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[STORY] FATED TO DIE (Episode 22)



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Episode 22.


I was so excited seeing Jason bring the victory home, I didn’t know he was such a good swimmer. I hung around him as all the girls from both lower classes and our class, were all over him. They used the guise of celebrating the victory to flaunt their body at him, but I was smarter than that; there’s no how am going to let any girl snatch my man.

The bell rang for close of school as students started leaving the school. Finally, I was left with Jason all alone as he decided to spend time with me, much to my relief.

Just when I thought I was enjoying my time with the love of my life, I heard a loud bang, as the barrel at the other side of the pool fell, as I glanced at the direction of the noise.

There she stood, looking annoyingly beautiful, such a pest. My hatred for her tripled because she always seem to get Jason running after her each and every time. She’s just a pretender. I know she wants Jason as well but I must hand it to her, she’s really good at pretending to not want him and still pull him to herself.

“Sorry for interrupting your fun. I was just about leaving” I heard that annoyingly soft, smooth voice of hers

“Mellisa!” I heard Jason call out as he got out of the pool, about walking towards her but she had turned back and walked away even before he could get dried.

“Are you going home now?” I asked softly, as I saw him getting dressed in a rush

“I want to see if I can catch up with Mel” he replied, not looking at me but concentrating on getting dressed

“And do what?” I asked, trying very hard to hide the anger in my voice, but my emotions were betraying me

“And talk with her” he replied, still not looking at me but focused on getting himself ready to leave

“I don’t get something here, Jason” I said, standing in front of him

“What are you talking about?” He asked, lacing his shoes hurriedly

“She slaps you in public, humiliating you in front of the whole school and you still run after her to talk to her or rather beg for her forgiveness?” I asked, my voice raised a bit higher than I anticipated.

He sighed deeply, raising his head to look at me for a minute before looking back down.

“You wouldn’t understand” he replied

“Exactly! I don’t understand so could you please make me understand why you are always running after her and why its only her you see. No matter what she does or how bad she treats you, you still chase after her like a child whose candy was taken” I was yelling now, as I felt deep pains in my heart already

“You would not understand. I have to go now” he said, standing up to leave but I stood in front of him, blocking his path

“No Jason. I insist you tell me everything and make things clear to me. Why can’t you see me? Am I that invincible to your eyes? Don’t I fall under your league? Am I not beautiful enough for you? Tell me the honest truth, why must it be an orphan? What does she have that the rest of us don’t? What makes her so special, more special than the rest of us?” The tears I was trying to hold in, burst out, flooding my cheeks and face as my voice was shaky

“She has my heart. She has had it for over two lifetimes now and I can’t see anybody else because she’s the one holding onto it. I’m a child whose candy was taken away forcefully. I love Mellisa and no one else and am prepared to get slapped even in an airport for that. Excuse me please” he replied, pushing his way besides me as I heard his footsteps leave the room.

I couldn’t help but collapse on the floor, as I cried bitterly. I was heartbroken and hurt. The pain was too much to bear, I felt like dying. Mellisa was officially my enemy now.


I ran out of the swimming room and into the school compound, but Mel was not in sight. I took my bike, driving gently, my eyes searching for her but she suddenly disappeared. I thought about visiting her home but kicked against the idea, that would be disrespectful to her parents.

I decided to go home and relax my mind, its been a long day and as I laid on my bed, the events of the day replayed continuously in my head.

I kind of regretted my outburst to Natasha but what did Natasha really mean? Why was she that emotional all of a sudden? Did I send the wrong signals? Is Natasha in love with me? But how? Why didn’t I see this from the onset? Hurting Natasha is the last thing on my mind but returning what she felt for me would be betraying myself and I couldn’t possibly live with that. My life is just a big complication and just when I thought it couldn’t get anymore complicated, I find myself in the most awkward of love triangles.

Should I call Tasha and explain things to her? No! I think it’s better to let her cry and feel the pains of rejection and then heal on her own, it would be for her good if I don’t try to explain anything to her, explaining anything to her would be bad for the situation at hand. But what exactly am I explaining? How can I possibly explain any of these happenings to anybody and he would believe or understand?

It’s at times like this that I miss my big sister being around.

I called the hospital to check up on Mel’s mum and was told she had already been discharged.

Day break came pretty fast, as I sluggishly walked down the flight of stairs, headed for school. the kitchen to get myself a cup of herbal tea to get my day started.

“Good morning sir”
“Good morning boss”
Echoed in my ears as I made my way to the kitchen, nodding at the maids to acknowledge their greetings.

“Where’s my mum” I asked absentmindedly at the maid in the kitchen

“She’s not down yet” the maid replied

I nodded and continued making my tea, since I don’t like anyone apart from my mum and big sister, making my tea.

Soon, I was done as I savoured the rich taste of the herbal tea, whilst walking to my room, sipping gently on it. As I walked past my mum’s room, I heard a loud noise. I froze on the spot, hurrying to the room, scared for my mum’s health. I knocked gently on the door, but there was no response. I pushed it gently, dropping my mug on the table besides the door in the room. Mum was on the phone, her face lit up with excitement as she spoke to whoever she was speaking to. I gave her the ‘what is going on’ kind of look but she gave me a smile as a reply.

“Baby guess what!?” She said after dropping her phone. Excitement filled her voice as she couldn’t stop smiling.

