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[STORY] FATED TO DIE (Final Episode 30)



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Episode 30 (Last Episode).


I loved Jason and I won’t accept the fact that he had and he still has eyes for Mellisa. I did everything and I think its time to just sit back and wait for the expected. They are going to break up and that’s a fact even a blind man sees. The difference between them is just too much and that is going to be their love’s weakness. Love is not enough to work the magic in this modern society. Mr and Mrs Smith is most definitely going to be against their union and even if they succeed in bringing Mrs Smith over to their side, Mr Smith is going to be a tough nut to crack. At this point, I just feel pity for poor Mel, because she’s going to be shedding uncontrollable tears and feeling unbearable pains. Time is my greatest weapon. I will have Jason Smith at the end of the road.

Rehearsing for the school’s drama was fun but seeing them spend time together as a couple was sickening. I just couldn’t wait for the school’s drama presentation, Mrs Smith is definitely going to be attending and that would be my opportunity to incite the breakup. The plan was simple but yet very effective. Its obvious that their relationship was a secret, so all I need do is, tell Mrs Smith and probably show her the girl follicking around her precious son. I just couldn’t wait to witness all the drama and if peradventure my plan goes downhill, am going to mastermind an arranged marriage. Our parents are friends and a marriage between both of us would strengthen them in their political and business careers. So, in the end, Jason is mine and mine alone.

Final rehearsal for the big day, everybody was on deck, rehearsing and getting everything ready. I didn’t do much work though, but the suffocating atmosphere was more than enough work for me. Mrs Betty announced a five minutes break which made me breath out in relief. As I ate my sandwich with my two best friends, chatting and laughing our hearts away, planning our trip to South Korea for a getaway after all of this stress, we heard an uproar. Students were running towards a direction and they seemed to be surrounding somebody on the ground. We got up and headed there, only to see Jason Smith on the floor. She must have done something to him, am sure of it and when his parents find out about this, the breakup is for sure. Don’t get me wrong, I am worried about Jason but I know its nothing serious. He’s filthy rich so he can’t develop any kind of sickness out of the blues, so its probably stress and he would be fine. I don’t see the need for all these unnecessary commotion.

I came prepared for our drama presentation on Friday only to be informed that the event was being rescheduled.

Was it that serious? Am I missing something here? Mel is still not yet in school, are they together?

I think I need to pay him a visit at the hospital after school hours.


Jason’s health seemed to deteriorate by day break as his breathing was becoming more faint. A perfect match for a heart transplant was not found and Jason’s already damaged and weak heart was giving way to his death. Mrs Smith was devasted as her blood pressure and sugar level spiked up and she had to be admitted into the same hospital but in a different room.

Damien and Mabel flew back into the country with their families to meet an almost dying Jason on life support, breathing tubes were connected on him but they provided little or no help.

Mellisa stayed besides Jason, refusing to leave his side for a minute. She read novels to him as form of entertainment and listened to soft music, as loud noise or shock might put him in more danger. Alicia visited and stayed with them for some hours before going back home. Natasha also visited them at the hospital. She was really worried about them. They chatted, talked, ate and played together before Jason was put back on sedatives, to help him sleep. Isabella, just like others, visited also but her purpose for visiting was to see things for herself. She felt a bit sad seeing him in pains but angry also, that Mel was with him.

Exams on one hand, Jason on another, Mel was really between crossroads. Studying in the midst of this chaos, was a big challenge to her but she had to overcome, she needs to overcome.


“Doctor, isn’t it better to fly Jason to India for better treatment? He’s not doing good here and I think he’s getting worse already” Mr Smith said to the doctor in his office

“Sir, I understand your point of view but embarking on such journey would do more harm than good to Jason right now. Exposing him in his present condition to changes in weather might affect his lungs, we are not sure about that yet, but there’s a probability that his body might not be able to adjust to the fluctuations that flight brings and even if he does adjust on time, getting to wherever you wish to take him, he’s still going to receive the exact same treatment as we are giving here. The only solution to all of these is the transplant and unfortunately, we have had little or no success in that aspect” The doctor explained calmly

“So all we can do now is wait, hope and pray that we find a match for him as soon as possible?” Mr Smith said after a deep sigh

“Not just a match, a healthy and safe match” the doctor replied softly


Drama unfolds on Saturday as Mrs Smith offered to be the donor to Jason. Mr Smith, Mabel and Damien tried talking her out of it but she was bent on her decision. They finally let her go in for the test, and when the results came out, it showed her unfit to be a donor. She wasn’t a match for Jason.


