam today o”.
“what!!. you know I can’t prepare that please you will have to choose another soup please”.Vincent dad pleaded with a shocking expression.
“kikikikik, that is what I want to eat, next time you will not argue with your wife again”.
“please honey,you know am not a Calabar man please choose another food”.Vincent dad pleaded while we stood laughing so hard, this people are really awesome how I wish my dad is still alive.
“you made the bet, beside me that is preparing it am I a Calabar woman?”.
“nope,but maybe…… “.
“maybe what??”.
“ better go for online class on how to prepare it I don’t want to eat the poison you cooked the last time you tried to
prepare it”.Vincent mom elucidated filled with a serious countenance.
Our stay in the hospital was filled with laughter and fun throughout by the two funny couple’s and their son who later joined giving us the best fun ever to the extent that we were reluctant to go when it was getting dark but ofcourse we have no choice than to go after which Isabella gave the man Five bundles money To take care of
Vincent promising to come back the next day which we did with the principal and some staffs in the school.
__________THREE DAYS LATER___________________________
It was a bright Saturday afternoon as usual the sun was busy doing what it know how to do best and why it was created.there was
nothing to do rather than to read,eat and play video games as I had already done all the house chores that morning . My mom is no longer selling things and she has gone out to Visit a friend leaving only me at home except ofcourse my driver and gateman.isabella dad promised to open a supermarket for my mom which he as not done yet though I know he is working on it but I still don’t like the idea of my mom working joor afterall we are not lacking anything and the six companies and the account will be mine the moment am through with my studies so why will my mom be working?,Mteew.isabella had called me earlier that she is on the way to my house and I have been expecting her since passing the time with another Etz sky Prince collection which he titled the S. T. A. R season 2 (Restoration of krypton).i have read the first season which was super interesting which was the reason why I
started combing bookshops in ezenite alas I got it and just like expected the writer finish work on it even more than the season one.
Isabella walked in through the opened door looking super stunning as always in her pink leggings and pink top and I became lost feeding my eyes with her Beauty oblivious of what I was doing as my memory became blank and the only thing visible for me at that time is her sparkling beauty before me.
“hello!!!”.she shouted which brought me out of the beautiful world I was back to reality. “oh, sorry welcome”.i managed to say totally embarrassed.
“mteew,keep on staring at something that can never depart from you. Go ln and dress up we are going out”.she elucidated seating
on the same couch with me.
“going out?”.i asked cos that was the first time she is saying that and I Wonder where we are going to.
“yes,or are you not happy with that?”.
“ofcourse I am but to where?”.
“we are going to my House”.she bluntly elucidated and unknown fear flew out of no where and gripped my body totally.
To be continue………..
Now the war is about to start,watch out for the next episode

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