“First of, am not a baby and I have told you countless times mum” I replied, sipping from my tea “and for the guessing part, just tell me the news already”

“Mabel was delivered of a bouncing baby girl!” Mum screamed excitedly

“You are joking right?” I was becoming excited also

“Joke? I just got off the phone with her”

“Am going to call her right away. My baby niece just arrived” I said excitedly as I went over to my room to make the call

Mum and I left for California immediately to see Mabel and little Emily. My little niece was more than cute, I took lots and lots of pictures with her and spent my weekend with them before returning to New York on Sunday night. Exams were fast approaching and I shouldn’t miss out of classes.


Weekend was really eventful as I get to spend quality time with mum and Alicia, I couldn’t be happier.

“How did it happen?” I heard dad’s voice in the kitchen as I walked down the stairs to get my book from the table in the sitting room.

“How did what happened?” Mum replied. I couldn’t see them but I could bet my life on it that mum had a smile on her face.

“The sudden closeness between Alicia and Mellisa. I was away for some days, I came back to see them both nice and friendly, like they were twins” Dad sounded curious

“Isn’t that what we have been hoping and praying for? That both our kids would love themselves equally and live together in harmony and unity” mum said

“But what really happened?”

“A miracle I guess. I woke up to see them doing things together as sisters and am not going to ask them how it happened, let’s just pray and hope it lasts” mum said as I picked up my book and headed upstairs unnoticed

As I walked down the hallway, I heard Alicia talk to somebody on the phone

“Don’t even baby me please” I heard her say. There was silence for a while “Are you trying to bribe me or what?”

I knocked on the door, as she opened it gently, motioning me to be quiet.

“I will think about it” she said into her phone, laughing lightly “what else do you want me to say? I’ll think about it and give you my response” silence followed as I sat on the bed “I’ll chat you up. Now get the fu*k out of my phone” she said laughing as she hung up

She looked at me, as I gave her that suspicious look.

“What!?” She asked, laughing as she sat besides me

“Your boyfriend?”

She nodded as I gasped in genuine surprise

“You never told me you were already dating. Since when?”

“Four months in a two weeks time” she replied shyly

“And you like him?”

“A whole lot”

“Wait! Is he in our school?”

She nodded shyly, smiling and blushing at the same time.

“Then its all good but just be careful okay”

“Yes Ma’am” she replied in a funny manner “are you going to tell me now?”

“Tell you what?”

“Jason! You went over to see him but came back crying and sad. What really happened?”

“I saw Jason and Tasha making out in his house”

“OH! MY GOODNESS! But how could she? I thought you both were friends”

“How could she not? We are friends but Jason and I were never dating in the first place so whether or not they make out, is not supposed to be my headache or concern”

Alicia sighed deeply “you must surely feel heartbroken. I know you are trying to look at the bright side of things and all, but you are in deep pains and I know. I understand but just know that what is yours, would always remain yours”

“Thanks Alicia and am going to be fine. Need to go do my assignment now. Talk to you later and whatever you are planning with your boyfriend, don’t get pregnant!”

She gasped in surprise as she threw a pillow at me, laughing “Leave my room”

Monday came by real fast as another new school week began.

Alicia and I went to school together and I got to meet her boyfriend, Rollins, who happened to be in science department, same as her.

I entered into the class, sitting on my designated seat, ready for the day’s lecture. For some reasons, Jason was distancing himself from Natasha as Natasha returned the favour, her expression was blank as her face was devoid of that beautiful smile I knew her for. Maybe they were having a couple’s fight, who knows?

Mrs Betty walked into the class, greeting us in her usual friendly manner as she dropped her bag on the table, scribbling something on the board.

“Our special drama presentation is in three weeks time and I have already prepared the scripts needed. We start practice immediately. Play is titled, THE TWELFTH NIGHT BY WILLIAMS SHAKESPEARE. Our main lead characters are Viola, a lady who disguises as a guy, Duke Orsino, Countess Olivia and Sebastian. Sebastian and Viola are twins who got separated during a shipwreck. Viola who is now disguised as a guy, bearing the name Cesario, works for Duke Orsino. Duke Orsino is in love with Countess Olivia but his love is not returned and he sends Cesario to help him woe her. Things went haywire when Countess Olivia falls for Cesario, not knowing she was a woman like her. In the end of the play, Viola got married to Duke Orsino and Countess Olivia got married to Sebastian. Now guys, I have picked out who would handle these four important roles; Isabella, Jason, Mellisa and Raymond. Raymond is playing the character of Sebastian, Jason is playing the character of Duke Orsino, Isabella would play the character of Countess Olivia and Mellisa would play the character of Viola. Let’s get to work people”

We started rehearsal immediately as Mrs Betty applauded us for being fast in learning and how well we acted our roles, although we had not yet mastered our scripts.

At the close of school, I went out to meet Alicia so we could go home together but she told me Rollins and her wanted to hang out for a while. I decided to stroll out to the compound myself when I heard my name behind me. I turned to see who was calling me and there he was, standing meters away from me. I decided to walk away when I felt his strong grip on my arm, as I swirled around crashing into his chest. I still have not recovered when I felt his lips on mine, I tried pushing him off me but it only made his grip tighter. I couldn’t help but give him access into my mouth, as his tongue crashed against mine; I found myself lost in his kiss…

To Be Continued….. . . .

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