“Babe!” Jason’s voice was extremely low and soft but not low enough to escape Mel’s extra sharp and sensitive hearing.

“Yes baby”she said as she got up from the midst of the books lying on the floor.

“Studying for the exams on Monday?” He asked as she sat directly facing him on the bed

“Yeah. Am studying for two” she replied with a smile

“Am going to get a bit of leverage you know right? Whenever I get out of here, I will write the exams with ease” he replied her with a smirk as she chuckled lightly

“By then, you would have forgotten everything you were taught and I would have to be your private tutor. So, I need to be prepared for that”

“Right now, I care less about that examination” his voice suddenly sounded really sad

“Don’t talk like that” she said, trying hard to fight the tears, threatening to burst loose

“Have they found a match for me?”

“Not yet but they will, am sure of it” Her own voice was becoming sadder

“They never will and that’s the fact. I already accepted death” he said, as her tears dropped down her eyelids. She couldn’t compose the right words, as she tilted her face forward, taking possession of his lips. Her tear drops on his face as she pushed her tongue into his mouth. He couldn’t hold her as much as he wanted, he felt too weak already, so he let her take control of the kiss.

“You are not leaving me. You are not leaving this beautiful life you have. You will leave this hospital alive and I mean it” She said after breaking the kiss, wiping off the tear drops that fell on his face

“There’s no hope Mel. Its the end. It’s my end and am ready to accept it now”


“I love you Mellisa. Forever have and forever will”


The sun was setting, as it announced the arrival of dusk. Jason was rushed from the ICU into the theater as his lungs were collapsing. He was turning pale. The machines were no longer working on him and he could barely breath. The team of doctors were able to stabilize him but he was locked up in a room, away from others. No one could go in except the doctors and nurses.

“How is he doing now doctor?” Damien asked the doctor, as he walked out of the small enclosure holding his brother

“He has less than two hours. If nothing is done, that would be his end. Am sorry” The doctor replied walking away from them

“No! Not my baby! Not my son! God why me? Please help me! Please!” Mrs Smith cried out, as Mabel too was not left out in the crying.


Hearing the doctor say that, I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I rushed out of the hospital, running away from all of this pains, when I bumped into somebody. I couldn’t see the person, as my eyes were covered with tears.

“Sorry” I said, about walking out on whoever it was when the person pulled me gently

“What’s wrong Mellisa” the calm voice asked

“Natasha!?” I asked, wiping the tears away as I looked at her closely

“What’s going on? I brought food for you guys and some reading materials. You know exams starts on Monday and I wanted to join you in reading, to help you better concentrate. We are all devasted by what is going on and I understand the pains you are going through as well but we have to be strong for him, he needs us to be” She said, ever so lovingly and caring. Her eyes spoke of genuine love for me, or was it Jason? Whoever it was, I don’t really care but for her to do this much regardless of all that has happened, I have deep respect for her.

“He has less than two hours Tasha. Two hours and he’s gone forever” I replied, my tears dropping so freely

“You are joking right?” She too was becoming sadder as she gripped my hands

“And he’s being isolated. He’s spending his last two hours under sedatives in an enclosure, away from those he loves and cares about Tasha”

“Mel, tell me this is a joke” I saw the tear drop from her eyes as she spoke

“A match was not found for him. Jason is dying Tasha and I can’t even help”

“Am sorry Mellisa” she whispered as she held me in a hug, our tears consoling each other

“Actually, there’s something I can do for him”

“No Mellisa. Don’t even think about it” she replied, breaking from the hug, looking me straight in the eyes

“Its the only way Tasha and I need to do it”

“That’s a ticket to death and Jason wouldn’t want that”

“Jason stands a better chance alive than me. He’s from a rich home and an influential background. After his school days, he’s going to take over one of his father’s companies… ”

“And your family loves and adores you. After school, you are going to get a job, am sure of it”

“My parents are poor. Not my parents actually, my adoptive parents. I am a bastardized orphan, no family, no name, no nothing. Life already snatched too much from me already”

“You have your parents, Alicia, me and most importantly Jason. After all of this is over, am one hundred percent positive that you guys are going to be official and I hope to get invited for the wedding” She was trying to cheer me up

“Jason! He has two hours and life is about snatching him away also”

“Let’s calm down Mel. Call your mum and tell her everything, let’s see what she thinks about it all”

“Okay” I replied softly


Nurses rushed into the enclosure and soon after, Jason was pushed out on a bed. The Smiths’ looked confused as to why Jason was being taken away. They immediately followed and caught up with the crew, as they stood in front of the elevator.

“What’s going on? Where are you taking him?” Damien asked no one in particular

“Doctor Greg asked him to be brought to the theater immediately” one of the nurses replied

“Theater? Has a match be found for him?” Anna asked

“Yes” another nurse replied as the elevator beeped, the doors opening wide for them to enter.

“Just pray for a successful operation” one of the nurses said, as the doors closed.


Seconds turned to minutes and minutes into hours. It’s been five long fearful hours, as the Smiths’ sat uncomfortably at the lobby, awaiting the goodnews, hopefully though.

Time seemed to be frozen, as it looked as though they had been sitting for three days but the clock told them it had been five hours.

“Jason Smith?” A woman asked as she approached the family. From the way she was dressed, she looked like a nurse.

“Yes. Any news?” Mabel answered

“Am here to take you to the waiting room” The nurse said

“Another waiting room?” Mrs Smith asked but the nurse already walked away. They all sighed as they followed behind her.

The elevator door opened as they were on a new floor of the building. They sat down, patiently waiting, when a familiar face walked up to them.

“Finally, doctor. What’s going on?” Mr Smith asked

“The transplant was successful and Jason is officially out of danger for the now but you can’t meet with him just yet”

“Are you serious doctor? My baby is out of danger? Thank you God!” Mrs Smith exclaimed in joy

“Thank goodness” Mr Smith sighed in relief

“A match was finally found in the last minute!” Damien said softly

“A donor actually came up and fortunately for us, it was a perfect match” the doctor spoke up

“A donor? What donor? Who is he?” Mabel asked

“The donor asked that his identity remain undisclosed till Jason was back on his feet again”

“Whoever he is, I am forever indebted to him and if he left a family behind, am going to take care of them myself”

“Congratulations! Please excuse me” the doctor said, before excusing himself

“Am so happy. Where is Mellisa? She should come share in this great joy” Mrs Smith said

“You know they have exams by Monday, she texted that she was going to the library and from there, she would go home to prepare food for Jason” Anna said, her face full with smiles

“Prepare food for Jason?” Mabel asked

“Yeah. Here’s the text” Anna said handing her phone over to them.

•Am off to the library to study for exams on Monday. I’ll head home from there to prepare some food for Jason. Tell mum not to miss me too much. Tell Jason, I love him a whole lot. Take good care of yourself Anna. Goodbye•

“Call her to come back immediately. Let her hear the goodnews” Mrs Smith said after reading the text message

“Okay mum” Anna replied excitedly.



Jason was finally out off danger, as all his vitals were back to normal. He had a new healthy heart and it was a miracle the Smiths’ would forever cherish. Anna tried reaching out to Mel but she wasn’t picking and that made Anna very worried, she decided to go to her house. Since she had been there before, going again won’t be a problem, she just hoped to recognize the exact building. As she left the hospital building into the parking lot, she heard someone crying. The person was seated on one of the benches in the garden.

“Tasha right?” She asked as she approached the person crying in the open

“Anna!” Tasha replied, obviously shocked to see Anna here

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying here? What happened?” She asked with concern in her voice, as she sat besides her on the bench

“Nothing. I’m fine” Tasha replied, wiping her tears with the back of her hand

“Don’t tell me you are fine when you don’t look fine”

“I will be. How is Jason doing?”

“A donor showed up. The operation was successful and Jason is officially out of danger” continue reading here…

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